
Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Chapter 420 Two Can't Sleep

This night, there are definitely many people who can't sleep.However, Wang Sheng was definitely not among those who couldn't sleep.

After carefully sending the Queen to the Hou's Mansion, Wang Sheng disappeared silently after the old priest was settled in the inner city of the Imperial City, and returned to the Palace without anyone noticing.

Regardless of entering the imperial city or leaving the imperial city, anyway, the Imperial Forest Army on duty all the way at night, as well as the inspection masters secretly arranged by the second prince, have never seen Wang Sheng, as if Wang Sheng fell from the sky , and then flew away from the sky.

In the pond of Wangfu, a head popped out of the water.Even though those beautiful guards had been mentally prepared, they couldn't help being taken aback at this moment.Seeing that it was Wang Sheng, he was relieved.

A few beautiful guards had already prepared dry towels. As soon as Wang Sheng came out of the pond, the girls didn't say anything. They stepped forward to help Lord Hou dry with towels, and then drove Wang Sheng back to the bedroom. .Next, the traces of Wang Sheng going ashore were immediately cleaned up.

Everything was done in the dark with the help of a faint light not far away, quietly, without disturbing anyone outside the house.

In the dormitory, several beauties waited in the same state as when Wang Sheng left. Seeing Wang Sheng come in quietly, all the women secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Afterwards, Wang Sheng got into the warm bed, and fell asleep comfortably under the warmth of the two beauties.

The emperor is very tired, but he can only rely on the supplements in the palace to survive. If he does not wipe out the power of the second prince and several uncles in the clan mansion, the emperor will definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

The precautions taken in the past few months have finally come in handy. In the past few days, as long as there are transfers that do not conform to the plan, there will be problems with all of them, and they will be arrested one by one.It is estimated that those people also knew that the general situation was over, and not many people resisted, so they obediently let go.Occasionally, there were a few who resisted, but the end was rather bleak. They were killed on the spot, ransacked their homes and exterminated their families, without mercy.

The emperor's efficiency is very high. At dawn, he has basically controlled 90.00% of the rebellious ministers. By the morning, except for one or two who detected something wrong in advance and fled quickly, the rest have all been imprisoned. Awaiting interrogation.

At this point, the emperor swept away the biggest force of the imperial family that was at odds with the emperor.Taking this opportunity, a few guys who used to be slanderous within the royal family were also accused of party members and sent to prison.There are many smart people among them. As soon as they heard the movement and realized something was wrong, they immediately bowed their heads to the emperor and ran to the emperor to kowtow to make amends, which was regarded as avoiding the bad luck of being purged.

When Wang Sheng Yongmei got up in the morning, the emperor was still arranging the defense of the capital with red eyes.Through the rebellion of the second prince and the others, the emperor discovered that there was a big loophole in the defense of the imperial city, so he quickly filled it up.

Not long after Wang Sheng got up, Meier from the Hou Mansion ran over, and Aunt Su had been picked up by Uncle Su's manager Zhou.Before leaving, Aunt Su also said that she would like to thank Wang Sheng, and next time she and Uncle Su would host a banquet for Wang Sheng and Meier at home.

To be honest, when Wang Sheng suddenly appeared last night to send the Queen to the Hou Mansion, Meier was also taken aback.But she was very sensible, didn't ask any more questions, and just rested with the queen for a night.Until now, Mei'er actually didn't know what happened, because the queen asked her to stay in the Hou's mansion for a day or two and not to run around.Runzifang and Qianshengyuan are handed over to their respective shopkeepers.

There was a tense and tense atmosphere in the capital, but in Wang Sheng's palace, it was a different scene.Meier pestered Wang Sheng, asking Wang Sheng to fulfill a certain promise and design fitness clothes for them.

With so many sports brands on the planet, is this still a problem for Wang Sheng?The swimming pool on the Wangfu's side has taken shape in the past few days. It is the same as the one used by the Houfu, or even more advanced. The temperature here is constant.That being the case, Wang Sheng simply brought all the fitness equipment made by Tie Lao and others last time, and asked Tie Lao's apprentices to make a few more sets and send them over together.

There are hundreds of beauties here, and even if they take turns using that set of things, they can't keep up with so many people, so it's better to make more batches.The palace specially opened up a large yard, which is enough for 200 people to exercise together.

The clothes are easy to talk about, Linglongfang invited three female masters to bring their apprentices, and those beauties who can be popular in the palace are enough.The two female masters are tailors, and the other is a leather shoe maker, which basically covers the most basic needs.

Women's dresses in this world are not suitable for fitness, but the camouflage protective suit is definitely doable.It's a pity that it's suitable for men. With so many beautiful beauties, how boring is it to wear a camouflage uniform to exercise alone?Even for the sake of seductiveness, Wang Sheng has to take out all the sportswear in his mind.

Therefore, under Wang Sheng's description, the two female masters first determined the sweat-absorbing, breathable and elastic fabric at Wang Sheng's request.Of course, the shoes will not fall off either. The female leather master also chose the material of the sole first, and even considered the principle of the air cushion that Wang Sheng said, to figure out whether it is possible to realize it.

Among the girls, two beauties who were very good at painting were selected. According to Wang Sheng's description, they first compared Meier's figure and drew a set of a very popular combination on the earth. Well-fitting plain white sneakers and, of course, athletic socks.

As soon as the picture was drawn, all the girls blushed for a while.This is really too revealing, right?But it was designed by Lord Hou, and everyone was vaguely looking forward to it. When will they be able to wear it for Lord Hou to see?
This is just one kind. Facing the ladies and several masters, Wang Sheng told the many styles of sportswear that he remembered in his mind.The two painting beauties kept recording, and then all the girls looked at the matching combinations with blushing, surprise, and anticipation.

While Wang Sheng, Meier and the girls were enjoying a new concept of sportswear, the emperor in the imperial city was still suffering with red eyes.

The rebel party was basically taken down, and the loopholes in the imperial city were gradually filled under the ideas of several advisers, and the queen returned safely. It stands to reason that the emperor should be able to rest easy.However, until now, the emperor still couldn't sleep.

Not only the emperor couldn't sleep, but even the three major priests couldn't sleep. After the overall situation was settled, old eunuch Shen and steward Zhou personally led people and began to search for the traces left by Wang Sheng.The point is to find out how Wang Sheng entered the inner city of the imperial city silently.

(End of this chapter)

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