
Chapter 845

Chapter 845

Chapter 450

Wang Sheng and old Taoist Ling Xu went back to practice, and continued the process of exercising their aura out of control during practice.And Meier and Sister Qiangwei have already made a plan with Tantaiyao, and then they plan to help those sisters pass their spiritual energy, and then turn the world around again.

At the same time, in the emperor's imperial study, the emperor himself, the three major priests gathered together again, and they were still talking about the concert.

This time it wasn't the old eunuch Shen who lied about the military situation, Wang Sheng's advancement was a naked fact that happened before their eyes, and no one would deny it.The three major priests in the later period directly felt that the aura of the entire box was solidified, and it was also not illusory.

"Could it be that this music is really so powerful?" The emperor couldn't believe his ears.At that time, he and the queen were immersed in the beautiful music and couldn't extricate themselves. They didn't realize that Wang Sheng had advanced again in front of him.

But the three major priests are old people whom he absolutely trusts, and they will never lie to him. It can only be said that he didn't realize that his cultivation was low.This is normal, it's normal for his cultivation base to be inferior to the three major offerings, otherwise would he still need the protection of the three major offerings?

"It must be related, but the servants and servants haven't discovered the mystery yet." Manager Li bowed and replied: "However, the ancestor Lingxu of Laojunguan must have discovered it, and it also showed it later."

Both Steward Zhou and Old Eunuch Shen nodded at the same time, giving the emperor a clearer judgment.

"Does the clan have talents who are proficient in music?" Now that it has been confirmed, the emperor immediately responded.

"One of His Majesty's clan uncles studies music intensively on weekdays, and there is an all-female music band in the house." Steward Zhou immediately replied quickly: "In addition, there is also a band in charge of offering music for sacrifices in the inner mansion. "

"Clan uncle, please come here." The emperor quickly ordered: "Old Zhou, go and ask, when is the next performance, and arrange for the clan uncle to go to the box from last time to experience it carefully."

This matter had something to do with Wang Sheng, and Zhou Guanshi didn't dare to send someone to ask. He went directly to the Duke's mansion and met Wang Sheng as he wished.

"Just ask this question?" Wang Sheng complained to Steward Zhou with some dumbfounding, "Is this worth your trip?"

"My empress likes it very much, and I want to listen to it again." Steward Zhou directly raised the banner of empress empress, but his attitude was very respectful.

"Naturally, it's great if your wife likes it." Wang Sheng smiled, and suddenly asked Zhou Guanshi: "I thought Zhou Guanshi discovered that listening to music is good for cultivation!"

One sentence made Zhou Guanshi's face change, and Wang Sheng said it directly, so that Zhou Guanshi didn't know how to answer.

"The Royal Grand Theater is built too well." Wang Sheng said with a smile: "In order to have excellent audio-visual effects in every location, the formations arranged and the perfect music will have a kind of resonance, which will lead to aura vibrations. Practice is very beneficial."

Listening to Wang Sheng telling the secrets that the Son of Heaven and the three priests tried so hard to dig out, Manager Zhou couldn't believe his ears.

"However, nothing is free." Wang Sheng said to Manager Zhou with a smile.

Zhou Guanshi was startled, is there any trouble in this?
Seeing Zhou Guanshi's changed face, Wang Shengcai continued: "The price is that the Royal Grand Theater spent 2000 million more gold coins than the original plan in order to arrange this perfect formation."

It was just a batch of extra gold coins, and Manager Zhou let out a sigh of relief.As long as you know it's really good, what's the point of spending more gold coins?At this time, Zhou Guanshi had extremely hoped that Wang Sheng would say more, so that the royal family would also know.

"Since it is the Royal Grand Theatre, the gold coins are also issued by the royal family. Of course, the royal family must know about the secrets inside." Wang Sheng said slowly to Steward Zhou: "Go back and tell your majesty that more similar performances can be held. Music may There are surprises, and others may also have surprises."

"In addition..." Wang Sheng dragged his voice, and smiled at Zhou Guanshi: "Next time you three listen to the concert again, just listen to the music honestly and don't think about those messy things. You If you don't indulge in it, how can you discover the mystery of it?"

With a few words, the performance of the three major priests at that time who didn't appreciate the music at all was pulled out and lashed out, which can be regarded as indirectly pointing out the reason why the three didn't find out.

"As for the performance, within a month, the Royal Symphony Orchestra will perform four performances. There will be an announcement and tickets will be sold." Wang Sheng didn't tell Manager Zhou the performance time until the end: "How much do you need to reserve?" , say hello in advance, and leave the tickets for you when the time comes."

Manager Zhou hurried back to the imperial city as if he had found a treasure.As soon as Wang Sheng said it, the emperor and Mr. Li, the old eunuch Shen, looked at each other in blank dismay.

"It seems that we don't know how to be human anymore." The emperor smiled wryly after hearing this: "Mr. Chang Sheng has always been easy to talk and cooperate. As long as he clearly states the cooperation and agrees to divide the interests, Chang Sheng rarely turns his face. We are still dealing with Lord Chang Sheng in the same way as those princes, my fault!"

After saying my fault, the three major priests all knelt on the ground.The three of them couldn't bear the emperor admitting his mistake in front of him.

"Other ways?" The emperor pondered for a while, and then said to the three priests: "Get up, let's study what these other ways are?"

The old Taoist Ling Xu was not surprised that Wang Sheng revealed the secret of the aura vibration to the emperor, and he understood Wang Sheng's thoughts after a little thought.Didn't the Son of Heaven want to know the secret?Support other ways!Would it be necessary for Wang Sheng to support them one by one?

After this incident, it can be said that Wang Sheng's prestige among certain groups of people has reached its peak. Sometimes speaking is more effective than the emperor or the princes. This is Wang Sheng's goal.

However, the old Taoist Ling Xu didn't care much about these things, he still practiced with Wang Sheng every day, and then waited for Master Yu to practice two pieces of music and listen to Wang Sheng sing it for himself.In particular, what exactly is the song that Wang Sheng said was the most suitable for me to sing?The old man was very curious.

The old man was curious, and Meier was also curious. He specially told Wang Sheng that he must bring himself with him when the time comes.To Meier, Wang Sheng was almost obedient, so naturally he agreed.

Finally, after waiting for three days, Master Yu sent someone to tell him that the melody was almost done, so you can come and listen to it.As soon as the news arrived, Mei'er was extremely excited, and pulled Wang Sheng and the old Taoist to the master's side more urgently than the old Taoist Ling Xu.

Master Yu is already waiting in full force, just waiting for Wang Sheng to come over.Seeing this serious look, Wang Sheng smiled wryly, he had to show his terrible singing voice in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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