
Chapter 783 Continuation in the Imperial City 6

Chapter 783 Continuation Six in the Imperial City

Chapter 420 Continuation Six in the Imperial City

Wang Sheng's words completely ruined the second prince's hope. The second prince, who was still clamoring crazily just now, suddenly collapsed.

"Impossible!" The second prince murmured, "How is it possible?"

He said it was impossible, but the second prince knew very well that the possibility was very high.Of course he knew where the Queen was imprisoned, it was just across from the Hou's Mansion, and it was a breeze for Wang Sheng to rescue her and send her to the Hou's Mansion.

This time, all the bargaining chips of the second prince were invalid, and there was no longer any support that could threaten the emperor to threaten the three priests, a complete failure.

The Son of Heaven let out a long sigh of relief when he heard Wang Sheng say that the empress was a guest in the Hou's mansion.In the Hou Mansion, it must be safe for the time being, and there is no need to worry about the queen anymore.

But hearing Wang Sheng's reason for leaving, whether it was the Son of Heaven, the three major priests, the courtiers in the hall, or even the rebellious courtiers kneeling outside, they were all speechless for a while.

This is the inner city of the imperial city, and the emperor is in the main hall. Even if he made a great contribution at this time, shouldn't he respectfully wait for the emperor to summon him?Actually ignoring the emperor because he was sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep?

What a chance to get close to the emperor?What a great opportunity to leave greater credit in front of the emperor?Wang Sheng just left without showing his face?
Neither the master nor the courtiers in the imperial court could understand Wang Sheng's mentality.How can such a person become a Marquis?Or a real Marquis?
I am afraid that among so many people, only the Son of Heaven and the three major priests are like mirrors in their hearts. Wang Sheng probably never regarded the title of Marquis as a treasure, and never paid attention to it.Today's appearance can be said to be a great contribution to saving his life. To Wang Sheng, at most it was a hand for his partner, which didn't mean much at all.

By now, the situation has completely stabilized.The three major priests guarded the emperor tightly, and those courtiers around the emperor quickly left the inner city, summoned the guarding imperial army, and took down all the treacherous people.

They have completely lost the will to resist, so they are not in a hurry to beheaded on the spot, and can be questioned slowly after they are put in prison.The Imperial Forest Army and a large number of internal servants were dispatched overnight to firmly surround the mansions of all the rebellious ministers involved in this matter, and they began to seize people's homes in the middle of the night, without any hesitation.

All of a sudden, there was a storm of wind and thunder in the capital, and many people woke up from their dreams, and then ushered in the biggest nightmare of their lives.The originally dark capital suddenly became brightly lit and heavily guarded.Countless people were awakened by the movement outside, listening to the sound of iron armored weapons rubbing against each other, each of them hid in their own room and shivered, not knowing what kind of horror would happen to them.

Most of the residents in the capital were awakened, and lay down in fear, not daring to move.However, there are a few places that have not been harassed, and have always been quiet and peaceful, with no troops approaching at all.

Among them, Wang Sheng's Changshenghou Mansion and the Wang Mansion belonging to Wang Sheng are one of the calm areas, and they are also the key areas that the emperor personally ordered that no harassment is allowed.Two streets away, no one dared to make a loud noise, and no one dared to make any noise that could disturb two streets away.

To be able to keep so quiet, one is because of Wang Sheng's face, and the other, of course, is because of the empress's face.If you are shocked, no one can disturb the empress!

Not long after Wang Sheng left, Zhou Guanshi went straight to the Hou's mansion under the order of the emperor.Although Wang Sheng said that the empress is safe and sound in the Hou Mansion, it was only Wang Sheng who said it. Who knows if it was a scheme to bluff the second prince?In any case, it's better to let steward Zhou go and have a look in person.

As for why it was Steward Zhou, of course it was because Steward Zhou had always been serving the emperor and the empress opposite the Hou Mansion. He was most familiar with the Hou Mansion and everyone knew it. It was the most convenient to investigate in the past.

Zhou Guanshi didn't knock on the door of the Hou's mansion in the middle of the night to enter the Hou's mansion with great fanfare, but wanted to sneak into the Hou's mansion secretly by relying on his superb agility.With Zhou Guanshi's cultivation level, there should not be many people in the Marquis Mansion who can find him.

However, before Guanshi could get close to the walls of the Hou Mansion, he discovered that there were several more powerful masters in the Hou Mansion.The aura of these masters was very peaceful, which made Zhou Guanshi immediately think of the legendary masters of Laojunguan.

I'm afraid it's impossible to sneak in, and it's even more impossible to break in by force.Manager Zhou could only find a solution in other ways. Wasn't the empress imprisoned when she lived in another courtyard?Wouldn't it be clear to go to the other courtyard opposite the Hou Mansion immediately?
As Steward Zhou, he entered the other courtyard opposite the Hou's Mansion without obstruction at all, and only when Steward Zhou discovered the formation in the inner courtyard did he get angry.For several days, none of the trash in the other courtyard found that something was wrong, either there were moles in it or they were incompetent.

The formation was intact, but Zhou Guanshi did not dare to act rashly.But thinking about it, Wang Sheng didn't seem to have the need to deceive the emperor, so Guanshi Zhou gritted his teeth, planning to use his powerful cultivation to violently crack the formation.But Zhou Guanshi just made an attack, and the formation was shattered.Without the support of the master's spiritual energy, this formation is only a shell, which will shatter when knocked.

In the inner courtyard, there are dead bodies all over the place, and it seems that they died instantly.Manager Zhou didn't care about these anymore, he rushed straight into the bedroom, there was no one there, no queen, no maid, and no corpse.Seeing this, Zhou Guanshi finally let out a sigh of relief.

The dead people in one place must have been written by Wang Sheng, and I don't know what method he used to kill all the guards in an instant.But no matter what, the empress should be safe and sound as Wang Sheng said, and that's enough.There are so many masters of Laojunguan in the Hou's mansion, and there are a few who are obviously masters of the legendary realm, the empress should not have to worry.

After confirming this point, Zhou Guanshi was really relieved.All of a sudden, Manager Zhou felt extremely tired. He was approaching a hundred years old. He had fought with the old priest for three days and three nights without stopping, and he had been intensely searching all the way. I couldn't stand it anymore.

But no matter how tired and bitter, Zhou Guanshi also understands that it is not the time to rest now.He also wanted to quickly repay the emperor, and sit in the imperial city with Mr. Li, the old eunuch Shen, to deal with those rebellious officials and thieves, and protect the safety of the emperor.Fortunately, I was not injured this time, otherwise I don't know how much things will be delayed.

Sometimes, I really envy Wang Sheng!Even in front of the emperor, if you feel sleepy, you can go back to sleep, and you don't have to be involuntary like the three priests.

(End of this chapter)

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