
Chapter 934 The Hidden Strength of Baoqing Yutang Continuation 1

Chapter 934 The Hidden Strength of Baoqing Yutang Continuation Eleven
Chapter 490 Seven Hidden Strengths of Baoqing Yutang Continuation Eleven
The person who flew out was not Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng just backed up a series of times on the ground until he reached the place where his back was against the wall. He still couldn't stop completely. Finally, he crashed through the wall and retreated to the yard before he stood firm. .

When he stopped, Wang Sheng also had to forcefully swallow the blood rushing to his throat to stabilize the boiling blood.

The rampant aura in his body was devoured crazily by 24 little gluttons, but during the time when Wang Sheng retreated, half of it had been swallowed up. When Wang Sheng stood still, he took a dozen breaths , has been completely swallowed up.

The primordial soul that devoured the aura of the legendary killer quickly condensed together and turned into a huge glutton. In the primordial soul space, it opened its mouth towards the big pool, and a waterfall of spiritual liquid poured into the big pool. , the liquid level of the spiritual liquid in the big pool rose by another finger in the blink of an eye.

It wasn't until this step was completed that Wang Sheng's original soul turned into a semi-finished cricket again, and continued to crawl on the edge of the big pond.

Using the five-character tactic with the Zhezi tactic at the same time, even the internal injury caused by the killer's attack just now will reduce the pain instantly. Such an injury will only take three days at most, and Wang Sheng will recover as before.

The killer who flew out was already held down.In fact, when he flew out and was still in the air, he was already spurting blood.

Wang Sheng's aura entered his body from the place where the fists of the two touched like a sharp sword, carrying an invincible aura, destroying all twenty or thirty acupoints from his right arm to his chest like a broken bamboo.Just this time, the killer was seriously injured and unable to move.

After falling heavily to the ground, the killer still had an unbelievable expression on his face.How can it be?Isn't Wang Sheng only at the seventh level of cultivation?How could it have such terrifying destructive power?A master in the legendary realm, but he can't take a punch from Wang Sheng?
After falling to the ground, the killer could no longer move.Not to mention the internal injury caused by Guiyuan's hand, just the collateral damage caused by Wang Sheng's huge physical strength has already shattered the killer's wrist and forearm ulna bone into several pieces. It can be cured, but the right arm is useless.

What made the assassin most desperate was that as soon as he landed, two guards unceremoniously nailed one of his hands and feet to the ground with the weapons in their hands.The guards who rushed over from behind did not hesitate, and chiselled repeatedly, at least six weapons were inserted into his arms and legs, and nailed to the ground through his body.Then the spiritual energy was immediately sealed, and the person was punched in the head, and passed out directly.

At least a dozen guards surrounded Wang Sheng, surrounding and protecting Wang Sheng. At this time, even if the killer has great skills, it is impossible to hurt Wang Sheng in the slightest.

Even so, the guards of the Duke's Mansion rushed here continuously, and there were more than a hundred of them in a blink of an eye, almost covering Wang Sheng's circle impenetrably.

This is just the beginning, not long after, Meier Qiangwei and Ah Qi heard the news and rushed here quickly.Before reaching the living room, he ran into Wang Sheng who was returning to the practice room surrounded by guards.Seeing the trace of blood on the corner of Wang Sheng's mouth that had not yet been wiped off, Mei'er immediately buzzed in her head.

"Chop up that assassin and feed it to the dogs!" Without even thinking about it, Meier yelled at the guards beside Wang Sheng, but she rushed directly into the group of guards and threw herself into Wang Sheng's arms, crying The brush flowed down.

"Don't! If you chop it up, how do you know who is in charge? Maybe you can dig out the secret of Baoqing Yutang from him." Wang Sheng's gentle voice came from above Meier's head, without any change. Exactly the same as before the injury.At the same time, the strong arms hugged Mei'er gently, and also gave her a burst of warm strength.

Although Qiangwei and Ah Qi didn't rush forward, the worry in the eyes of the two women was still obvious.Qiangwei saw a lot of slightly injured assassins in Wuyou City, and knew that Wang Sheng's current state was not considered dangerous.As for Ah Qi, he has suffered similar injuries more than once, and he knows that Wang Sheng has no fatal threat at all.

Of course, Qiangwei didn't want to compete with Meier for the position in front of Wang Sheng, but Ah Qi simply didn't have the concept yet.In essence, she has not really regarded herself as Wang Sheng's woman.Therefore, neither of the two women threw themselves into Wang Sheng's arms. In this case, the only one who could do so was Meier.

"Don't worry! I'm fine!" Wang Sheng comforted Meier again for a while, and after coaxing Meier into a smile, he kissed Meier's cheek and let her go.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Sheng opened his arms towards Qiangwei again.Qiangwei's speed was no slower than that of Mei'er just now, she also rushed into Wang Sheng's arms, hugged him for a while, kissed him before gently letting go.

When Ah Qi watched Wang Sheng open his arms towards her, she knew what to do no matter how reserved or shy she was.Being held in Wang Sheng's arms very awkwardly, Ah Qi's embarrassment was like a piece of red cloth.Although Ah Qi was once hugged naked by Wang Sheng and slept together, she had never shown such intimacy under the gaze of so many people.

However, in the scene just now, the dozens of guards seemed to have not seen it. Everyone was expressionless and stared at the surroundings vigilantly.Even the female guards brought by Meier Qiangwei and the others were the same, keeping their eyes on each other.

Although she was not used to it, Ah Qi found that she seemed really worried just now, and she felt much better after being hugged by Wang Sheng.

"Who sent that guy?" Mei'er asked anxiously after everyone sat down in the small courtyard of the practice room.

"I don't know!" Wang Sheng shook his head: "I haven't had time to ask."

"Then hurry up!" Mei'er waved her little hand, acting like a pure hostess: "Use a few truth pills, I don't believe it, he won't say it."

In Meier's eyes, the mantra pill of 50 gold coins is absolutely not as important as knowing the truth from the killer.This boldness, probably only Meier in the whole world can do it.

"Old Wang! What are you doing sneakily?" Wang Sheng also felt that it didn't matter. Of course, the truth is important. The current situation of that guy probably can't stand any punishment.Just as he was about to nod, he saw Guanshi Wang poking his head at the gate of the yard, looking like he wanted to come in but didn't dare to, so he couldn't help but yelled.

"Grandpa!" Steward Wang came in from the door with a bitter face. The person he brought in became a killer, and he didn't know how to explain it to the lord, but another trouble came later, and he dared not refuse. He said that he could only honestly say to Wang Sheng: "The elder of the Qiu family handed over a letter to ask to see the Lord, and he was at the gate of the mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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