
Chapter 96 Registered Killer

Chapter 96 Registered Killer
Chapter 78 Registering the Killer
Before Wang Sheng crossed the red line on the edge of the Thousand Jedi, the news of his arrival in Wuyou City had already spread throughout the city.On the surface, Wuyou City has returned to calm, and Qian Jedi's city gate alarm has been dealt with. It is calm, but under this calm, there is an undercurrent.

When he first arrived, Wang Shengman didn't know anyone on the street.The city is not small, but there are very few people who have nothing to do outside. On the huge street, except for a few hawkers and the occasional few who come to buy things, there are almost no people.

Life in Wuyou City is not easy, everyone is under tremendous pressure, so no one is lazy.If it may be the pressure of life outside, it is the pressure of life and death here. If there is time, those people would rather practice more for a while to improve their cultivation.

It was still daytime, but Wang Sheng had to find a place to stay, otherwise it would not be safe to be alone in Wuyou City at night.

I randomly found a small inn and asked, and the room rate for one night was actually one gold coin.Putting it in other places outside, a gold coin can almost live in the best inn in the city, but here it is just a dilapidated ** firewood room with a better room.The price of this place is really dark.

"Sorry, sorry, the conditions are poor, I'm neglecting!" The owner of the shop smiled apologetically, apologizing for the poor room, and never turned his face because Wang Sheng was dissatisfied.

Wang Sheng's current vision is pretty good. Although there is no way to determine what state the shopkeeper is in now, he can be sure that it is definitely not worse than the peak of the first stage.

Even if it's only a second-level realm, it's fine to show off your power and not bully others outside, but here it is so humble, which makes people feel an indescribable sadness of a hero in distress.

"If you really don't want to stay in the inn, there are some vacant houses for sale in the city." The shopkeeper's good temper was amazing, and seeing that Wang Sheng was not satisfied, he pointed out aloud: "There are houses for sale in Fangshi, you can take a look at them one by one." Come here, you can also find a middleman and ask them to find you a suitable house to buy, as long as you pay some middleman fees."

"Thank you!" Wang Sheng nodded his thanks.

"No need to thank you." The shopkeeper also smiled, pointing to the hind legs carried on Wang Sheng's shoulders and asked: "I don't know if you can sell me a few catties of the meat of your fangs? I will give you five gold coins a piece." Buy by catty."

When Wang Sheng and Song Yan calculated the value of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa, Song Yan said that the meat of the Thousand Illusion Poison Boa in the fourth level is five catties and one gold coin.Wang Sheng later found out that it was indeed the price.The fang pig is from the fifth level, but here it can be sold for five gold coins per catty, which is 25 times more expensive than fourth level snake meat.

This is still the owner's price tag for a small favor. It is estimated that the price should be higher if it is displayed outside.Ten gold coins a catty must not worry about selling.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the dagger that Qian Juedi picked up appeared in Wang Sheng's hand. With a little spiritual energy, with a wave of his hand, a piece of meat that was about two catties was cleanly cut off.

The shop owner was also very straightforward, he didn't need to weigh it at all, he weighed it with his hands, and directly took out ten gold coins and gave it to him.This is a big tonic that he took advantage of and bought it at almost half the price.

According to the shopkeeper's instructions, I came to Fangshi.What the middlemen want is an intermediary. If there is a suitable one, Wang Sheng doesn't mind spending some intermediary fees to buy a house.It would be best if the house could face the street, so Wang Sheng could sell some monster meat from time to time.

The appearance of Wang Sheng carrying a big fangs and pig legs all the way looked so weird, but no one said anything.People in this place, unless they are related to themselves, will never meddle in their own business, this is the way of survival.

Walking to Fangshi, Wang Sheng saw the two largest and most gorgeous buildings at first sight, one was Baoqing Yutang and the other was Yubaozhai.In the entire Wuyou City, apart from the City Lord's Mansion, these two buildings are probably the most magnificent.

The two shops are one east and one west, and there is a huge two-story building in the middle, which is about 500 meters long by visual estimation.This two-story building is also the most prosperous place Wang Sheng has seen in Wuyou City, even busier than Baoqing Yutang and Yubaozhai.

Wang Sheng was looking at Fangshi, and the people in Fangshi were also looking at Wang Sheng.Today Wang Sheng made too much noise, especially the hind leg of the fang pig he was carrying, it was like a living sign, everyone knew that he was Wang Sheng, the Wang Sheng who had gone through thousands of jedi.

It must be fresh to come here on the first day, and people love to watch the excitement without getting in their way.It will take time to get rid of all this, and people will not make a fuss if they see it a lot.

Soon Wang Sheng found the middleman's place mentioned by the shopkeeper, and walked in with great strides.Let's find a place to stay first.

It's the same everywhere, as long as you are willing to pay, everything is easy to talk about.Wang Sheng wanted to buy a small private house. After looking for a very shrewd intermediary in the middleman's office, he quickly found one that met Wang Sheng's requirements.Facing the street, there is a small shop, and behind it is a separate yard with three bedrooms and a kitchen.

What's rare is that the small courtyard is very clean, and the previous owner had just passed away, so there was a lot of belongings in it, so Wang Sheng didn't need to buy more.If you want to live, you can live in it today, but there is one thing, it is expensive!
A small courtyard with less than five cents of land is still in the outer city, and the asking price in Wuyou City is 5000 gold coins.Calculated according to the price of gold, Wang Sheng compared the value on the earth, and such a small courtyard would cost more than [-] million RMB!What about cheating?

But none of the people in Zhongren Institute thought there was any problem with this.Don't be too expensive, there is no discount.This is the market price in Wuyou City, let alone a Wang Sheng, even if the current head of the Song family and the Dai family come to buy it, the price is also the same.The only exception might be the city lord of Wuyou City, even the current emperor.

For gold coins, Wang Sheng doesn't care how much, as long as there are enough.Anyway, there are more than 3000 gold coins that Song Yan divided last time in the ring, which happens to be used here.

Without counter-offering, Wang Sheng paid the bill very readily.The intermediary who greeted him was called a courteous person, and he had a commission of thirty gold coins from the middleman. Wang Sheng had to pay at least this amount here, and no one would offend his benefactor.

Leading Wang Sheng all the way to the small courtyard that belonged to Wang Sheng himself, the intermediary did not forget to introduce the location along the road.For the sake of Wang Shengduo's two catties of fangs and pig's hind legs, he also gave some tips on living in Wuyou City, especially some things to be careful about, and he explained them in detail.

"If you can, it's best to register as a killer in Wuyoucheng." At the end, the agency didn't forget to remind Wang Sheng: "The higher the killer card, the more resources you can enjoy in Wuyoucheng. Now you can only Live in the outer city, but as long as you exceed level five, you are eligible to live in the inner city."

(End of this chapter)

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