
Chapter 734 New Business at Imperial Treasure Studio

Chapter 734 New Business at Imperial Treasure Studio

Chapter 390 VII New Business at Imperial Treasure Studio

"I'm afraid, this matter has to fall on Sister Qiangwei." Wang Sheng pondered for a while, and finally found a bridge to communicate with the former disciple of Triumph Palace, Sister Qiangwei.

"Send a letter to Wuyou City and tell Sister Qiangwei to come to the capital immediately." Wang Sheng instructed Mei'er.Now Ah Qi and Meier in Wuyou City seem to have a special communication bird, so Meier can arrange it as soon as possible.

Mei'er agreed and quickly made arrangements.This is business, not the moment for Meier to be jealous.

It may take more than half a month for the Three Kingdoms to send people from the Triumph Palace, and Wang Sheng still has enough time to wait for Sister Qiangwei to come over and discuss the countermeasures.

With the hustle and bustle of all parties, Wang Sheng himself finally had some time to relax, and he could think about the skills he practiced and what change he had to complete in the next level.

He has already completed Chiwen Transformation, Taotie Transformation, Bixi Transformation, Negative Qi Transformation, Pulao Transformation, Suanni Transformation, and Prisoner Cattle Transformation. Speaking of which, Wang Sheng is currently at the seventh level of cultivation.

Wang Sheng has already started to practice the method of keeping the meditation, and the villain with fighting consciousness is deducing the plan of practicing the Taoist method and the method of keeping the meditation at the same time, and it has reached the final stage.

While Wang Sheng was waiting for the deduction of the exercises to be completed, and for Sister Qiangwei to arrive in the capital from Wuyou City, Yubaozhai, which had been quiet recently, responded. Lu Wenhou and Linger came to the capital together to visit Wang Sheng's mansion .

It was rare that Lu Wenhou came to the capital, Wang Sheng ordered Wang Guanshi to welcome the two distinguished guests with the most solemn attitude, and took Meier to receive Lu Wenhou and Linger together.Just such a small matter made Meier happy for several days.

When he was in Tongxing City last time, Wang Sheng promised Lu Wenhou that he could cooperate with Yubaozhai on a business. At that time, Yubaozhai postponed the cooperation on the grounds that he had not thought about it. This time, Lu Wenhou came for this matter. of.

"Master Lu, have you decided what business you want to do?" Wang Sheng asked Lu Wenhou after drinking three rounds and eating five flavors.

"The food here is still delicious!" Lu Wenhou praised while nodding: "Think about it."

"Why, are you planning to open a restaurant?" Hearing that Lu Wenhou had been praising Wang Sheng's cook and food, Wang Sheng thought he was really interested in cooking, so he couldn't help asking with a smile.

"No, it's just a touch." Lu Wenhou said with a smile: "There are delicious dishes now, but it seems that there is no top-quality wine. After all, it doesn't match. Is there any way for the Marquis?"

Yubaozhai actually wanted to do wine business, Wang Sheng couldn't help but look at Lu Wenhou and his think tank with admiration.It has to be said that Lu Wenhou really found a good way to make money.

With the taste of the so-called best wine that Wang Sheng tasted in this world that can be given to the emperor, Wang Sheng can casually make wine that surpasses their eight streets.If something like wine really started a business, it would be a huge profit.

There is no worry about lack of food in this world, and there is a lot of food that can be used to make wine.Even if compared with the current price of top-quality wine, making wine is a business that can make a profit without losing money, not to mention that Wang Sheng is sure to produce wine that is several times better than the good wine in the capital. At that time, the price will not skyrocket ?

"Have you figured it out?" Wang Sheng asked with a smile just to be on the safe side.

"I've thought about it a long time ago!" The answer was Miss Lu Wenhou's heart and soul. She has always been unconvinced by Wang Sheng, of course not because of her cultivation base, but because of her knowledge. After searching all the records about wine making, there is no better way than the current wine, can you make better wine than this?"

What Wang Sheng entertained Lu Wenhou was the best wine in the capital, known as "Ten Miles Fragrance".However, in Wang Sheng's opinion, the name of Shilixiang really does not match the reality.Firstly, the alcohol content is not high enough, so it tastes a bit bland, and secondly, there are still some fine sediments in the wine, which makes the wine cloudy, and the appearance is not good enough.

On the earth, if someone dares to sell wine of this quality, they must either change the name to a higher-strength fermented glutinous rice, or stop selling it.If someone really dares to sell it as wine, they will definitely be beaten up by customers and scolded by unscrupulous merchants.

"Cooperate when you think about it." Wang Sheng smiled in response to Miss Linger's rudeness, and that confident smile made Miss Linger grit her teeth and lose her temper.

"However, aren't you afraid that if you earn gold coins, they will be snatched away by the princes in the name of official camp?" Wang Sheng suddenly asked a lot.

Lu Wenhou suddenly laughed.Wang Sheng dared to ask this question, which shows that he has enough confidence to make this business similar to the salt and sugar business, otherwise how could it be possible to tempt the princes?Without great benefits, who would be willing to provoke a behemoth like Yubaozhai or Baoqingyutang?

Even though the countries divided up the salt and sugar business of Baoqing Yutang, the countries did not pay a price.For a period of time, prices in various places soared, and it was almost to the point where the people were in dire straits.In the end, the countries took a small step back and gave Baoqingyutang some rewards, and promised to permanently reduce the tax of 5.00% for Baoqingyutang's business, which was considered to have settled the dispute.

Although Baoqing Yutang was injured, it took at least half a year for the salt and sugar business swallowed by various countries to reopen.During this period, some high-level people in various countries were assassinated, injured or even died. The killers of Wuyou City and Shenwei Prison earned no one knows how many gold coins.Naturally, Baoqing Yutang did not reduce the number of deaths. In the end, the two parties finally reached an agreement.

Wang Sheng of Yubaozhai didn't know the details, but Wang Sheng believed that it would never be worse than that of Baoqing Yutang.

"Salt and sugar are goods that are related to people's livelihood, and the official operation is justified." Lu Wenhou replied with a smile: "But this wine is by no means a necessity for the people's livelihood. Wouldn't it be unreasonable to want an official operation?"

"If you want to be reasonable, can they take Yantang to the official camp?" Wang Sheng also laughed.This can also be regarded as a test for Lu Wenhou. If he can't keep his own business, why should Wang Sheng use it to make money for others?

"There is an unreasonable way to be unreasonable." Lu Wenhou still smiled all over his face: "In the past few years, Yubaozhai has also cultivated several masters who are at the peak of legend."

"I'm afraid it's not enough." Wang Sheng shook his head directly: "I'm afraid there will be more masters in the future. The masters of the Yubaozhai family can't match the number of others."

"So I plan to do this business with the owner of Wuyou City." Lu Wenhou finally said his ultimate insurance: "I just don't know if you are willing to give up a little bit, Lord Hou. We will work together. If someone wants an official camp, I'm afraid they have to think carefully about it, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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