
Chapter 852 Fashion Show

Chapter 852 Fashion Show

Chapter 450 Six Fashion Show

Accompanied by the sound of pure music, the long runway was illuminated with colorful lights, and at the same time a fresh breath blew out, which caused a little surprise in the hearts of those who knew the goods among the audience.

That fragrance is clearly one of the series of the highest-grade perfumes in Runzifang. Seeing the smell that pervades the entire venue, maybe dozens of bottles will not be needed?That's a bottle of perfume worth at least [-] gold coins!Is it just used to set off the atmosphere of this unknown fashion show?

The brightest place is on the catwalk. Although there is light in the auditorium, they can only see the surroundings clearly.

In the corner of the runway, with the sound of music, a woman wearing clothes that everyone had never seen before came out, like a lady, walking gracefully along the horizontal platform to the middle, and then Turn around and start walking towards the vertical table.

The clothes on her body are Hanfu with a modern design that has been improved by Wang Sheng. It is a little more streamlined than what ordinary ladies wear today, and it is not so draggy, but it is just right to fit the woman's figure perfectly. Highlighted.Especially the wide belt on the waist not only gives people a lean beauty, but also shows the woman's slim waist.

The woman is very beautiful, her makeup is also very delicate, but her hairstyle is very simple. It is not like most ladies with complicated buns, but simply loosened and tied with a red rope at the back. Simple but with its own A refined taste that makes people want to stop watching.

Only then did the audience know why the stage was designed in such a way. It turns out that walking from the other end to this side allows the audience on both sides to see clearly, and it is really a good thing from all angles.

Strange, why is this woman walking so beautifully and attractively?Someone soon discovered the clue.

Under the feet of the woman, she was wearing a pair of distinctive shoes.What's interesting is that the heel of the shoes is about an inch and a half higher than ordinary shoes, and it matches the clothes very well, making it a seamless one. When walking, it looks graceful and graceful, with endless meanings.

is it beautiful?pretty!The woman was originally a beauty chosen by all, and she also practiced the Yongchun mentality of the Triumph Palace Yintang.But, sexy?Is it just to reflect the line of the waist?Many of the audience have heard the news about the legends of the Imperial Forest Army, so why do you think something is wrong?
This was Wang Sheng's idea.Let a group of women who feel that they have lost their virginity in short sleeves suddenly see a bikini, wouldn't they be shocked?It's better to let them let go of their conservativeness little by little and accept it slowly.

One model goes from head to toe, followed by a second.The clothing of the second model is still slightly conservative.However, many viewers already like these two outfits that are both lean and feminine, and plan to buy one for themselves.

There are several sets of home clothes that can be worn on weekdays.These sets of home clothing all have a common feature, that is, they outline the woman's figure very beautifully.Even if it is tightly wrapped, it will give people a feeling that they can reflect a beautiful figure at a glance.

The audience is very strange, is this sexy?It seems that there is still a little lack of flavor!
There are about six sets of clothes at home, and then the music changes, and it starts to become a bit lazy and casual.The model who came out next was already wearing an evening dress.And Sister Qiangwei didn't show up either, she just told everyone later that this series is the evening dress of the Meizhigui series.

At this moment, the eyes of all the audience widened. These evening gowns of various colors with part of their skin exposed finally appeared. The legends they heard were not deceiving.

However, this is too beautiful, right?Each model is a carefully selected beauty, no matter the figure or the face, the average score of the beauty is not less than [-], wearing a dazzling evening dress, with matching three-inch stiletto heels, walking Walking with the model, firmly attracting the attention of all the audience.

Every woman in the venue is attracted by these evening dresses, either with shoulders exposed, collarbone exposed, half shoulders exposed, calves exposed, or half thighs exposed, all kinds of The only thing they have in common is those two words, beautiful and sexy.

Each of the models is elegant and generous, and they are not shy because of their bare skin. Everyone has an elegant temperament on their faces, as if they are not walking on the catwalk, but at the dinner party in the 21st world on earth.

Noble, elegant, beautiful, confident, every movement, every appearance, every pause, every POS of every model on the stage perfectly interprets these words.The exposed skin did not become a stain, but it just rightly highlighted the characteristics of the figure and clothes, directly magnifying the advantages of each person by at least three times.

Gorgeous but not vulgar, charming but not coquettish, even if they are the same women, those female audiences will look red-faced and wish they could replace it.Everyone began to imagine how gorgeous they would be if they wore these beautiful evening dresses, and how dazzling they would be if they walked on the stage.

These are the must buys!Buy every single one!The audience in the audience are not those who only know how to watch and are reluctant to pay for gold coins. Everyone is screaming like this in their hearts.

It's a pity that there are only twelve sets of evening dresses. After the models left, Sister Qiangwei's voice told everyone that the Mei Zhiying series of sportswear will be exhibited next.

The light got brighter and people could see better.A model, wearing a headband with her hair on her head, wearing a close-fitting crop top, capri pants, and sneakers and socks, trotted onto the stage.

The music has also become a lively and cheerful taste. What the model shows to everyone is the sunshine, health, vitality and youth of this sports girl.On the runway, the models are all jogging, but they just run an extra lap, so that everyone has enough time to see clearly.

Even sportswear can be relaxed.The calf, the beautiful navel, the shoulders, and the collarbone are exposed. Having gone through the baptism of the previous evening dresses, the British series of sportswear has also been appreciated by these VIP female customers.

They are all experts in snatching men's favorites, who doesn't know how to give men freshness all the time?The home clothes at the beginning, the evening dresses after that, and the sportswear in the back, each set can make their current men stunned. This time, this trip to Dream Workshop is really the right time!
(End of this chapter)

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