
Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Chapter 72 Soul Split

In this world, no one has ever thought of turning one soul into two.First, there is no such scattered thinking, and second, the importance of the soul makes no one dare to take risks with their own cultivation.

Only Wang Sheng, a guy from another world, dared to think wildly about this kind of thing.Of course, the more important thing is that Wang Sheng has the support of modern technology and understanding on the earth. If it were a monk in this world, even if he had this idea, he might not be able to do it logically.

There is one reason that must be mentioned, and that is the lone wolf under the tree.The lone wolf who is always watching has brought great pressure on Wang Sheng. If Wang Sheng can't improve his strength again in a short time, it is very likely that the lone wolf can only use firearms. Once he uses firearms, he will attract more fierce As a monster, if Wang Sheng's strength doesn't improve, he won't even have a chance to escape.

After all, it is fundamental to improve Wang Sheng's strength.Under this kind of pressure, Wang Sheng fought with his back to the wall. He didn't even carefully consider how the acupoints would be after the soul was split, and started to split rashly. Fortunately, he succeeded, otherwise he didn't know what kind of tragic ending it would be.

It seems that Wang Sheng is a little reckless, but he is not.The original soul of Wang Sheng was transformed from a remnant carp, and that remnant carp was actually one of a group of carp souls that could devour each other.In essence, it was originally a split body, which can be divided into a hundred parts, so what is it to split into two parts?
It is precisely because of this biggest foundation that Wang Sheng is so desperate.Of course, the ending was not as expected by Wang Sheng, and the split of the original soul was completed quite easily.

However, after the split was successful, Wang Sheng immediately stopped.He didn't want his original soul to become two remnant souls after splitting into two, so he had to check carefully.

The villain with fighting consciousness has been observing the whole process. When the original soul split and completed Wang Sheng's inspection, he also jumped out, observed for a while beside the two original souls, and then returned to the corner, not Know what you're thinking about.

The two primordial souls seemed to be fine, the absorption of aura was still the same, and there was nothing incomplete on their bodies, they were normal primordial souls.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Sheng's consciousness returned to reality from the soul space.Looking at the watch, eight or nine hours had passed before I knew it, and my stomach was growling with hunger.

Looking out from the tree house, the lone wolf is still guarding under the tree, but there seems to be a kind of doubt in his eyes.Seeing Wang Sheng's head stuck out, he immediately became fierce and cold again.

Wang Sheng ate and drank enough, regardless of the lone wolf under the tree, and entered the state of practice again, and his consciousness returned to the soul space.

Being able to split the soul is not Wang Sheng's ultimate goal.Splitting means that the power is dispersed, and Wang Sheng doesn't want to suffer from insufficient attack power and poor physical condition due to the splitting of the original soul during the battle.Therefore, after the successful split, Wang Sheng had to reunite the Yuanhun.

Relatively speaking, this is much simpler.Wang Sheng has personally seen the scene where one hundred primordial soul carp devoured each other to form one, and after successfully splitting the primordial soul, with the experience of separation, it is easier to combine.

Of course, Wang Sheng would not use that kind of swallowing method to merge.Because no matter how it is devoured, there is always a process of strength and weakness as well as digestion and fusion. During this process, some spiritual energy will inevitably be lost.Wang Sheng was not willing to let the aura he had absorbed so hard to lose, so the merger process must not adopt that inefficient method.

Since when they were separated, they were directly broken into two parts and grew separately, so when merging, Wang Sheng adopted the simplest and most brutal fusion.Let the two primordial souls get closer, and then forcefully squeeze into each other's body.

Originally, auras are of the same origin and species, and they exist in Wang Sheng's primordial soul space at the same time. The fusion of the two primordial souls is simply a natural thing.Soon the two primordial souls merged together, blending into each other bit by bit, and in Wang Sheng's feeling, it only took less than half an hour to become one again.

The souls that merged into one looked completely unchanged from the original, far from the strange change of forcibly swallowing each other.It's normal to think about it. After all, all the changes are in the space of Wang Sheng's soul, unlike in the lake, a slight difference in the environment will cause the size of the split of the soul to be different, and it is completely different from Wang Sheng's. And language.

One was divided into two and then two were combined into one. Wang Sheng checked up, down, left, right, front, back, back and forth many times, and found no problems. Only then did he return to reality from the state of practice with a happy mood.Looking at the time, it was already midnight.

The lone wolf was still under the tree, with a pair of walnut-sized eyes shining green, like two little green lanterns.This guy is really patient, and he got stuck with Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng ignored it, took a nap with vigilance, and it was dawn when he opened his eyes.

Yesterday, one day and one night, Wang Sheng succeeded in splitting the original soul and then merging it again.The thing to do today is very simple, that is to be proficient in these two processes, the sooner the better.

The lone wolf under the tree was clearly in great doubt.In its eyes, the little guy on the tree became stronger for a while, weaker for a while, stronger for a while, and weaker for a while, so unpredictable that it didn't know what happened.But there is one thing that Lone Wolf firmly believes that the guy on the tree will be his own food sooner or later.

For a whole day and night, Wang Sheng was practicing the division and fusion of the original soul.Wang Sheng wasn't greedy either, he didn't split the soul into more immediately, but split it into two and recombined into one, the process took less and less time, and Wang Sheng became more and more proficient at splitting and merging the soul.

During the practice, Wang Sheng also discovered a very interesting phenomenon, that is, when Wang Sheng split the soul into two, the lone wolf under the tree would look very puzzled. Sheng realized that after his original soul was split, it would give people the illusion of declining strength.

This is a very good disguise. If Wang Sheng doesn't want everyone in the world to look for him to find the secret to upgrade his soul, he just needs to split his soul into several, so that he can always give people a sense of inferiority. The feeling of strength, the rumors will naturally disappear without a trace.

After spending five days and nights with that lone wolf, and when the food prepared by Wang Sheng had been exhausted, Wang Sheng finally made a decision to face the lone wolf.

For five days and five nights, the wolf below drank some dew nearby at most, and his body was already extremely hungry.After confirming that the wolf's body had lost a little weight, Wang Sheng took out a special energy bar from the ring, peeled off the package and threw it down, right in front of the lone wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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