
Chapter 970 The attitude of the 2 family members

Chapter 970 The Attitudes of the Two Families

Chapter 510 The Attitudes of the Five Families

The army of man-eating ants is now almost the symbol of Wang Sheng in Thousand Jedi. When they see the army of man-eating ants, everyone knows that it is Wang Sheng.

However, why did Wang Sheng come to the historian's base for no reason?Didn't you hear that you entered the Thousand Jedi Core some time ago?It's only been a month, why did it suddenly come out?

If the army of man-eating ants left around Shijia's base, that's fine.Didn't Wang Sheng also lead an army of man-eating ants to mop up some time ago, but basically he walked around the bases passing by?

The problem is that once the army of man-eating ants arrived at the Shijia base, they never left, and surrounded the entire base along the outer wall of the base.The rushing sound of running water has frightened many juniors in the base who are not courageous enough.

What is Wang Sheng doing?The manager of the Historian base can be regarded as an elder-level figure, and he is used to seeing big scenes.If Wang Sheng was in front of him, he would definitely question Wang Sheng.Even if he really wanted to fight, he dared to command his own children to fight the man-eating ants, and even if he died, the large number of man-eating ants would suffer heavy losses.

The problem is, the man-eating ants just surrounded them without doing anything, and they couldn't see Wang Sheng's attitude. If anyone dared to provoke them at this time, it might really be a catastrophe.Under the restraint of the elders, everyone could only stand guard on the fence of the base in fear, but they dared not make any unruly actions to those little man-eating ants.Like the two masters in the cannibal ant colony, even if there are as many complaints as the sea, they only dare to keep stuffy in their stomachs.

Finally seeing Wang Sheng's shadow on the city wall of the base, the elders of the historians also let out a sigh of relief.Wang Sheng is still willing to come out to meet, so if there is some talk, at least he won't turn his face immediately.

"Mr. Chang Sheng, what does this mean?" Seeing that Wang Sheng was still some distance away, Elder Shi couldn't care less about anything else, and with all his energy, he shouted at Wang Sheng from a distance.

The historian once offended Wang Sheng, and Elder Shi knew this well. Could it be that Wang Sheng was coming to take revenge?There is this possibility!

"Old Shi, people in your family are in a hurry." Wang Sheng did not immediately respond to Elder Shi's question, but teased at the team leader of the historian not far away.

At this time, the team leader of the historian was almost dying because of fear and weakness. He didn't have the strength to criticize Wang Sheng, forced a smile on his face, and then disappeared immediately, unable to utter a word.

After Elder Shi asked a question, he was also uneasy in his heart. Seeing Wang Sheng leaning over so slowly without saying a word, he couldn't help being nervous in his heart, and hurriedly gestured behind him to let his children Hurry up and get ready.

As Wang Sheng got closer, everyone saw that Wang Sheng didn't come by walking at all, but came by sitting and sliding.Swipe over from a large pile of man-eating ants, and even the chairs they are sitting on are made of man-eating ants.Seeing this scene, everyone gasped.

To be able to control man-eating ants to such an extent, what kind of monster is that?Is it really possible to win a battle with such a monster?

Finally, it was Wang Sheng who slid to the gate of the base. The man-eating ants at the gate clattered, and a large open space flashed out.

Everyone on the city wall looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other. What does Wang Sheng mean by this?No one can guess.

A group of human-shaped man-eating ants swarmed into the center of the open space. Wang Sheng whistled, and the group of human-shaped man-eating ants separated with a whoosh, and retreated to the surrounding man-eating ants.

"I'll bring out one of you who are inside." Wang Sheng yelled at Elder Shi above: "He stayed inside for more than a year, and once he came out, his body couldn't take it anymore. If there is any doctor, quickly pull him in for treatment. What exactly happened, you can ask him yourself, I have another one to send."

After saying hello, Wang Sheng's body turned directly and slid into the distance.The army of man-eating ants that surrounded the base just now also began to leave layer by layer. It took less than 10 minutes to disappear completely.

It wasn't until this time that historians realized.Elder Shi looked at the person lying down on the city wall, and then thought of what Wang Sheng said just now, he was so surprised that he didn't even care about going out through the door below, and jumped out directly, hugging the leader of the Shi family who was lying down. He got up and shouted towards the inside: "Open the door quickly, let the doctor come over!"

Being able to preside over the base in Thousand Jedi, Elder Shi is of course qualified to know some historian secrets, not to mention that he still knows the person in front of him, and the two of them had a good relationship before.There has been no news since the leader of the historian led the team into the Thousand Jedi Core to search for the peerless treasure. Unexpectedly, Wang Sheng actually sent him back this time.

People who come out of the Thousand Jedi Core, without exception, will have some physical problems of one kind or another, and it is normal to be weak.That's why Elder Shi now understands what Wang Sheng meant when he stayed inside for more than a year and his body couldn't stand it when he came out.If you want to blame, you can only blame the leader of the historian. During the days inside, he didn't have much time to tidy up his appearance. He had a lot of beards on his face, and he didn't recognize him when he first appeared.

The team leader was brought out by Wang Sheng, and Wang Sheng asked himself something, obviously something happened inside.Elder Shi didn't dare to be negligent at all, and immediately asked the doctor to treat him with the best elixir, and at the same time sent the highest level signal to the Lord Shi Guo.

Each family has been in Qianjedi for such a long time, enough for them to domesticate a group of flying monsters that can deliver letters.There are Yubaozhai's role models in front, there are others to learn from, and there are some masters in all parties to do this.If you can't tame a flying mount that can be ridden, can't you also tame a few flying monsters that deliver letters?

Leaving aside the fuss in the Shijia camp, Wang Sheng spent another two days sending the leader of the Gan family to the Gan family's camp.Because of the long time, Wang Sheng spent two more pills on the road, and at the same time hung the body of the leader of the Gan family with the nine-character mantra. It can't get worse, but it won't get better either.

The same turmoil happened in the Gan family's camp, but relatively speaking, the Gan family was better off.At least they felt that apart from the first time they chased and killed Wang Shengjin Qian Jedi, they didn't do anything to deal with Wang Sheng at other times. The feeling of fear was a little less, but it was enough to make everyone in their base break out in a cold sweat.

The same is to hurry to bring the person back to the base, treat him with the best medicine, and send a message to the king.Everything else is irrelevant.

Wang Sheng sent the two of them back to their respective bases, and then their weak appearance changed, becoming extremely normal.With the Nine-Character Mantra and Five-Character Jue to sort out his body, plus the fact that he didn't go in for a long time, Wang Sheng is fully capable of returning to normal within a day or two.

(End of this chapter)

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