
Chapter 945 The Big Trap

Chapter 945 The Big Trap
Chapter [-]: Big Trap
The barbarian masters did not know who they were after, only that they were outsiders.The hateful outsider not only sneaked into their home, but also took away one of their descendants, and he himself was the one who the messenger of the gods said must be killed. What is there to say?

They didn't even know how many people they were following. Even after rescuing the young junior, they couldn't immediately know what happened, who they were, and how many people there were.

After losing the clues of outsiders by the river, the barbarian masters turned their heads and returned to their homeland, the newly built city.Not long after that, the news that outsiders had touched the edge of their city and even entered the city began to spread throughout the mountains.

The other tribes received the news one after another, and finally even the messenger of the gods also received the news.

"Sure enough!" The messenger of the gods is of course the old proprietor Zhu of Baoqing Yutang. He has packaged himself as a magic stick, but he is the only great magic stick in this barren land.Under the simultaneous control of both material and spiritual aspects, in just a few years, the tentacles of Baoqing Yutang have been extended to the entire Shanyue Land, and at the same time, the entire Shanyue Land has been firmly controlled in the hands.

"As long as someone comes, there must be more than one or two." The old proprietor Zhu also has his own news channel outside, but he is very clear that Wang Sheng and the others are not the only masters who have entered the land of Shanyue.Xia Guo alone has already sent in two or three hundred masters, who seem to want to conquer again by force.

"The time is almost here, close the Internet cafe!" The old proprietor Zhu estimated that the distance from the third city to Xia Guo was almost two hundred miles deep. Such a large area is enough for people who come in to escape.

Countless barbarian masters rushed into the mountains from various cities, at least in groups of dozens of people, and each group brought several leading beasts, and began to search for traces of outsiders with their respective cities as the center.

There is another group of masters, who quickly headed straight to the edge of the mountain and crossed the land, not finding any traces of outsiders along the way. Their task is to outflank the periphery. When they reach the edge of the special forest, they will turn their heads and start hunting. kill.

No one knows how sensitive Wang Sheng's sense of smell has become, and it is even more impossible to imagine that Wang Sheng's nose can be compared to that of a guide beast. Tracking Wang Sheng is almost like finding a needle in a haystack.

Of course, even without such a sensitive nose, Wang Sheng's anti-tracking skills can still get rid of these barbarians' pursuit.Just kidding, it would be too embarrassing if Wang Sheng, who has undergone such scientific training and the test of the hell battlefield on earth, can still be tracked down by a group of half-civilized barbarians.

When he ran to the river before, Wang Sheng only yelled at Ah Qi and the old Taoist: "Jump!" He took the lead and jumped into the river without hesitation.Ah Qi and Lao Dao jumped in without the slightest hesitation.

The surging river washed the three people's bags thoroughly. At this time, not to mention the guide beasts, even monsters with a sense of smell ten times and a hundred times stronger than the guide beasts, it is impossible to track them by relying on their unique smell.

Under the water, Wang Sheng issued the five-character tactic, and there would be no fish within at least a few feet around him, and sometimes it was safer than on the road.

As soon as they entered the water, Ah Qi and Lao Dao discovered that Wang Sheng had already put on the goggles, and there was a strange thing in front of him.Wang Sheng made a gesture and asked the two to hold his arms, and one of them gave an oxygen cylinder and asked them to put the breathing port in their mouths, and then input spiritual energy to make the impeller of the underwater vehicle start to rotate.

The old man saw through the principle of this underwater vehicle almost at a glance, and relied on Wang Sheng's aura to drive the formation to rotate and drive the impeller, and then pulled the three of them forward.

With the oxygen to breathe, the three of them didn't need to show their heads at all. They were directly underwater and dived for at least ten miles along the current before going ashore.

The two of them were no longer surprised that Wang Sheng could bring out these unimaginable things at any time.The old man was not curious at all, he threw the oxygen bottle to Wang Sheng when he went ashore, but Ah Qi was reluctant to part with the oxygen bottle, if there was such a thing, how convenient would it be to hide under the water and plot against the target in the future?

"The air inside won't last long." Wang Sheng smiled, and didn't force it back, but just gave a warning.

Without the power of Wang Sheng, without the inflatable cylinders made by the great masters for Wang Sheng, no one in this world can compress the air more than 200 times or [-] times and fill it into a steel cylinder.Even if Ah Qi divulged this secret, no one would be able to use it in the same way.

After coming out of the water, the three of them found a safe place and changed their clothes.After entering the water once and drifting in the water for more than ten miles, those smells on his body have been completely washed away, even Wang Sheng can't smell a trace.

This also means that the three of Wang Sheng, Ah Qi and Lao Dao will no longer be tracked by those barbarian guide beasts because of this cleansing. A fish that slipped through the net.Although I can't guarantee 100% that I won't be discovered, at least I can move freely without worrying about being tracked.

"Continue wandering inside, or go back?" Wang Sheng also analyzed the situation for the two, and then asked them.

"You don't want to find out Zhu Xingsheng's whereabouts?" the old man asked in surprise.Zhu Xingsheng is the name of the old proprietor Zhu of Baoqing Yutang.

"I won't look for it anymore." Wang Sheng shook his head: "He has already set up a big net here, and we are stupid to drill into the battlefield he arranged. Anyway, he plays such a big game, and the major princes will not let him go. , why do we have to take the risk to find him?"

"Listen to you!" The old man nodded without saying a word. He knew that his analysis and judgment in this area was definitely not as good as Wang Sheng's, so he would not make decisions in this area at all. When he was with Wang Sheng, it was basically Wang Sheng. idea.

As for Ah Qi, she wouldn't say no to Wang Sheng's decision.

Now that they have made a decision, none of the three of them are the kind of people who would go on and on as soon as they say it, and immediately identify the direction and rush directly to the north.The land of Shanyue is in the south of Xia State, but Xia State is not the only bordering Shanyue Land, there are also Feng State and Tang State. They pass through Xia State just because the capital city is on the way. Now leaving, Wang Sheng decisively decided to go straight to Tang State.

Although Wang Sheng did not hesitate to make a decision, it was still a bit late.Baoqing Yutang had been set up for a long time, when the three of them retreated for more than 50 miles, they ran into the search team of the barbarians.

"There are masters in front, and there are many people, so we can't go forward." Ling Xu was the first to discover the opponent's existence, and stopped Wang Sheng and Ah Qi from moving forward in time.At the same time, Wang Sheng also found someone in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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