
Chapter 848 Small Theater

Chapter 848 Small Theater
Chapter 450 Four Small Theater
The old man hadn't had such an epiphany for a long time, and Wang Sheng was a little surprised when he mentioned it now.However, now Wang Sheng is not in a hurry to ask the old Taoist what he thought of, and hastened to arrange a retreat, so as not to let the inspiration escape.

As for Wang Sheng's safety, to be honest, there is no need to worry about it in the capital for the time being.Even if Uncle Li from Worry-Free City was chasing him down, with a few masters of the Qing generation standing in his way for a while, it was enough for Wang Sheng to set up a death trap.

After hastily making arrangements for the old Taoist Ling Xu, Wang Shengcai returned to Master Yu's side again.For the two pieces this time, Master Yu is satisfied with one and cannot comment on the other, but in the end it is Wang Sheng who came up with two new pieces, and Master Yu is already very happy.What's more, Master Yu and the musicians have experience, Wang Sheng didn't bother any more, just told them not to forget the two-day performance, and then returned to the Duke's mansion with Sister Meier Qiangwei.

Ling Xu experienced retreat, and Wang Sheng continued to practice nine-character mantra and multi-character formulas at the same time.Two days later, the second official performance of the Royal Symphony Orchestra kicked off.For this event, tickets were pre-sold three days in advance, and the news was released four days in advance.

As a result, on the day when the news was released, servants from the rich and powerful mansions of the capital had already lined up in advance, and the queue directly exceeded 300 meters.This number of people is already close to the number of seats in the entire Royal Grand Theatre.Many people got the news a bit late, arrived about an hour late, but looking at the number of people, they knew it was over.

I don't know how the servants in charge of queuing will be punished if they don't buy a ticket to go back.But this queuing posture is enough to make everyone in the capital talk about it for several days.

If Wang Sheng saw this scene, he would definitely shake his head and sigh.There are fruit fans on the earth, and there are the same people in this world.

The cheapest tickets for the second game, ten gold coins each, were sold out in less than half an hour.Except for the one hundred tickets reserved for the royal family that Manager Zhou came over to say hello to, all other tickets were sold out.The ticket Wang Sheng left for the royal family is not free either, it is directly deducted from the profits given to the emperor by Qianshengyuan and Runzifang.

Wang Sheng didn't go, but according to the news from the shopkeeper of the Grand Theater, two of the three royal priests had gone.It is said that when listening to music, he puts incomparably attentively. It is estimated that Wang Sheng's previous words to Zhou Guanshi played a role.

Basically, at this point, some nobles in the imperial court have begun to slightly change their concepts.At least they no longer regard musicians as ordinary servants, and they still have a little more respect for those musicians who are truly qualified.

Of course, it's just a little bit, these two concerts are not enough to radiate influence across the country.It is not easy to form such a concept in the circle of dignitaries in the capital, and there is still a long way to go.

But Master Yu and the others are already very satisfied with this.They never thought that there would be a day in front of them, when those dignitaries saw them, they would smile and nod, instead of looking at them with the kind of eyes that come and go.

For this, Master Yu specially approached Wang Sheng and expressed his thanks again.

"It's you who did a good job!" Wang Sheng didn't take all the credit for himself, and responded to the master with a smile: "Master, it will get better and better in the future, you must believe in this."

"Of course I believe it!" Master Yu laughed, and told Wang Sheng some good news by the way: "You said the other day that the theater has the effect of aura shock. In the past few days, Lao Liu and the others have been rushing, and they have already taken the people in the Duke's mansion away. The theater is finished, do you want to try it?"

"Of course!" To Wang Sheng, this was really a surprise.I thought it would take a month, but I didn't expect it to be so fast.It is estimated that Master Yu has worked hard in the past few days, and Wang Sheng will not say some things in his stomach.

This small theater is not big, and the stage can't fit everyone in the orchestra. There are only two rows of auditoriums, which add up to ten in total.Master Yu seems to have asked for this intentionally. He explained to Wang Sheng that after listening to Wang Sheng's words, he implemented the chief system. In addition to the chief, there are also second and third seats. There must be three seats every time.

Everyone in the orchestra knows that Wang Sheng has good ears. After Wang Sheng and Master Yu give advice at the same time, they can benefit a lot. Everyone is crazy about practicing and improving.Of course, so far, there are only less than [-] members of the orchestra who can perform for Wang Sheng in the small theater.Being able to perform in a small theater is an honor second only to being the chief of the orchestra.

Wang Sheng, Mei'er, Sister Qiangwei, and a few veteran Taoists of the Qing Dynasty sat down in the auditorium of the small theater, waiting for the performance to begin.

This is not a performance like a rehearsal, but a real and most serious performance.The theater is not big, and not many formations are used, but Master Yu has adjusted to the limit. This performance is to once again verify the effect of the aura shock that Ling Xu said.

Master Yu and others got ready, Wang Sheng led the crowd to stand up and applaud, and then sat down quietly to listen.With the conductor of Master Yu, the small theater concert will be staged again.

Wang Sheng did not feel the effect of the aura shock for the time being, but Wang Sheng was able to follow the rhythm of Master Yu and continue to practice the simultaneous use of the three-character formula.On the other hand, a few old Taoists of the Qing Dynasty were fascinated by what they heard, but they also faintly felt the effect of some aura shocks.

After all, it is a small theater, not a large theater with 1000 people. The space is small, and the aura is naturally felt deeply.Except for Wang Sheng who is practicing with Master Yu's rhythm, only Mei'er and Sister Qiangwei are too low to feel this.

Surprises follow.Using the three-character formula at the same time, Wang Sheng has become proficient in practice in the past few days. When practicing with the rhythm of the music, there was a burst of spiritual energy, and the familiar feeling of quenching the body with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth struck again.In the process of enjoying the music, Wang Sheng advanced again.

A few old Taoists of Qing Dynasty stared at all this dumbfounded, and they didn't even care about the vibration of the spiritual energy.Wang Sheng was promoted in the process of enjoying the music. This seems like a fantasy story, but this story clearly happened before everyone's eyes.

When Master Yu was performing, he had no distractions, and the band members were also very serious. No one noticed that Wang Sheng was upgrading right under their noses.

Huge spiritual energy rushed into Wang Sheng's body, acupuncture points and soul space.The orifice has grown from the size of a peach pit to the size of a ping-pong ball, and everything feels the same as when I was promoted.

However, there is still a small difference.In the primordial soul space, in the pool that had been quiet for a long time, as the aura of heaven and earth quenched his body, a drop of clear liquid suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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