
Chapter 747

Chapter 747
Chapter [-] Voting Certificate
"Master Hou, can you ask Master Hou to avoid it first, and discuss it with my sisters." After disposing of the two red-clothed women who attacked Wang Sheng, Tantaiyao pleaded apologetically to Wang Sheng road.

Without further ado, Wang Sheng got up and smiled at Tan Taiyao and Sister Qiangwei, turned around with Meier and left the middle hall, leaving only a yard of beauties and masters and two corpses.

The first meeting was not a very pleasant one. I moved my hands and died. Anyway, it was not so happy.Wang Sheng didn't care about it, but Mei'er was about to explode.

"These ungrateful guys, it's Lord Hou who gave them a chance to live, and they actually repay their kindness with revenge." The two went back to the Hou's mansion directly, and the distance is not far, just walking.But Mei'er was a little furious, extremely furious, and almost ordered all the women in the courtyard of the palace to be arrested and tortured.

"Is this worthy of anger?" Wang Sheng was more open than Meier. From the earth to this soul world, no one is liked by everyone, and Wang Sheng himself is even less likely.

Wang Sheng understands this very well, so he never had the idea that everyone loves me. Even among the slaves, there may not be no one who hates himself, let alone those who came from the Triumph Kingdom.The whole kingdom of Triumph was destroyed because of Wang Sheng, so people can't hate him?Then wait for revenge?
Among the more than 600 people, Wang Sheng thought that there would be at least ten people who would kill him, but when he arrived at the scene, Wang Sheng's keen perception only found two, which surprised Wang Sheng.

In the palace courtyard, Wang Sheng really did not intend to kill those two women.It's not necessary at all, as Sister Qiangwei said, as long as they are driven out, the people of the Three Kingdoms will naturally know what to do. The ending of the two of them is absolutely impossible to survive.

The performance of Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei also surprised Wang Sheng, and decisively killed the two girls to win the favor of Wang Sheng and Meier, and at the same time calmed down those girls.

I just don't know what they will talk about next and what the outcome of the talk will be.Sister Qiangwei, Wang Sheng didn't expect much, but Tantaiyao seemed to be someone who could bring him surprises.

This is another day.Wang Sheng practiced and slept peacefully, until the morning of the next day when he saw Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei again.

Meier and Wang Sheng were still together, Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei spent the whole day and night with those women yesterday, and they didn't know what they talked about.For the purpose of testing the abilities of Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei, Wang Sheng did not eavesdrop on what they were talking about, and now he is waiting for Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei to give him an answer.

"Master Hou, can I ask you a question?" Tantai Yao did not immediately introduce the current situation, but asked Wang Sheng: "Does the rule of the Hou Mansion still count?"

"Which rule?" Wang Sheng asked puzzled.

"The slave servants in the mansion, if they have reached the fourth level of cultivation, they can let them go and leave as a benefactor." Tantaiyao asked calmly: "You can continue to cooperate with the Hou Mansion as an employment relationship, or You can leave anytime."

"It counts!" Wang Sheng nodded without hesitation.This rule was set by Wang Sheng himself, of course it counts.

Meier stared at her big beautiful eyes and asked, "What do you want to do? Do you want to leave before entering the Marquis Mansion?" Unexpectedly, Tantaiyao's first question was to ask this, could it be they Don't you want to stay here at all?

The beauties sent here are all masters, no matter how powerful they are, if calculated according to their cultivation level, everyone's cultivation level is far beyond the fourth-level realm.That is to say, as long as these people enter the Hou's Mansion, according to the rules of the Hou's Mansion, they should be released, and then become good people and leave at will.

"If Lord Hou still admits it, then according to Master Hou's rules, they can indeed be let go." Tantaiyao said to Wang Sheng with a smile: "Master Hou, if this is the case, do you also have to accept the rules? "

"Acknowledge!" Wang Sheng replied affirmatively again.Meier next to her was already anxious to jump, but when Wang Sheng grabbed her little hand and shook it gently, Meier calmed down immediately, leaned against Wang Sheng, and never spoke again.

"I know that Lord Hou is grand." Tantaiyao smiled and gave Wang Sheng a thumbs up: "So, yesterday I told everyone about this rule of the Hou Mansion, and let them choose by themselves."

Meier almost jumped up again.Let those women choose by themselves, please, they are gifts for Wang Sheng, okay?Which master hasn't looked carefully at his gift, the gift is not his own?Who can accept it?

"If they are smart, they should immediately take the opportunity to ask the Hou Mansion to let her go." Wang Sheng suppressed Mei'er again, and said slowly.

Meier was held back by Wang Sheng, and there was another burst of warmth from Wang Sheng's hand, which immediately calmed down her angry mood.Listening carefully to Wang Sheng's words, he pondered in his heart.

After Wang Sheng finished speaking, he suddenly asked curiously: "They won't suddenly be stupid collectively, and they won't seize such a good opportunity, right? After passing this village, there will be no such shop."

Hearing Wang Sheng's metaphor, Tantaiyao immediately covered her mouth and laughed.Sister Qiangwei also couldn't help but laugh.

"Fortunately, the Three Kingdoms sent you smart people, so everyone unanimously decided to ask Lord Hou to let them be good according to the rules of the Hou Mansion." Sheng said.

"It's easy to say." Wang Sheng nodded, and immediately told Mei'er: "Send someone to say hello to the Yamen today, and ask them to send some safe people to the house to complete the documents for Fangliang."

Although Meier had 1 reluctances in her heart, Meier would definitely listen to Wang Sheng's instructions, stood up, and took Sister Qiangwei to make arrangements, without procrastinating at all.

Wang Sheng is now in full swing, not to mention asking the yamen to send a few people to the mansion to handle affairs, even if they directly ask their chief officials to do it themselves, they dare not say anything.Of course, Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei understood that this was Wang Sheng's way of defending them. Knowing that those girls were beautiful, it must be troublesome to bring them to the Yamen, so they deliberately took care of their face.

"Master Hou is really brave!" Tantaiyao gave Wang Sheng a thumbs up again.

If you don't accept it, there are more than 600 beauties. According to the principle, they are all Wang Sheng's slaves. They can do whatever they want, but Wang Sheng let them go without blinking. , it is not something ordinary people can do.In addition, it also explained from the side again that Wang Sheng has never hit them with crooked ideas, and he is definitely not a lustful person.

"It's a bit embarrassing to say it." Tan Taiyao said embarrassment, but she still said it: "After releasing Liang, everyone still wants to continue to cooperate with you, Lord Hou."

(End of this chapter)

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