
Chapter 846 "Tao"

Chapter 846 "Tao"
Chapter 450 Three "Tao"
After a brief communication with Master Yu, Master Yu and the band were ready, waiting for Wang Sheng's signal.

Old Daoist Ling Xu sat directly opposite Wang Sheng with Meier and Sister Qiangwei, looking at Wang Sheng with a smile.Especially Meier and Sister Qiangwei, the two daughters have never heard that Wang Sheng can sing, this is a big new thing, so they must be the first to experience it.

Wang Sheng stood in front of the band, leaving a part of the field behind him, left and right, which was requested by Wang Sheng himself.

"You should have heard this old Taoist song." Wang Sheng reminded the old Taoist Ling Xu, then smiled at Mei'er and Sister Qiangwei, and turned around to give Master Yu a signal.

The drums sounded, and then the flute joined in. When the drums sounded, Wang Sheng also performed a Tai Chi starting hand.

"Swords and swords are not my school,

The sky is wide and the sea has my own style,

No sword in hand, no dust in heart, is my heart.

Going with the fate and coming with the wind is my heart.

The sword and the tongue don't fit my posture,
The vastness of the sky and sea is my style,

No sword in hand, no dust in heart, is my heart.

Going with the fate and coming with the wind is my heart. "

When Wang Sheng's voice sounded, he also started punching.Along with the singing, a simplified version of Taijiquan was played out like flowing clouds and flowing water.

This is the theme song "Follow the Fate" of "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" on Earth. The last time when the old Taoist comprehended some obstacles in Tai Chi, Wang Sheng once sang it in front of the old Taoist Ling Xu. Xu Laodao's understanding of Tai Chi greatly increased after that experience.There was still Daguan Master at that meeting, and I was almost stunned when I saw Tai Chi for the first time.

However, Wang Sheng's singing that time was different from this time. That time Wang Sheng sang a cappella without accompaniment at all, and there was no such thing as timbre at all.And at that time, Wang Sheng hadn't completed the Prisoner Change, and his understanding of the rhythm was not deep enough. He also hadn't completed the Pu Lao Change, and he didn't know vocal skills. He could only sing a tune, and the most important thing was to let Old way to listen to the meaning of the lyrics.

This time with the perfect accompaniment by Master Yu and the Royal Symphony Orchestra, the effect was immediately different.With Wang Sheng's current intonation and sense of rhythm, and with Wang Sheng's current superb attainment of nine-character mantra, every word sung has a shocking effect, plus the wonderful set of Tai Chi performed by Wang Sheng himself Boxing, not to mention Meier and Qiangwei, even the old Taoist Ling Xu was really immersed in it again.

The song is not very long, and it ends quickly after singing.Wang Sheng put away his fists, sat next to him and began to drink heavily, waiting for everyone who was immersed in it to wake up.

Even the old Taoist Ling Xu is like this, let alone the band on Master Yu's side.They are all engaged in music, and they can understand the rhythm better than Ling Xu.A few days of practice allowed them to play this piece of music instinctively. At first they didn't realize how good this piece was, but in fact, halfway through the performance, they were no longer relying on active skills. I finished playing this piece entirely by instinctive memory.

The whole band, including Master Yu, has been immersed in that kind of mysterious but otherworldly artistic conception. The art people are especially emotional, and they are more addicted than the old Taoist Ling Xu.

Mei'er and Sister Qiangwei have already been attracted by Wang Sheng's flowing fists, especially the beautiful melody, and these are all Wang Sheng's arms. The two beauties were the first to become star-eyed and then immersed in it. of.

After a while, the band members and sister Meier Qiangwei woke up one after another, but Wang Sheng signaled them to keep silent.Master Yu and Ling Xu were still in that obsessed state, not knowing what they thought of, but Wang Sheng knew that there must be some understanding, which is of great benefit to both cultivation and state of mind.

The musicians in the band are not fools, and it can be simple things that can immerse people like Master Yu and Ling Xu in it.It could be said that everyone hurriedly remembered what they saw and heard before, and then pondered what they had just gained in that state, but no one dared to easily alarm the two of them.

After all, the old Taoist Ling Xu is someone who has heard it once. Although he heard a different feeling this time, he still woke up very quickly.After waking up, I found that everyone kept quiet. After a little observation, I saw that the state of Master Yu was not right.

The old Taoist didn't say much at the moment, he took the wine and Wang Shengkong signaled from a distance, and then drank it bit by bit.

Master Yu had been indulging twice as long as Ling Xu, and half an hour had passed when he woke up.After heaving a sigh of relief and resuming his actions, the first thing Master Yu did was to walk up to Wang Sheng and apologize to Wang Sheng.

"Before I thought this song was not very good, but after adding the lyrics, I realized that it was different. I was one-sided." Master Yu sincerely bowed and apologized to Wang Sheng.

How could Wang Sheng accept this, he hurriedly got up and returned the salute.

Obviously, Master Yu's eyes looked brighter than before, Wang Sheng couldn't help asking curiously: "Master, do you also believe it?"

"Understood!" Master Yu didn't hide it, the teacher replied: "But listening to your piece, I can taste the great wisdom and principles in it. I can't say it. I will also read more Taoist classics in the future."

Wang Sheng smiled wryly for a moment.Master Yu's interest in Taoism was aroused by his song "Follow the Fate", but after listening to the next song, will he jump up and chase him?

Master Yu didn't know the lyrics of the next song, because of "Fate", Master Yu swept away the previous contempt and looked forward to the second song.

"Not yet, wait until I have enough wine." Wang Sheng directly shook his head and rejected Master Yu's request to sing the second song immediately, and gulped down the wine.

That's right, the second song is the "Tao" sung by Yan Chixia in A Chinese Ghost Story on Earth.Because the lyrics are a bit deviant, Huang Zhan, the singer at the time, couldn't find that taste. Later, after drinking a bottle of XO, he finally got the feeling and sang the swaying joy in it with drunkenness.

Wang Sheng made some revisions to the lyrics. There is not a single word in the lyrics that should not appear in this world, and some things in this world are used instead, and they are changed from Cantonese to Mandarin.However, there is still the flavor that should be there, and there is no lack of deviant that should be.

If an orthodox Taoist priest listens to this song, he will definitely lose his temper. If he has a good temper, he will frown no matter what.But the old Taoist Ling Xu is different, he himself is the one who dares to drink and eat meat in the Buddhist scripture building, this song is simply tailor-made for the old Taoist Ling Xu.

(End of this chapter)

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