
Chapter 782 Continuation in the Imperial City 5

Chapter 782 Continuation Five in the Imperial City

Chapter 420 Continuation Five in the Imperial City

For a moment, the emperor was really tempted.A powerful master who can evenly match the gestures of the three major priests!If it can be used for its own use, the high-level power controlled by the royal family will directly double!

It was just a little bit short, and the emperor was almost about to speak.At this moment, the third sound of bowstring sounded.

The target of the heavy arrow this time is still the injured eye of the old priest.

The face was injured, and the internal organs were also injured by the joint attack of the three priests. This heavy arrow, the old priest can no longer take it down.

The arrow pierced the old priest's eyes mercilessly, shot through the old priest's skull, and shot into the old priest's mind.Immediately afterwards, the formation on the heavy arrow was activated, and with a bang, a violent explosion exploded.

In fact, the moment the arrow shot into his mind, the old priest was already lifeless.The spiritual energy in the whole body suddenly lost its master, and the heavy arrow exploded, directly blasting the old priest's head into pieces.

The three major priests who were attacking vigorously, all of the attacks suddenly had no resistance, and all of them fell on the body of the old priest.

Boom, just now, the old priest who showed his supernatural power and fought against three with one enemy, his whole body was directly exploded by the powerful aura of the three priests in an instant.This time, the old priest's body was directly blasted into the finest powder, and a bloody smell floated out, but the old priest had disappeared without a trace.

The reaction of the three old priests was also extremely fast. Faced with this situation, without saying a word, their figures disappeared like phantoms.Immediately afterwards, there was a series of screams.

When the screams stopped, the second prince and the others realized that the guards who were standing beside him just now were all dead on the ground.

Even after going through three days and three nights of uninterrupted spiritual energy battles, the fighting power of the three major priests is still capable of instantly killing these seven-level and eighth-level guards.

The second prince and the rebels were all dumbfounded, and the situation suddenly changed. At this moment, they all became lambs waiting to be slaughtered.The reason why he didn't die immediately was because the Supreme in the hall didn't speak, that's all.

The old uncles of the two clan manors kneeling there are already stupid.They couldn't imagine that they had no grievances with Wang Sheng, why would Wang Sheng cut off their retreat like this?But now everything is useless, once the old priest dies, the entire clan mansion will no longer have the power to check and balance the emperor, and it will be vulnerable.

Speaking of the clan's mansion, if it weren't for the two of them controlling this super powerful old priest, they wouldn't be able to show off their power like this.Even though they are old enough, at least two generations older than the Son of Heaven, so what?The emperor is the patriarch of the royal family, and he can directly order the clan mansion. Without the check and balance of high-end force, the clan mansion has no binding force on the emperor.

In short, they are dead!
Those ministers who plotted against the second prince and the two patriarchal uncles were dumbfounded. Why did the situation, which was originally good, suddenly take a turn for the worse?

Someone had a quick mind and quickly knelt down to plead guilty.Some people have already froze in place, not knowing what to do.Finally, he saw the movement around him, saw his colleagues kneeling on the ground in unison, and immediately reacted with a shock, and hurriedly followed suit and knelt down on the ground, pleading guilty to the emperor in the hall.

The general situation is gone, and this idea is in everyone's mind.What they committed this time was a great crime of treason!Kowtow, does it work?

The second prince was even more dazed than those courtiers, he couldn't believe what he saw.However, the three gloomy old eunuchs standing at the entrance of the main hall are indisputable facts, that is to say, their attempt to force the palace this time has already failed and cannot fail again!
Where did it fail?It is possible to underestimate the force of the three major priests, and to underestimate the emperor's recent defense arrangements. Although he bought a guard commander from the outer city of the imperial city, he could not bring in a large number of masters. All of these are possible.

In addition, the lack of preparation caused by the hasty uprising is also a great reason.But there is no way, if you don't start an incident now, there will be no chance at all until the emperor's recent arrangements are completed.

Does the second prince really understand?He knows better than anyone.The royal family has taught these things since childhood, and the emperor's arrangements are so targeted, as long as someone with enough political savvy understands the emperor's overall movement, he must understand the emperor's intentions.

If you don't do it, you won't have a chance!The result of the hasty incident was that the old priest and the three major priests fell into a stalemate. Even at this point, the second prince and the others still have a great chance.Because those people in the main hall have actually reached their limit, and the formation will be unable to hold on immediately, and it will take another hour or two at most. Before dawn, their formation will lose the support of their spiritual energy and dissipate. At that time, the second prince will still have seven Eight guards, this is the decisive force.

It's a pity, who would have thought that suddenly there would be a Changsheng Hou Wangsheng.Just kidding, didn't he go to Laojun Temple and come back and then return to the beauties?How could it appear suddenly?How did he know?
When the three major priests completely controlled the situation, the formation in the main hall quickly dissipated.Just as the second prince speculated, the people inside couldn't last too long at all, there was only a thin line left!

"Nizi, are you still kneeling?" The voice of the emperor came from the hall, with a trace of deep exhaustion, he yelled at the second prince angrily: "Arrest without arms?"

"You can't catch me!" The second prince couldn't care less now, and shouted at the three priests who suppressed his eyes: "You can't kill me either! The queen is in my hands. If you dare to touch me, my wife will kill you!" People will kill the queen!"

At this moment, the second prince's eyes were bloodshot. He had been up for three days and three nights, but his tense nerves suddenly relaxed because of a complete failure, and he became crazy.That roaring look, like a madman.

The three major priests did not dare to act rashly at this moment.If the second prince threatened the emperor with the queen before, and the emperor could reluctantly give up the empress, it was because of the situation that he had to make such a painful decision.However, now that they have completely gained the upper hand, if the Empress Dowager gets hurt again, the three of them will die forever.

The emperor in the hall also fell silent.This rebellious son dared to threaten him with the empress, he deserved death!However, the empress is in his hands, but it is a concern that he has to consider, what should he do now?
"The Empress is a guest in my Marquis's Mansion." Wang Sheng's voice came again from the darkness, completely destroying all the second prince's hopes: "I'm sleepy, I'm going back to sleep, goodbye!"

(End of this chapter)

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