
Chapter 964 The Inner Circle

Chapter 964 The Inner Circle

Chapter 510 Two Inner Circle

Wang Shengqiong?When the nine people present heard Wang Sheng say that he was poor, all of them wished they could spurn him from the bottom of their hearts.If Wang Sheng dared to say that he was poor, how many rich people were there in this world?
Qianshengyuanrunzifang can easily generate hundreds of millions of gold coins in net profit a year, is this also called poverty?That is to say, the nine people may not know that they opened a dream workshop later. If they knew, they would definitely drown Wang Sheng with their saliva.

However, none of the nine of them understood Wang Sheng's temperament of asking for money better than others.If Wang Sheng didn't volunteer to help with anything, that would be a big trouble.On the contrary, Wang Sheng put on a posture of asking for money without saying a word, which is the most reassuring thing for these people.

"It's all easy to talk about, my lord!" The leader of the Gan family agreed without a word: "We have nothing to give you here, but don't worry, my lord. After we go out, our two families will definitely make up for the expenses of this trip."

"Okay!" Wang Sheng's bait has already been laid, and the other party has also bit the bait. Naturally, Wang Sheng doesn't need to stay any longer, and just left time for them to discuss with each other, so he said goodbye directly: "Then I will go first, and I feel wronged you here. Stay for a while and come back when I'm done."

The giant bear turned around. It seemed to move slowly, but in fact it left here very fast. It didn't take long before it bypassed the ice city they built and disappeared into the vast white snow.

The two team leaders glanced at each other and both saw the excitement in the other's eyes.Obviously this is not the place to talk, the two said in tacit understanding at the same time: "Go down and discuss it!" After speaking at the same time, they immediately realized the tacit understanding between the two sides and laughed at the same time.

Instructed each of the two families to guard at the entrance of the cave, and several people went down to the resting place in the common passage. After the two leaders sat down, the leader of the Gan family asked, "What do you think?"

They don't have Wang Sheng's ability to judge obstacles in the dark, so they light torches along the way. The wood here is easy to get, and there are plenty of fire materials.

"Those two little monsters should be able to help us find the peerless treasure." The leader of the historian team quickly expressed his judgment.

"Did he do it on purpose?" The leader of the Gan family thought a lot, carefully pondering Wang Sheng's actions just now, trying to remember if it was Wang Sheng's conspiracy.

"Probably not." On this point, the team leader of the historian thinks that the Bigan family understands: "He also said that he is going to go inside. Do you believe that he is okay to go in?"

That's obviously impossible, no one would like to hang around in the inner circle of Qian Jedi's core without any problems, then there must be something they want.There are so many secrets in Thousand Jedi, so many that no one can know how many secrets there are.Perhaps the Peerless Collection of Treasures is a very good treasure in the eyes of the historian Gan's family, but maybe it is nothing in the eyes of Wang Sheng.

From their experience dealing with Wang Sheng, they also knew that Wang Sheng was a man who kept his promises and would never discount what he promised.But if someone challenged him halfway, he didn't mind fighting back.The legendary peak master who died in the Shi family is proof.Wang Sheng didn't do anything, forcing the Shi family to kill their companions. If you say it's ruthless, it's absolutely ruthless.

It was this ruthlessness that made everyone have to obey.Especially when something like this happened, Wang Sheng could have tore up the agreement between the two parties, kicked them away for doing it alone, and even killed them all here. It is estimated that the two families could not say a word, because it was indeed the historian. The one who provoked Wang Sheng first.But after Wang Sheng forced them to kill that guy, he still had to fulfill his promise, which was rare.

If you really want to find a partner, it is reassuring to find such a person.Be principled, do not break promises, and have the ability to deal with breach of contract. There is no other disadvantage except the high asking price.But the high asking price is not entirely a bad thing, high is indeed high, dead expensive, but definitely worth the money.At this point, no one who has worked with Wang Sheng dared to shake his head.

If Wang Sheng's two snow rats can really be borrowed, maybe they can find the peerless hidden treasure that they haven't found after digging like headless flies in the ground for more than a year.But the question is, what price do they need to pay?This is where the two have a headache and need to discuss.

Of course, there is another trouble that even if the two of them reach an agreement, it is impossible for them to make a final decision without the consent of the outside family.This is also the reason why it is necessary to take a person out, which is to contact the family outside.

Regardless of whether it is successful or not, it is enough to bring out their ideas anyway and let the family members judge.At least this time Wang Sheng gave them a batch of food, which would allow them to last for another month or two.If Wang Sheng doesn't come, what they have left is probably only enough to live frugally for more than a month, and then they have to risk their lives to go hunting. When the time comes, not to mention the casualties, maybe as soon as they breathe out, it will trigger a fire in the circle. A more horrific reaction.

Wang Sheng is really timely rain!Once again pulled them back from helpless despair.And it not only gave them the hope of surviving, but also gave them the hope of finding a peerless treasure.In any case, they have to explain these things to the Patriarch, and win over Wang Sheng, the only person who can enter the inner and outer circles.

At this moment, Wang Sheng didn't care about the outcome of the discussion between the two families. The bait had already been dropped, and it seemed that the fish had already bit the hook. All that was left was to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and wait for them to take the initiative. Don't worry.It happened during this time that Wang Sheng thought about which method to adopt and how to deal with each other.

With a giant bear as a mount, Wang Sheng walked smoothly in the inner circle.Now Wang Sheng doesn't dare to practice without any problems, for fear that he will fall into the state where he only knows how to practice and cannot extricate himself.Even a master of cultivation like Lingxu Old Daoist once had the experience of retreating and being unable to break through and almost got himself trapped. If Wang Sheng hadn't mastered the nine-character mantra and woke him up in time, the old Daoist might have died.

If something happens to Wang Sheng who indulges in cultivation here, who will save Wang Sheng?Even if the old Taoist wanted to save him, he had to find it. Maybe one day he would be buried in the snowdrifts and turn into a popsicle.

Thinking about it now, it is really a joke that the two families of the historian Gan's family want to seize the peerless treasure.Give them more than a year in advance, take them to the ground, still empty-handed, and throw nine legendary peak masters in it for nothing. This hidden treasure is really not something ordinary people can make up their minds about.

Having learned the lesson, Wang Sheng only practiced twice a day, one at midnight and one at noon, which is the most standard.Even so, Wang Sheng's cultivation speed was more than ten times faster than Qian Jedi's. The back half of the cricket's body was completely solidified, and even the chest was more than half solidified.

(End of this chapter)

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