
Chapter 853 Fashion Show

Chapter 853 Fashion Show

Chapter 450 Six Fashion Show

However, it was obvious that the girls were a bit too happy. When Sister Qiangwei announced that the secret series of underwear would be next, the girls didn't know what kind of shock they would receive next.

The light on the runway was slightly dimmed, the fragrance in the air seemed to be a little more ambiguous, and the music was even more mysterious, but the sense of rhythm was still very strong.

A female model came out, and the audience exclaimed, and everyone's first reaction was to turn their heads away with red faces, and never dared to look at the models on the stage again.

The model was only wearing a bellyband and a pair of three-inch stiletto sandals. Apart from that, there was nothing else, at least when the girls first saw it, they didn't see anything else.

The female model walked coquettishly, with her chest straight, walked confidently from the entrance of the runway to the center of the runway, stood where she was, and posed a very sexy POS.

The towering chest, the flat stomach, the slender legs, the fair skin, and the close-fitting apron that only covers the key parts of the chest and abdomen, all of them give people a kind of enthusiasm that can turn a man into a werewolf on a moonlit night impulse.

At this time, the female audience below realized that it was not that the female model was not wearing panties, but that the trousers were too small and thin. From a distance, only a few belts could be seen, showing their existence on the waist and buttocks.

Almost half of the audience were staring at the models on the stage dumbfounded at this moment, they couldn't believe their eyes.Can clothes like this be worn out?

The empress felt the same way, but she asked Meier directly.

"Your Majesty, this is underwear! It's usually worn inside, or it's only for those closest to me in the deep boudoir." Mei'er explained dumbfoundingly. Wang Shengzao told Meier and Qiangwei about this. It's been many times, and now it's Meier's turn to explain to the empress.

Mei'er's voice was low, no one around could hear her.But Sister Qiangwei has already spoken out the concept of underwear through the sound transmission method, so that everyone can hear it.What Sister Qiangwei said was almost exactly the same as what Meier said, she just explained why the model would wear it like this, just to let the audience see clearly the effect of wearing this kind of underwear.

Hearing that it was the underwear worn inside, and it was only displayed separately, those female audiences were relieved. It turned out that this was the case, and they were almost taken aback. They thought that Mengzhifang asked them to wear such The clothes are out for people to see.

Thinking about it is also a misunderstanding, not to mention underwear, even the home clothing and evening dress of your series are only for the people you care about the most, sportswear is the same, let alone underwear.Unfortunately, when they saw such sexy and revealing underwear, they were stunned, and they actually thought of wearing it out. How did they get so flirtatious that they came up with such an idea?
When everyone understood, they looked at each other and thought it was funny.There are all women here, so what if the models on the stage wear a little less?Don't tell me they don't see women without clothes, and turn their heads red-faced, so embarrassing!
Once again looking at the bellybands worn by the models from the perspective of beauty and sexiness, many female guests had different thoughts in their hearts.What would happen if such underwear was worn on oneself?What will the guy in the family be fascinated by?Will you still run into a small room?

The first model was still wearing a bellyband, and the second model came out with a regular bra and panties.Although the first set of bras and underwear was very conservative, it still shocked the audience.

This is simply subverting the tradition, subverting the spiritual world of those old masters, and subverting the conservative concept hidden in the deepest part of the heart of beautiful women. It's sexy like never before.

The apron is very traditional, and the regular bra and underwear are also very traditional, but the next ten sets of underwear with a sense of taste directly made the audience blush and embarrass themselves again.If you really want to dress like this, how can you be ashamed to see people!

But the lingerie models on the stage were still warm and generous, with confident smiles and seductive steps, looking so charming.A casual glance would make quite a few of the female customers below feel ashamed.

All the women in Mengzhifang are said to be beauties collected by Wang Sheng.If they are all at this level, then Chang Shenggong can be said to be the envy of all the men in the capital!Even the emperor is no exception, because the queen thinks so too, and there is nothing more authoritative than her thinking so.

The blushing underwear show finally came to an end, the lights were brightly lit, and Sister Qiangwei appeared on the runway again, looking at everyone with a smile.

The audience in the audience gradually quieted down, all eyes were on Sister Qiangwei, waiting for Sister Qiangwei to speak.

"This museum was named by Grandpa Chang Sheng himself, and it's called Colorful Pavilion." Sister Qiangwei smiled and opened her mouth, and her voice spread to all directions through the sound transmission method: "Dream Square was also named by Grandpa. Before everyone see All the people who arrived were wearing a brand called Mei. This brand is only for the most distinguished and top-notch ladies in the world, that is, everyone present."

"The fashion show in the Colorful Pavilion will be held every once in a while when new products are launched. The content is what everyone sees, all the clothing, shoes and hats of all series under the Mei brand." Sister Qiangwei looked at the reactions of everyone in the audience. When it came to the exclusive offering for the most distinguished top ladies and ladies, all the audience in the audience nodded slightly, very satisfied.

"In addition, Mengzhifang also provides another service, which is the service of the rose series." Sister Qiangwei was also full of pride when talking about the rose series.This is named after her by Wang Sheng: "If any distinguished guest feels that his body is not good enough, he is not satisfied, or his walking manner or life temperament is not enough, the Qiangwei fitness service can measure for every guest. Create a set of effective fitness and beauty posture training, and have one-on-one personal guidance. Of course, the service objects are only for everyone present.”

"I know everyone is already in a hurry, so I won't waste everyone's time." Sister Qiangwei announced with a smile: "Now all the distinguished guests can leave the Colorful Pavilion, and those who want to buy charming clothes can go to the City of Beauty on the left. If you want to visit Rose’s fitness posture, go to the Rose Pavilion on the right. You can feel free, and if you have any needs, you can ask any of the service staff in Dream Workshop.”

As soon as Sister Qiangwei finished speaking, the female guests, who could no longer hold back, immediately got up and rushed towards the outside of the museum in a mess, fearing that they would run too slowly, and those beautiful clothes would be gone when they arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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