
Chapter 97 Registered Killer

Chapter 97 Registered Killer
Chapter 78 Registering the Killer
The inner city of the worry-free city is actually the real worry-free city.It is strictly forbidden to touch hands there. It can be said that only those who enter the inner city are qualified to sleep peacefully.

Although the outer city can be considered a worry-free city, many things are not prohibited here.Although it is still forbidden for outsiders to deal with the people of Wuyou City here, as long as they are the killers of Wuyou City, they can do it without too many scruples.The most important thing is not to hurt the innocent, otherwise it will be a big trouble.

If you think about it, you will know how easy it is for the killer in the city of worry-free to register.Therefore, people living in the outer city are actually living a life of precarity and fear.

Of course, it’s not unlimited, and there are penalties for doing it outside the city, but in the end it comes down to gold coins. As long as you pay the price, you can do it. This is another source of income for the city of worry-free.

Listen to people's advice and have a full meal.Wang Sheng is not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. What the intermediary says makes sense, and he won't refuse.

It was only noon now, and Wang Sheng stepped into the square market again after having a full meal of fangs and pork legs in his own small courtyard.

The long second-floor building between Baoqing Yutang and Yubaozhai that I saw in the morning is the killer hall of Wuyou City. Register the killer of Wuyou City, accept missions, and hand in missions, all in that second-floor building.Downstairs there is a lobby where tasks are received and submitted, and upstairs is where tasks are released, and those who send money and business are sent, so it is upstairs.

The registered killer qualification is also downstairs, in a remote corner.After all, it is not every day that people come to register, and there are not many newcomers, so not only is the location biased, but there is only one person.

Before coming here, Wang Sheng had already changed into a common attire in this world, and put the hind legs of the fangs pig at home.At first glance, it is no longer possible to recognize Wang Sheng at a glance.When she walked out in this dress, the number of people paying attention on the road was already much less.

All the way to the killer hall, regardless of the people who came and went to accept and hand in the mission, they followed the guidance of the intermediary and came to the corner on the right.

There is only one table here, and a middle-aged woman sits behind the table. She looks like a young lady, and she is dressed in ordinary clothes. At first glance, she looks like an ordinary housewife.But occasionally the gleam in her eyes will accidentally expose her powerful strength.

"Registered killer?" The woman didn't have anyone to handle it, she seemed to be in a hurry.Seeing Wang Sheng approaching, he immediately greeted him warmly: "New here?"

Wang Sheng nodded, and responded politely with a smile, and his address was familiar: "Sister, I am indeed new here, and I don't know what procedures are required to register an assassin."

"Need a fart procedure!" The woman heard Wang Sheng's opening and called the eldest sister, her face was like a flower, and she smiled and said: "Ten gold coins, name it whatever you want, and then Yuanjing will look at Yuanhun and wait for it." That's it."

Sure enough, money is desperately needed, except that ten gold coins are clear, and names can be chosen casually.No wonder outsiders would also register killers here, this is clearly a source of income for the city of worry-free.

"Then register one!" Wang Sheng is not at all surprised that the people in Wuyou City are more friendly than each other. Every day, any person he faces is a killer, so he dare not be friendly?
Money can turn ghosts around, especially in this place where money is desperately needed, Wang Sheng is deeply aware of this truth, so when paying the money, he directly handed over fifteen gold coins.

The eldest sister in charge of the registration took the gold coins and knew the number without counting them.The smile on his face became more and more enthusiastic, and he even became enthusiastic about addressing him: "Little brother, sit here. What's your name?"

"Lone wolf!" Wang Sheng said his code name on Earth without thinking.This name gave Wang Sheng a sense of intimacy for no reason.

"Prestige! Magnificence!" The eldest sister boasted a few words in a row, and wrote them down in the notebook spread out on the table, then took out a Yuan mirror, and handed it to Wang Sheng: "Little brother, take care of it, the city lord ordered it." Rules, there is no way, we have to go through the motions."

It was not the first time for Wang Sheng to look at the Yuan Mirror. He took it and held the two handles with both hands, and Wang Sheng's Yuan Soul soon appeared on the mirror of the Yuan Mirror.Sure enough, it was still a carp, the same indifferent and unchanged color.

"Idiot trash can hang around in Wuyou City?" The eldest sister in charge of registration didn't say anything, but a big man passing by seemed to find something funny and yelled loudly.

This guy didn't know about good morals at all, and he didn't swear, but his voice was loud enough to attract all the people in half the hall to look over.A few people who were closer could clearly see that there was no sign of discoloration on the Yuan mirror that Wang Sheng was holding in both hands. As for what the Yuan soul was, no one could see clearly.

"Our Wuyou City didn't say that ordinary people are not allowed to register as killers." Wang Sheng gave a tip here, but this blunt guy swears directly. One sentence.After the top was finished, he asked casually: "If you don't practice eloquence, you are new here too, right?"

The big man was stunned, and seemed to be right by the elder sister, and asked a little in disbelief: "How do you know?" He had only registered as an assassin for more than half a month, and it was not the elder sister who did it at the time, so the elder sister gave him a hand. He was also a little apprehensive when he said that he had not been here for a long time.

The eldest sister ignored it, and took the Yuan Jing back from Wang Sheng's hand, then lowered her head and used a brush to record in the notebook just now, and reminded Wang Sheng earnestly while recording: "In Wuyou City, don't move around. Just use your tongue, who knows who you will offend? Don’t think that people are easy to bully because they are low in cultivation. Who knows who is behind them? Do you think this is the case? Little brother!"

"Elder sister is really a good word." Wang Sheng smiled and praised, without even looking at the big man.

The big man was frightened by what the eldest sister said, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, but he didn't refute.But when he saw Wang Sheng praised his eldest sister, but didn't look at him, Dahan suddenly felt that he was underestimated, and for some reason, he became angry all of a sudden.

He didn't dare to mess with the clerk in the Killer's Hall, but Wang Sheng, a worthless trash, dared to look down on him?If you just go out like this, won't you be laughed to death?

What the elder sister said just now is indeed reasonable, but it is also divided!A worthless trash, not a beautiful woman, would be ashamed to have such a son, who would fight against a killer in Wuyou City for a trash?Originally, he just wanted to show his sense of superiority in front of Wang Sheng, but now he had to step on it fiercely.

With his arms crossed, a sneer appeared on the corner of the big man's mouth, as if he was talking to himself, or specifically for Wang Sheng, who had his back turned to him.

"Of course there are no such rules in Wuyou City. But since you are a good-for-nothing who wants to be an assassin, I want to see if you have the qualifications to be an assassin when you come out of the killer hall."

(End of this chapter)

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