
Chapter 946

Chapter 946

Chapter [-] - Difficult to Fly With Wings

This time Wang Sheng's reaction was as fast as Ling Xu's, which surprised the old man a little.You know, in Qian Jedi, Wang Sheng had always found the enemy earlier than the old Taoist Ling Xu, but out of Qian Jedi, Wang Sheng found the enemy at the same speed as him. The sequelae caused by practice?Sensory decline?

However, this problem is a small one. No matter how late Wang Sheng discovered the enemy, he would have discovered it almost at the same time as the old Taoist Ling Xu of the twelfth stage.For a junior who only has a cultivation base of the seventh level, what more can he ask for?Didn't see that Ah Qi is still ignorant up to now, doesn't he know how terrifying the enemy ahead is?

"Back back!" The old man directly pulled Wang Sheng back, and Ah Qi also retreated, warning while walking the old way: "There are at least 40 legendary masters in this area, each of them is more than ten feet away, and they are distributed in a large area. , wanting to pass through the loopholes among them, it is hard to reach the sky!"

The other party did not find Wang Sheng and the three of them. Firstly, the old Taoist Ling Xu had a way to block some voices. Second, Ah Qi’s tight protective clothing had an invisible sound-absorbing formation. The effect of the "Hidden" technique combined with the characteristics of Wang Shengyuan's soul covered the aura of the three people, and they were discovered outside the alert range of these experts, so they retreated calmly and did not alarm these barbarian experts.

However, there is not much time left for Wang Sheng and the others, because the traces left along the way are inevitable and fresh.If those barbarian masters searched forward in this way, these traces would definitely be found.

If it were the masters of cultivation from the various princes, Wang Sheng might be sure that they would not find out, but the barbarians are different. They have lived in the jungle in the mountains and mountains since they were young, and they are very familiar with the situation in the jungle.Those traces seemed to have been left not long ago, and they would definitely follow the traces to chase and kill them.

If the old Taoist took action, he would probably be able to kill all of these guys, but if he were to deal with more than [-] legendary masters at the same time, and there were not many barbarians in the surrounding area An easy thing to do.

Once the attack was made, the old Taoist estimated that he would be able to escape completely, but Wang Sheng and Ah Qi would definitely be left behind.This is not what the old man wants to see.Even if he could protect Wang Sheng and escape alone, wouldn't he just ignore Ah Qi?The reverse is also the same, so this is not the time to do something, it is better to avoid it quickly.

"Go up the mountain over there!" Feeling the wind force on the canopy, Wang Sheng decisively pointed to a high mountain more than ten miles away.

For Wang Sheng's judgment, the old Taoist Ling Xu never refuted anything, and rushed over there without saying anything.At the same time, Wang Sheng also gave orders to attack all kinds of insects, monsters and beasts along the way with the five-character tactic.As long as they entered the range of these insects and monsters, they would risk their lives to attack.

Be it the insects or the monsters in the Mountains and Beyond, they are not as strong as those in the Thousand Jedi, but they have one characteristic, that is, there are too many, too many to count.

These insect monsters attack the legendary masters. They may not be able to hurt them at all, but they can effectively slow down their progress. At the same time, they can also cause these masters to cause a large number of new traces due to the battle, so that they cannot accurately track the king. The whereabouts of Sheng and others.

When Wang Sheng and the three quickly walked through the mountains and forests for a few miles, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting from behind in the forest.Wang Sheng understood that those masters searched the areas where Wang Sheng issued the attack command, alarmed the insects, were attacked and then counterattacked.

For legendary masters, as long as they are careful with the attacks of these insects and monsters, they will not be injured at all.However, there are so many bugs that can't stand it!Nest after nest of ants crazily drilled out of the ground, and one accidentally crawled all over the body.Groups of flying insects can lift them up to sting, especially among them are some highly poisonous flying insects that they know very well, and they can't do without blocking them.

return to?Obviously impossible.This kind of abnormal situation can only be said that there must be something wrong, but the messenger of the gods said that there is one person who can best command some insects, and they must be killed if they encounter them.In such a situation, maybe they ran into the guy who must be killed.

The barbarians were simple-minded, and under the dual control of material and spirit, they did not discount Zhu Xingsheng's orders at all. While frantically using their aura to kill these insects, they frantically sent out signals to call their companions to come over.In any case, Wang Sheng must be put to death.

When these barbarian masters were pinned down by the insects, the three of Wang Sheng had already reached the foot of the mountain.Listening to the movement behind, the three of them climbed up the mountain frantically without anyone urging them.

The mountain is neither high nor low, at least a few hundred meters high, but for Wang Sheng and the three of them, there was no difficulty, and it took less than 10 minutes to climb to the top of the mountain.But at this time, the movements of those chasing soldiers had already reached the foot of the mountain within five miles, and they would soon reach the foot of the mountain.

Obviously, even with the influence of those crazy insects, those barbarians still followed the traces left by Wang Sheng and the three of them.It can only be said that among them there are tracking masters, and it is estimated that the guide beast also helped a lot.You can smell the very light and unique grass juice smell, and you can definitely smell the smell of Ah Qi or Lao Dao.

Of course, if Wang Sheng was alone, it would be useless for those people to track the smell.Wang Sheng was able to restrain the breath of his whole body, and he couldn't even emit body odor, no matter how many guide beasts there were.

"What should we do now?" Lingxu looked at the large-scale disturbed jungle in the area below the mountain, and asked Wang Sheng: "Traces have been found, and you keep going back?"

"Don't worry, take a break and relax your energy." Wang Sheng looked at the surrounding environment, and told the two of them to rest firmly: "It's not an option to keep going backwards, we have to walk in front of them."

Old Taoist Ling Xu raised his eyebrows, and walked from the front?Is this a fighting stance?He didn't say anything, but he directly found a tree trunk to lean against, and slowly sat down to rest.

"Rest?" Ah Qi looked down the mountain and then to this side, and couldn't help asking: "We still need to rest? They are getting closer. If we can't escape, if we are caught up by these guys, once we form Surrounded, we can't escape even with our wings!"

"Who said that?" Wang Sheng laughed: "Who said that you can't escape with wings? Don't worry, we will put in wings and fly over their heads after a while."

(End of this chapter)

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