
Chapter 86 Killing the Lone Wolf

Chapter 86 Killing the Lone Wolf

Chapter 73 Killing the Lone Wolf

Wang Sheng's equipment warehouse was equipped with seven energy bars, equivalent to seven days' rations.However, among the seven energy bars, six are ordinary individual ration energy bars, and one is a special energy bar dedicated to Wang Sheng.

Ordinary individual ration energy bars are mainly composed of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as some trace elements and electrolyte additives necessary for the human body. They contain a lot of calories and can supplement various elements.An energy bar can provide a soldier like Wang Sheng with energy for a day's activities.

Six of them are this kind of ordinary individual rations, and the reason why the remaining one is special is that it is completely different from these six.

It is said to be special, but in fact it is not special at all.Because on Earth, this so-called energy bar is pretty easy to find, it's just chocolate.

However, Wang Sheng’s is a bit more demanding, pure dark chocolate, without any artificial fat substitutes.The reason for pure chocolate is because chocolate can replenish calories and at the same time allow Wang Sheng to concentrate and calm down.

Usually at the last stage of the mission, that is, before preparing to shoot, Wang Sheng would chew some chocolate.That's why this unique "energy bar" came about.

The lone wolf under the tree had been hungry for five days and five nights, not counting the time before it found Wang Sheng.Now a piece of dark chocolate with a sweet taste fell from the sky. After all, the lone wolf is just a monster, and most of the time he still acts on instinct. It is impossible to know what Wang Sheng has in mind.

But Lone Wolf was still very vigilant, sniffed it a little, but didn't touch the piece of chocolate at first.Wang Sheng is also very patient, regardless of it.After a few bugs had been nibbling on the chocolate for a while and nothing happened, the lone wolf sprayed his nose a few times to blow away the bugs on the chocolate.

He looked up at Wang Sheng, and saw Wang Sheng's playful gaze.The lone wolf leaned forward, sniffed it, stuck out his tongue and licked it, and then bit the bar of chocolate into his mouth.After chewing a few times, it was swallowed.

Wang Sheng finally showed a smile.It seems that feeding the lone wolf high-calorie chocolate is suspected of being an enemy, but the lone wolf has actually fallen into Wang Sheng's trap.

Anyone who has a dog on earth basically knows that canines cannot eat chocolate.Perhaps in small doses it might be fine, but in large doses, delicious chocolate is deadly poison to canines.

Theobromine in chocolate cannot be effectively metabolized out of the body by canines, and canines will die if they eat more than a certain dose.

This world may be different from the earth, but Wang Sheng also needs to gamble.If this method fails, Wang Sheng can only use a sniper rifle.

Wang Sheng was right.After the lone wolf ate the big bar of chocolate, he foamed out of his mouth after a while.Watching this scene, Wang Sheng finally showed a smile on his face.

Wang Sheng didn't know the lethal amount of chocolate eaten by this kind of wolf in this world, but the reaction of the lone wolf showed that even if the amount was not lethal, it was enough to make it show symptoms of poisoning.

That piece of chocolate was enough rations for special soldier Wang Sheng to exercise strenuously for a day, and it weighed a full catty, pure chocolate.Even if the body of the lone wolf is several times larger than the wolves on earth, this dose is enough to poison the lone wolf.

Manifestations of chocolate poisoning in canines include vomiting and convulsions.Just now there was white foam at the corner of the lone wolf's mouth, indicating that it had started to vomit, and then Wang Sheng waited for it to convulse.

Holding a longbow in his hand and a long arrow in his hand, Wang Sheng began to aim at the body of the lone wolf.Normally, Wang Sheng's bow and arrow couldn't penetrate the fur of a lone wolf in the fifth level.But now that he was vomiting and convulsing, Wang Sheng had an opportunity.

The lone wolf rolled under the tree in pain, with a coughing sound from his mouth and throat, as if something was about to roll up from his stomach.The four legs also began to twitch irregularly.

Right now, Wang Sheng took advantage of the moment when the lone wolf rolled over and exposed his belly, he drew his bow and set up an arrow, and shot it down.

Ding, that long arrow accurately hit the lone wolf's soft belly.But to Wang Sheng's surprise, even if it was the lone wolf's soft belly, when the long arrow hit it, there was only a sound of a hard object colliding, and then the long arrow was bounced away.The bow and arrow that Wang Sheng had placed his high hopes on could not hurt the lone wolf's fur.

This scene directly made Wang Sheng's mouth open.The fur is so strong, what kind of realm is this lone wolf?

Maybe it was Wang Sheng's bow and arrow attack and the discomfort in his stomach that made the lone wolf feel the pain. Alas, the lone wolf struggled and let out a loud roar, and a burst of momentum emerged from his body.

Wang Sheng's eyes almost turned into copper bells.This guy actually knew how to be clumsy at the beginning, and his performance was so weak that Wang Sheng thought that this guy might only be in the fifth level of cultivation. Unexpectedly, now he has completely exploded. Looking at the breath, he has at least obtained the sixth level.

For Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng didn't know what the performance of the sixth level was, but this invulnerable giant wolf put Wang Sheng in an embarrassing situation.

The lone wolf is poisoned, this is a great opportunity, no matter whether he kills or escapes, he may be able to win for a while.However, the toughness shown by the lone wolf made Wang Sheng hesitate a bit. In the realm of invulnerability, can he only attack his eyes with a sniper rifle?Or use high-explosive grenades?

Whether it was a sniper rifle or a high-explosive grenade, it was not what Wang Sheng wanted.Now that you have come to this world, you have to slowly adapt to the rules of this world.If he used his last hole card as soon as something happened, the equipment Wang Sheng brought from the earth would be exhausted in a few times. What would Wang Sheng do then?
If he can't adapt to the power system of this world in the shortest time, Wang Sheng even wonders if he has a chance to survive until he finds the girl of his dreams.

Looking at the giant wolf rolling under the tree in pain, countless thoughts flashed through Wang Sheng's mind.Gritting his teeth suddenly, he made a decision.

The long bow disappeared, and a long sword appeared in Wang Sheng's hand.It's also a nice weapon left by some guy who's been tracking, eyeing the lone wolf, looking for the right opportunity.

All of a sudden, the lone wolf just rolled under the tree, and it was time to howl with its mouth open.It's now!
Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, Wang Sheng jumped down from the tree, and accurately jumped to the giant wolf. At a height of 15 meters, it only takes more than a second for Wang Sheng to fall, which is enough time for Wang Sheng to adjust the pointing of the sword tip.

With the strength of jumping from the tree, the muscles on Wang Sheng's two arms swelled high, almost using all the strength of his whole body, and a sword accurately pierced the huge mouth of the lone wolf who was howling in pain.

Ask for all kinds of flowers and tickets for support.thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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