
Chapter 851

Chapter 851
Chapter 450 Five Dream Workshop
Mengzhifang opened very low-key.The reason why it is low-key is because Mengzhifang did not hold any opening ceremony with much fanfare at all. It opened very low-key and quietly, and few people in the capital knew about it.

But in fact, the opening of Mengzhifang is not low-key at all.Three days in advance, Runzifang's gold card and above customers were notified.It's just that customers of this level seldom announce anything loudly. They know that it is a high-level benefit exclusively for them.

On the day of the opening, almost all clients with gold cards and above rushed to Runzifang, even more than [-] concubines came out of the palace, and happily entered the beauty salon of Runzifang.

Through a street connected to Runzifang in the real Runzifang beauty salon, all the girls happily entered the dream workshop.

During the first rehearsal at the Royal Grand Theater, the clothes of those beauties collected in Wang Sheng's mansion dazzled the eyes of the imperial guards at that time, and there are still many people who still miss so many gorgeous women that night.

These ladies who are qualified to enter the Dream Workshop have long been looking forward to Meier's start of the business of beautiful clothes. According to the notification received, it is said that the gorgeous clothes worn by those women that night are in the Dream Workshop. , how many people have been looking forward to it, just waiting for the opening day to carefully select it.

More than 2000 people flooded into the Dream Workshop at one time, but not all of them were ladies.Each gold card customer can bring a companion in.Some brought their own maids, and some brought their girlfriends. Anyway, no one came alone on this kind of grand opening day.

When everyone excitedly entered the long-awaited Dream Workshop, a group of beauties who made almost all of them feel ashamed, warmly invited them to enjoy a beautiful fashion show in the Colorful Pavilion.

What is a fashion show?The female customers who came in were all puzzled.But since it was the host's arrangement, there must be a unique intention.Anyway, there is no man here, so go and see first, so as not to make a fool of yourself if you don't know anything.

The huge Colorful Pavilion has more seats than the Royal Grand Theater.However, although there are many seats, the venue is not as splendid and occupied as the Royal Grand Theater, which looks exquisite.There are also various sound and light formations inside, and there is also an all-female band.

Of course, this band obviously cannot be compared with the Royal Symphony Orchestra.It's just a band formed by women who like music and are good at musical instruments. Wang Sheng gave a batch of fast-paced tunes, which were used as background music when the models were on the catwalk.

Although the level of the girls may be far behind those of the Royal Symphony Orchestra for the time being, the conductor is Master Yu.Everyone has been carefully instructed by Master Yu, and even the conductors have also accepted the instructions.It can't achieve the effect of aura shock in the theater, but it is enough to be used as background music.

The female guests entered the Colorful Pavilion with various thoughts. Although the distance and angle of the seats were still different, but for the first time when they came in, everyone didn't know what to see, let alone what a fashion show was, so I can't bear it, let's take a look first.

After all the female guests are seated, there are still some remaining seats in the Colorful Pavilion.This is a venue that can accommodate 500 people, and it was built entirely for fashion shows.

Suddenly, the entire arena went dark.The female guests exclaimed for a while, not knowing what happened.While being surprised, a ray of light hit the stage, and a beautiful woman stood there, smiling at everyone.

The woman who appeared was Qiangwei.Mengzhifang is the property that Wang Sheng promised to the daughters of the palace, and it is dominated by Qiangwei, so it is also Qiangwei who comes forward.

In this regard, Meier doesn't care, as long as she knows that Wang Sheng always puts herself first.Therefore, at this moment, Meier is also one of the audience, accompanying a distinguished guest in the only box with the best location, waiting to start.

The distinguished guest is of course the Empress.The Queen Empress of Runzifang holds half of the shares. When Mengzhifang opened, Wang Sheng still gave the Empress Empress a part of the shares, but this time it was not half, but one-third.

Empress Empress occupies one-third, Meier occupies one-third, Sister Qiangwei and the others occupy one-third.Although the royal family participated in the shares, they were not dry shares, but actually invested in gold coins.Today can be regarded as the opening of their own business, the empress has already rushed over secretly, and did not come with those concubines.

"Dear distinguished guests." Sister Qiangwei's voice was clearly heard by everyone through the formation, and everyone could hear it clearly: "Dream Workshop is open today, and we sincerely welcome all distinguished guests."

Many of the honored guests had participated in two concerts, and they applauded in a timely manner, and even those who had not participated in it also applauded.

"Dream House is a brand that only targets high-end women. The founder of the brand is the well-known Mr. Chang Sheng." After a pause, Sister Qiangwei continued, "I believe you all know that Mr. Chang Sheng has never let you down. Your guests have been disappointed."

This is true, at least the high-end customers of Runzifang are very satisfied.Now Wang Sheng has brought out a business of Mengzhifang for everyone, which made everyone curious to death.

"Dream Workshop actually has two core businesses, one is beauty, and the other is sexy." Sister Qiangwei just finished saying the word sexy, and the visitors burst into an uproar.In this world, no woman has ever said the word sexy so bluntly.

"They are all women. There are no men here. Men who trespass will die. This is an imperial decree, so everyone can rest assured." Sister Qiangwei knew the contradictory thoughts of these guests and didn't care about the uproar of the crowd. She continued: "Dream Everything that Zhifang manages is only for the people closest to me, so don’t worry about it.”

They are all female generals who fought in the imperial city or the Houmen's harem. Competing for favor and jealousy are commonplace, who doesn't know who?Whoever is sexy takes advantage, this is common sense.The uproar at the beginning was just a little sudden. After confirming that they were all women, everyone no longer worried about anything, but became more curious in their hearts.Curious what this beautiful and sexy business is all about?
"The first Mei series boutique fashion show in the Colorful Pavilion of Dream Square is starting now." Sister Qiangwei's voice finally touched the most itchy place in the hearts of the female guests, and everyone immediately sat upright, ready to appreciate it.

The lights went dark again, and in less than three seconds, they turned on again.

(End of this chapter)

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