
Chapter 935 The Hidden Strength of Baoqing Yutang Continuation 2

Chapter 935 The Hidden Strength of Baoqing Yutang Continued Twelve

Chapter 490 Seven Hidden Strengths of Baoqing Yutang Continuation Twelve

As soon as Guanshi Wang finished speaking, three pairs of angry eyes fixed on Guanshi Wang's face, which made Guanshi Wang tremble.

The killer just came here pretending to be the elder of the Qiu family, and the three daughters who got involved didn't have a good attitude towards the elders of the Qiu family.If Manager Wang dared to talk about him at this time, it's no wonder that the third daughter stared at him viciously.

"What does this have to do with Old Wang?" Wang Sheng patted Mei'er's little hand, and said a word for Manager Wang: "Don't blame Old Wang!"

Steward Wang almost burst into tears.In the duke's mansion, only Duke Chang Sheng has such a mind, and he will not take his anger out on him.This guy had already vowed to be loyal to Wang Sheng, and now he is even more grateful.

The elders of the Qiu family were welcomed into the living room of the Duke's Mansion.However, he was surprised that a pillar in the living room had been completely disconnected, and there was a huge hole in the wall not far away.If the remaining walls and pillars were not strong enough, the living room of the Duke's Mansion would have collapsed.

There were dozens of expert guards standing in and around the courtyard of the living room, and everyone was staring at the elder Qiu's family closely, as if he was some kind of enemy who broke in.This made the elders of the Qiu family very nervous. Even if they were sitting in the living room, they couldn't help gathering spiritual energy secretly. Once there was any change, he would forcefully rush out of the Duke's mansion immediately.

"Don't be nervous!" Wang Sheng's voice came to his ears. As soon as the elder Qiu raised his head, he saw Wang Sheng walking in from behind.

This time, Wang Sheng can conclude that the Qiu family elder is the genuine Qiu family elder.While recognizing him, I felt a pity in my heart. No matter who sent the killer, if the second elder Qiu's family is still fake, that would be the pinnacle assassination plan. Unfortunately, this is true.

The elders of the Qiu family stood up and greeted Wang Sheng.No matter from Wang Sheng's title or from the starting point that he needs Wang Sheng today, he should stand up.

"You just assassinated me once!" Just after sitting down and taking a sip of tea, the elder Qiu's family heard Wang Sheng's words, and immediately jumped up like a rabbit hit by an arrow.

"Don't be nervous!" Wang Sheng sat still, waved to the elder Qiu's family again, and motioned him to sit down.

The elder Qiu's family was almost sitting on half of their buttocks, ready to rush out at any time.Wang Sheng's words are too incomprehensible, what does this mean?
There were footsteps coming from the living room, and the elders of the Qiu family couldn't help being drawn to look over, and then saw a few guards from the Duke's mansion carrying a blood-covered person walking over.

The person being carried looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.The elders of the Qiu family looked carefully, and suddenly screamed as if they had seen a ghost. Isn't that person's face their own?

"A quarter of an hour before you came in, this person pretended to be you, sat where you are sitting now, and attacked me." Wang Sheng casually pointed to the killer who was held hostage by several guards, and pointed at the elders of Qiu's family. He smiled and asked: "The timing is just right. If he is lucky enough to escape from the house, my guards should be able to run into your team just in time. Do you think it is a coincidence?"

The scalps of the elders of the Qiu family began to tingle. Who made this plan to assassinate Wang Sheng, and it was so vicious.If the assassination was successful according to what Wang Sheng said, then the scapegoat of the elder Qiu's killing of Wang Sheng would be held firmly on his head, and he couldn't get rid of it even if he wanted to.

"If it wasn't for the other party's impromptu intention to arrange such a perfect game in an instant, then I'm afraid there is something wrong with someone around you." Wang Sheng asked Qiu's parents to see the person's current face clearly, and then waved his hands to let the killer be taken away. , turned around and said to Qiu's parents: "So, you came to see me today, do you have any advice?"

Although the old Qiu family, who had come to their senses, wished they could immediately investigate who was wrong with them, but compared with the purpose of coming here to Wang Sheng, it was still a trivial matter, and it was more important to finish it in advance.

Both Wang Sheng and Mei'er guessed that the Qiu family came to form an alliance, and that was indeed the case. The elders of the Qiu family came here for the purpose of forming an alliance.

In Thousand Jedi, the Qiu family suffered heavy losses. Hundreds of masters were destroyed. It can be said that half of the high-end combat power was directly lost.Compared with Qian Jedi's loss, the massacre of a Qiu family child in a city in Qiu country can really be ignored.

Although this time, by taking revenge on Baoqing Yutang's base of thousands of Jedi, it can be regarded as a victory, but the loss of Baoqing Yutang is far less than that of the Qiu family.Baoqingyutang is a business name. Many of the people who practice in the base of Baoqingyutang are casual cultivators who have paid money to Baoqingyutang. The real people in Baoqingyutang are actually a few guys in charge of affairs and logistics. .

Strictly speaking, the Qiu family actually killed innocent people indiscriminately in Baoqingyutang's base, but the Qiu family had to make this gesture to discourage those who still wanted to cooperate with Baoqingyutang.After all, Baoqing Yutang is just a chain store. If there is no partner, what else can we do?

The elders of the Qiu family made it very clear that although this time they took revenge on Baoqing Yutang with the help of the other seven vassal states in Qianjedi, in fact the Qiu family did not get much benefit.The base of Baoqing Yutang was divided up by the seven countries, not to mention that Qiu Guo didn't occupy it at all, and had to pay an extra expense.Not only the loss of manpower, but also the loss of the economy, a double blow.

Under such circumstances, even Qiu Guo, one of the eight major vassal states, couldn't take it anymore, and began to find ways to find foreign aid.

The eight vassal states love each other and kill each other, helping each other and tearing each other down, fighting openly and secretly. The strength of Qiu State itself has been greatly reduced. If it wants to cooperate with one or two of the big vassals, it is tantamount to stealing from the door. When Tang fights to the death, the two allies will give them a slash in the back, and then carve up everything in the Qiu country.

Counting with fingers, Man Tianxia can help the Qiu family without coveting their family territory. It seems that there is no other than a few limited forces.It is impossible for the royal family, even if the royal family is willing, it is impossible for Qiu Guo to cooperate with the royal family to enhance the strength of the royal family.It is impossible for the major vassal states, but the city of worry-free is possible, but the city of worry-free is not a good thing, not to mention the expense, and I am afraid that it may not really contribute.

Laojunguan has always stayed out of the matter, ignoring ordinary things, and he definitely can't say anything.Those guys in Linglong Pavilion studied all kinds of strange skills and tricks, and the Qiu family had no connections, and they couldn't win them over.After counting and counting, it seems that Wang Sheng is the only one who can cooperate.

(End of this chapter)

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