
Chapter 746

Chapter 746
Chapter [-] Voting Certificate
The second woman in red was not the only one who was shocked, almost everyone who saw that scene was surprised.

Among the women present, almost every one is related to the Triumph Palace, a small half of them practice this kind of exercise, and the rest have come into contact with people who practice the Yongchun Heart Method on weekdays. Do you know what kind of exercise Yongchun Xinfa is?
It is precisely because everyone knows Yongchun's mentality that so many people are surprised.You must know that the second red-clothed woman just now is at least at the seventh level of cultivation. Although she has only entered the seventh level for a short time, she has also upgraded through solid battles.Everyone knows that Tantai Yao is the master of the hidden hall, who specializes in the Yongchun mind method, how could he take down a master of the seventh level with one hand?
But obviously this moment is not a good time to get to the bottom of it. Everyone was surprised and looked at Wang Sheng.Let's see how Chang Sheng Hou Wang Sheng will deal with these two women.

The two women in red had already been caught in one place, and they were struggling and twisting fiercely, but under the control of several women with almost the same level of cultivation next to each other, the two women had no choice but to twist take any other action.

"The injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner." Wang Sheng walked in front of the two women, and he didn't guard against the female masters around him at all, he just said to the two women: "You are looking for me, are you looking for the wrong person?"

"Dog thief! Who else is there besides you?" The two women seemed to understand that there was no reason, and cursed.

"I can understand." Wang Sheng nodded, but said very gently: "You are being taken over by others, but you always feel that a couple of one night is a hundred days of kindness, and a hundred days of a couple is like the depths of the sea. You must be your husband who was killed. , so I want to kill me for revenge. However, I would like to ask, I am doing business well, so why should someone come to my door for no reason and want to rob me, and I am not allowed to resist?"

"You are sitting on a golden mountain, but you can't keep it by yourself. Who is to blame?" The two red-clothed women stopped struggling, and one of them grinned at Wang Sheng: "If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being incompetent!"

"It makes sense!" Wang Sheng asked the other party unhurriedly: "But I defended it, so those of you who didn't grab it will have to die, isn't that right?"

The two women in red were at a loss for words.In fact, Wang Sheng's first question, if it really had to be debated, it would be unreasonable for the entire Kaixuan Kingdom.But the two women insisted on messing around and talking about the theory of the weak and the strong, and Wang Sheng responded with the same reasoning. The other party really didn't have such a good eloquence. He could silence Wang Sheng's words, but he had nothing to say.

"Among you, do you have similar ideas?" Wang Sheng raised his voice, and shouted at all the women present: "If there are, stand up, and I promise as Lord Marquis that I will never embarrass you."

There were more than 600 women, but none of them stood up.Everyone has almost the same experience, and how many people really feel that they should avenge the dead man who forced him to occupy him?This is only the case with these two brains.

"Do you think we are all fools?" The second woman in red wore a grin on her face, "You never know who will hold a grudge against you. Someday someone will take your life."

"You two don't even have the courage to live for yourselves, I pity you." Wang Sheng's voice pierced into the other's ears and heart mercilessly: "You have been coerced, raped, and abused. But you didn’t dare to resist, and you actually obeyed the man who bullied you. You were not happy when he died, but you wanted to avenge him. You are destined to be a servant who will be trampled under your feet and taken to the grave when you die People like you are a disgrace."

"Look at the sisters around you, have they ever given up resisting for a moment?" Wang Sheng did not hide his contemptuous eyes and voice: "Even if they can't beat them, they will struggle hard in secret, resist hard, and wait Chance. You compare yourself to them, and you deserve it?"

Those words made the eyes of all the girls around them turn red. They have suffered so much from being coerced and raped all these years, and finally one person said it clearly, and someone could understand.

As for those two women in red, how dare they look at Wang Sheng?Except that there was still hatred in the eyes, but they never dared to raise their heads again, and the gazes of the surrounding women made the two of them feel ashamed.

"I said I won't embarrass you, so I won't embarrass you." Wang Sheng shook his head and said, "The two are just shells without souls. Send them out of the house and let them go wherever they fall in love!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Sheng walked back to the chair in the middle hall and sat down, quietly waiting for the girls to send him away.

Tantaiyao looked at Wang Sheng in surprise, then looked down at the two controlled women in red, and winked at Qiangwei.

Qiangwei immediately understood, stepped forward and walked in front of the first red-clothed woman, squatted down slowly, and said to her: "Master Hou is generous, let you out of the house. But, let me tell you, you got out of this There is only one result for the mansion. People from Tang Xia Feng and the Three Kingdoms will arrest you again, without the protection of Lord Hou, you will only live but not die!"

Puchi, there was a soft sound, and the woman in red immediately showed a pained and incredible expression on her face, she stared blankly at Qiangwei.

Qiangwei was not moved at all, she just inserted the dagger that belonged to the woman in red deeper, and said at the same time: "You have failed so many of our sisters in these years of suffering, since you can't let go of your Husband who has died, then I will send you to see him personally, so as not to let you go out and suffer again."

After finishing speaking, Qiangwei drew out the dagger abruptly, and the blood of the woman in red immediately shot all over Qiangwei.But Qiangwei didn't dodge in the slightest, she just stared closely at the eyes of the woman in red until her unwilling eyes slowly faded away.

During the whole process, the female masters who held the woman in red didn't relax, it seemed that everyone was in the same mood.

Tantaiyao also slowly walked up to the second woman in red, stood at the same spot, looked down at the woman, and shook her head coldly: "You heard it all? Let's go on the road without worry!"

Pa, Tantai Yao slapped the woman in red on the forehead heavily.The woman in red didn't even have the slightest struggle, her body just hung down limply.

Watching this scene, Wang Sheng remained calm, but there was a lot of smile in Meier's eyes.The actions of Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei, like two certificates of honor, tied them firmly with Wang Sheng, which made Meier feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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