
Chapter 965 The Inner Circle

Chapter 965 The Inner Circle

Chapter 510 Two Inner Circle

Whether there are flying monsters in the core circle, Wang Sheng is actually not sure.But Wang Sheng now has a guide, even if he doesn't know where it is, he can still ask.

It's not that someone appeared in Thousand Jedi, the guides are actually two snow rats on their backs.

The last time Wang Sheng was investigating the disappearance of people in Baoqing Yutang in the capital, Wang Sheng tried to let the ants look for things that did not belong to the local area, and a few ants took the initiative to find the fluff of the flying mount for him.It's the same now, Wang Sheng only needs to ask the giant bear and the two snow mice to know if there are any flying monsters.

The size of the white bear is a top predator in itself, and it doesn't care if there are any flying monsters, so no matter how Wang Sheng tries to use the five-character formula to express it with actions, the giant bear is indifferent.

In desperation, Wang Sheng could only ask two snow mice.The same problem, the same method, but the performance of the two snow mice is completely different.Almost as soon as Wang Sheng asked, two snow mice kept jumping and screaming on Wang Sheng's shoulders.After a while, Wang Sheng knew what they wanted to express.

The meaning is very simple, that is, there are flying monsters.In the inner circle of the Thousand Jedi Core, the giant white bear may not care about the monsters flying in the sky, but the snow mouse is different.Their size and delicacy are destined to become the prey of flying beasts.On the contrary, big stupid bears like giant bears who are not very fast can't catch up with them at all, so they don't care at all.

Unexpected joy, definitely unexpected joy, although no matter how Wang Sheng asks, it is impossible to find out where there is a nest of flying monsters, but at least Wang Sheng can be sure that there are indeed flying monsters in the inner circle of Qian Jedi's core Yes, and it is a very powerful flying monster.

As long as you know it is there, how big the inner circle of the core can be. Wang Sheng's sensing distance of the combat-conscious villain is five miles, and he can know where he is after walking a few more laps.

The speed of the giant bear is not fast enough for a blanket search, so Wang Sheng simply released the giant bear and let him find something to eat by himself.It is impossible for Wang Sheng to carry enough food for the giant bear.

Taking out the sleigh again and assembling it, Wang Sheng, carrying two snow rats on his back, turned on the highest speed and began to wander along the core circle of Qian Jedi.

Wandering around, Wang Sheng perfected the map of the inner circle, and at the same time searched for the situation of the surrounding monsters, and also paid attention to whether there were any nests of flying monsters.

At last, Wang Sheng still remembered what Ling Xu said, and he didn’t dare to go directly to the innermost circle, but just drove the sleigh car in the inner circle and first entered the range of Peerless Tibetan Treasures, and first figured out everything in the outer circle Besides.

It took more than a day to turn around, and Wang Sheng couldn't help but be horrified. The inner circle is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. A random monster is fierce enough to make people frightened.Fortunately, Wang Sheng's current five-character formula is enough to eliminate the hostility of all kinds of monsters. Otherwise, even if it is a nine-person master of the historian Gan's family, even one or two monsters can't beat them, but so many monsters can definitely beat them. Exhausted them to death.

One thing Wang Sheng is very strange about is that no matter how fierce the monsters inside are, or how violent their aura is, they will not cause the aura of those super monsters to burst out, but as long as it is the aura of the legendary peak masters of human beings, 100% will cause the outbreak of super monsters, Wang Sheng doesn't even know the reason.

After turning the outer circle for more than a day and resting for half a day, Wang Sheng continued to walk inside.After walking ten miles forward, Wang Sheng's expression changed.

Regardless of the distance, the monsters inside are at least [-]% fiercer.That is to say, Wang Sheng can prevent the monsters from becoming hostile, otherwise, the breath alone would be enough to make Wang Sheng flinch.

As for the two snow rats, they just lay on Wang Sheng's back and dared not move.The monster is also smart, knowing that Wang Sheng's body is the safest place, there is no moth at all, and it is as obedient as Wang Sheng's family.

In this area, even the villain with fighting consciousness began to react.It's not that I discovered something, but I have a strong sense of exploring deeper.Fortunately, Wang Sheng knew what was good and bad, so he controlled himself strongly, and still circled, not daring to take a step in easily.

On the way of circling, Wang Sheng found several icebergs, which were bigger than what he saw outside.But Wang Sheng also felt the faint aura of super monsters in the iceberg, needless to say, this is still the formation of frozen super monsters.

The temperature also seemed to be getting colder and colder. Wang Sheng needed to spend twice as much lime every day to keep himself warm, otherwise he would have to consume aura.

He didn't dare to wander around at full speed. After turning more than half a circle, Wang Sheng finally found a flying monster within his sensing range.

That is to say, the addition of a villain with fighting consciousness, Wang Sheng kept releasing the five-character formula, so that he was not regarded as the prey by the flying monster flying high.Fortunately, the monster flew low, otherwise Wang Sheng would not have noticed.

Faintly following the flying monster, relying on the speed of the sleigh, it was finally able to catch up with the flying tail.After following the circle for more than half an hour, Wang Sheng finally caught up with the flying monster's lair.

That is to say, you can still track it with your eyes, otherwise you would have lost it long ago.At least half of the time, the huge flying monster that looked like a big eagle was flying in the inner circle.At this time, Wang Sheng could only wait for it to fly back.Finally, after all the talk, he found the big eagle's lair.

Not surprisingly, the eagle's lair is actually on top of an iceberg.And it is on the top of the iceberg where the super monster is frozen, which is in line with the habits of eagles, who like to build their nests on high mountains.

Finally found the lair, Wang Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, and drove the sleigh without knowing what to do.This area puts too much pressure on him, that is to say, relying on the strong bonus of the villain with fighting awareness, otherwise, the five-character formula may not be able to withstand it, and will definitely be torn to pieces by these monsters.

Even Wang Sheng felt this way, thinking about how desperate it would be for other masters to come in.This also made Wang Sheng even more happy, which also meant that each family had to find Wang Sheng if they wanted to find out the secrets of Qian Jedi's core.Only when Wang Sheng leads the way can they enter, otherwise, one will die.

In this area, Wang Sheng didn't even dare to practice. After rushing out in a hurry, he didn't stop. He rushed to the outside of the inner circle of the core. After going around the circle to complete the map that was not completed last time, he entered the inner circle to practice again. It took seven or eight days, adding up to ten days before and after. When I felt that the family of the Shi family and the Gan family were waiting to see through, I found the giant bear from last time again, and then controlled the giant bear to rush to the ice city. .

(End of this chapter)

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