
Chapter 969 Decompression Sickness

Chapter 969 Decompression Sickness
Chapter 510 Decompression Sickness
Man-eating ants crawl all over the body, and all the empty spaces are filled by man-eating ants, even the outside of the eyes and nostrils. What does it feel like?
All the exposed skin can feel the itchy feeling of the man-eating ants crawling over, the breath in the nostrils can smell the slightly earthy smell of the man-eating ants, and the legendary peak master's Sensitivity allows them to feel every movement of man-eating ants on them anytime, anywhere.

Just this one almost caused the two leaders of the Gan family and Xia family to collapse directly.Finally, he still maintained the dignity of a super expert, and did not pass out immediately.

Even so, the whole body of the two of them seemed to start to itch, wishing they could grow six hands and scratch non-stop.However, the extreme fear made them dare not even move, for fear that if they moved, they would be bitten off by the man-eating ants.

As for opening the mouth, there is no need to even think about it, wishing I could never open my mouth in this life.Who knows if a few man-eating ants will get in and open their mouths from the inside out?
Wang Sheng seemed to sense their nervousness and fear, and he stood not far from them and smiled at them, "Don't be nervous, don't worry!"

Can you not be nervous?At this moment, the two really wanted to scold Wang Sheng, but they didn't dare and could only think about it in their hearts.

"Don't be afraid that they won't be able to carry you." Wang Sheng's words reached the ears of the two again, as if speaking in their ears, so clear: "Ants are one of the few super fighters I know so far. One, they can move things that are hundreds of times their own weight. Like you, dozens of them are enough!"

The two of them wanted to cry, but who said we were worried that these man-eating ants would not be able to carry us?Mr. Chang Sheng, do you have a point in your consideration?

Wang Shengcai doesn't care what the two of them are thinking now, with so many man-eating ants around, should Wang Sheng have to work hard to carry them?Isn't that a fool?
When the two of them started to move forward with the whole colony of man-eating ants, they felt the fear of being transferred by different man-eating ants again. An out-of-body pain.

"Don't say I'm unreasonable." Wang Sheng said as he walked, "You are too weak to stand up now, this is normal, you have been used to the spiritual pressure inside for more than a year, once If you go to a normal place, you will definitely not get used to it. I am the same, but my cultivation base is low, and my time in it is short, so it is better than you, and I can still walk."

Listening to Wang Sheng's explanation, the two could understand it, but they couldn't accept such behavior.It's just that whether they can accept it is their subjective idea, but the fact is that they must accept it.

"They are all weak, so I have to rely on these little things to protect myself." Wang Sheng's voice continued: "It is also to protect you. Think about it, we three weak guys who can't exert [-]% of their usual combat power , without the protection of these little guys, what will happen in Thousand Jedi?"

The man-eating ants covering their heads suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the two were able to see the situation of themselves and each other, and also saw the situation of Wang Sheng.

The two were wrapped by countless man-eating ants and then lying on the ground to carry them.Wang Sheng is a little better than them, but he just maintains a sitting posture, but sits on a chair made of countless man-eating ants hugging each other.Under their bodies, under the man-eating ant chair Wang Sheng was sitting on, countless black man-eating ants were constantly swimming around, carrying the three of them away like they were carrying food.

Seeing that Wang Sheng was also sitting still and being carried by the man-eating ants, the two finally felt a little more balanced. It turned out that Wang Sheng was already weak to this point.Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if the two masters at the pinnacle of legend couldn't compare to Wang Sheng, a junior in the [-]th or [-]th stage?

It looks okay now, at least Wang Sheng is also weak and balanced.

"You have to pray that these little things go faster and can arrive at your two camps when I can support them." Wang Sheng seemed to be sincere to make them feel better, and the morale-damaging words came again: "Otherwise, One of these little things can't be controlled..."

There is no need for Wang Sheng to say anything later, just thinking about it can make the two of them shudder.If the fate of the two peerless masters who should have been all-powerful in all kinds of battles is to be buried in the ant's belly so limply, then the two of them will never be reconciled.

Wang Sheng has been observing and observing the physical changes of the two.This condition, this weakness, is very consistent with the symptoms of decompression sickness.But Wang Sheng still had to ask to be sure.

"Idle on the road is also idle, how do you feel now?" Wang Sheng asked suddenly: "When I was weak, my hands and feet were sore, which is very similar to the exhaustion after a big battle. Sometimes I can't see things clearly. The ears are also affected, dizziness, and it takes a while to recover, how about you?"

"Same, it hurts badly." The Gan family probably thought it was Wang Sheng's way to keep himself in shape, and said, "I still can't see things clearly, and my tinnitus is severe."

"I'm not much better." The leader of the historian heard what the Gan family had said, and he didn't hide anything. Besides, everyone's symptoms were similar: "The whole body hurts, itches, and feels very hot. I can't see clearly, and I feel sick. .”

He endured it by force, the willpower of the legendary master kept him from being so sick that he vomited out. For an ordinary person, he would have vomited so faintly long ago.

What Wang Sheng was talking about was just some common symptoms of decompression sickness, but the result led to two people saying that their condition was exactly the same as diving decompression sickness.Wang Sheng has undergone special diving training and knows very well about decompression sickness.This is all right. Going from a place with a high concentration of aura to a place with a low concentration quickly is the same as diving up quickly, and you will suffer from decompression sickness with similar symptoms.

"Don't be brave when you get to the ground." Wang Sheng advised: "Seek medical treatment quickly. If the treatment is too late, it will be fatal. You stayed in it for too long, and it is much more serious than me."

The two looked serious, Wang Sheng said such a serious matter, it must not be nonsense, they have to find a doctor for treatment even if they are thinking about their own lives.What's more, they still carry the expectations of the two families on their backs, as well as the peerless treasures.

After walking in silence for two hours, the army of man-eating ants finally arrived at the nearest Shijia base under the control of Wang Sheng.

When the black torrent came, all the people in the Shijia base went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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