
Chapter 847 "Tao"

Chapter 847 "Tao"
Chapter 450 Three "Tao"
The more Wang Sheng said this, the more Ling Xu looked forward to it.But since they have already sat here, the old Taoist will not urge anything.Wang Sheng said he wanted to drink, and the old man drank with him.

Meier and Sister Qiangwei seem to have seen Wang Sheng so versatile for the first time, both of them are like little girls looking at their idols, their eyes are full of little stars, and their faces are full of admiration.

Master Yu also didn't rush, and he was also looking forward to Wang Sheng's second piece.He simply sat by the side of the band and waited slowly.

Wang Sheng drank more and more. Before, he still drank from a bowl. After drinking, he got excited and directly pulled out a big wine jar.The pure smell of Wuliangye inside came out, and even Master Yu and the others raised their noses one by one, smoking non-stop, and couldn't believe that the wine could have such a smell.

The wine jar was lifted high by Wang Sheng with one hand, just like the way of drinking in Dongfang Bubai in the movie, it fell down all at once, a jar of fine wine wasted half of the jar, but most of the jar of Wuliangye had already let Wang Sheng enter That kind of drunkenness.

Boom, Wang Sheng threw out the wine jar.The wine jar fell to the ground and turned into pieces, and the whole venue exuded a clear aroma of wine.Wang Sheng stood up unsteadily, and walked to the front slowly.

This time, Wang Sheng didn't use the nine-character mantra while drinking, and he relied entirely on his own body to resist.Unexpectedly, after several times of strengthening the body with spiritual energy, the drinking capacity has also been strengthened by an unknown number of times. Before and after the big bowl and then the wine jar, it took a full [-] catties to reach this state.

Master Yu and others had already communicated with Wang Sheng before, and knew that this time they would wait for Wang Sheng to speak first before accompaniment. Everyone had prepared everything and waited for Wang Sheng to start.

Wang Sheng staggered to the middle, and at some point a small bottle of fine wine appeared in his hand.At this time, Wang Sheng was drunk and knew clearly, he signaled to Master Yu, and waited until all the musicians were ready, Wang Sheng opened his mouth suddenly.

"Yiyaha! Dao!" Wang Sheng uttered a drunken yet unrestrained voice, and swung down Master Yu's baton.

The intense and very distinctive soundtrack sounded, followed by a bunch of Dao words repeated by Wang Sheng.

"Taoism, Tao, Tao, Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist!" While drunk, Wang Sheng's ears listened to the familiar rhythm, and he sang this "Tao" quickly and chic in his mouth.

"Road to Road, very Avenue.


Humane swordsmanship.

Black Road White Road Zodiac Equator

I bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah


Ikebana and tea ceremony, ha!

**Yangdao, ha!


You say what I say, jackals are in charge, hey!

I ask myself!
I ask myself!
Road to Road, very Avenue!

Humane swordsmanship.

The underworld, the white path, the zodiac, and the equator.


I bah bah bah bah bah bah, nonsense!

I ask myself!

One, two, three, and four.

Dongdao South Road West Road North Road.

Left and right, front and back.

It's all all, it's nonsense!

Each seeks his own way!
Each seeks his own way! "

Wang Sheng sang drunkenly, with a free and unrestrained voice, mixed with some nine-character mantra effects, and the unique rhythm endowed the song with a strong charm, but the lyrics sang with a taste of deviantism.

When I first listened to it, what are these things? It’s too much, right?But when Wang Sheng sang "I ask for my own way!" drunkenly, Ling Xu's heart seemed to soar high into the sky suddenly, and his heart was indescribably itchy, wishing he could be cruel He patted his thigh and drank another big bowl with Wang Sheng on the spot.

These words almost sang to Ling Xu's heart.In particular, there is a sentence in front of it, "I'm talking nonsense!" It even sang the mentality of Lingxu who couldn't get used to the actions of Da Guanzhu and the others in those years.

No wonder Wang Sheng said that this is a song tailor-made for the old Taoist Ling Xu. Just these two sentences can sing the mentality of the old Taoist Ling Xu to the heart. Nothing is more wonderful to have such a bosom friend on the road of cultivating the Tao. thing.My way is not alone!

Ha ha ha ha!The old Taoist Ling Xu was not afraid of interfering with Wang Sheng's singing, so he laughed out loud. When Wang Sheng sang, hey, bah, bah, bah, bah, the old man immediately sang "Nonsense!" .

"I seek my own way!" "Everyone seeks his own way!" These two sentences point the question, from the very beginning, the old Taoist Ling Xu has been serving songs with wine.Wang Sheng sang recklessly, and Ling Xu listened happily until Wang Sheng finished singing.

After Wang Sheng sang, he felt refreshed and indescribably happy.After listening to the old Taoist Ling Xu, he felt a sense of confidant, and wished he could drink three hundred cups with Wang Sheng again.Both of them laughed loudly, regardless of how the people around them felt, they just laughed wildly.

Amid wild laughter, Wang Sheng had already used the nine-character mantra to drive away the alcohol in his body.His eyes were clear again, he picked up the wine bottle in his hand, signaled to Ling Xu, and poured it down with his head raised.

Obviously, Master Yu and others' understanding of this song is not as good as the one just now.This song is indeed a bit unrestrained and does not sound orthodox.

In the previous song "Follow the Fate", Master Yu and a group of musicians were put into a state of no desire, no pursuit, no action, but this song did not have that effect.Master Yu even frowned.

But seeing the old Taoist Ling Xu listening so happily, he was almost in admiration, and Master Yu couldn't say anything.Laojun sees that the ancestor Lingxu with the highest seniority has this kind of attitude, which only shows that his comprehension of the Tao is not deep enough, and he is still unable to comprehend the wise words contained in it. It should not be Wang Sheng's problem, but his own. question.

However, this style of music is fast-paced and sounds dynamic, and it is estimated that it can attract the attention of many people.If you ignore the lyrics, some people should be attracted by this rhythmic music.Maybe I can try something like this in the future.

As a great master, one cannot become a great master only by appreciating and indulging in one or several kinds of so-called gala music. One has to try a variety of genres to qualify as a great master.It will not be too late to talk about a great master when any style can be picked up at your fingertips.

"Old Dao, are you satisfied with this song?" Wang Sheng slowly walked up to Ling Xu, and asked after having another drink with the old Dao.

"Satisfied!" The old man is not hypocritical, nodding his head again and again: "No wonder it is said to be tailor-made for me, the old man. He would not dare to sing casually for someone else. That is me, the old man! Hahahahaha!"

After laughing loudly, the old Taoist urged Wang Sheng to say, "Hurry up and find time to write it down for me. I want to learn it and go back to Laojun Temple to sing, hahahaha! Nonsense!"

After singing a sentence, the old Taoist Ling Xu said: "I have some insights, retreat for a few days, you should be careful, and let the Qing people take precautions!"

(End of this chapter)

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