
Chapter 980 Excavation

Chapter 980 Excavation

Chapter 520 Excavation

"There is something!" With the cry of a disciple at the bottom of the historian, everyone's eyes were focused.

"Don't move!" The two great elders had been waiting for the news, and when they heard this shout, they immediately yelled in unison, telling everyone to stop.

In the case where no one knows what's underneath, no matter what you find, it's better to check and verify carefully before continuing, and no one thinks there's anything wrong with it.

Several important figures came down below, including Wang Sheng.Everyone carefully dispersed the people, and then the two elders were the first to bear the brunt, and got down to study what they saw.

A very regular thing that looks like a stone, because most of it is frozen in the ice layer, it is not clear what it is.However, this regular shape is obviously an artificial product and cannot be formed naturally.

Although the two Great Elders have said to be careful, there is still a piece of it, probably because they did not control it when they vigorously dug up the ice. After all, they are legendary masters. With a little effort, some things must be broken I can't take it anymore.

"A piece of tile!" Wang Sheng stood back, but it didn't prevent him from seeing the shape of the thing. Almost instantly, Wang Sheng recognized it.The two Great Elders seemed to want to study it carefully. Wang Sheng called out directly if there was anything to study.

Hearing Wang Sheng's voice, everyone took a closer look, isn't it just a tile frozen in the ice?

It's just a tile, it's no big deal, the gap will be gapped, and everyone's faces are full of joy.

Although tiles are not worth much, the discovery of tiles means that traces of man-made buildings have been found.There are man-made buildings, and perhaps the peerless treasures are hidden in the building or in the secret room below.

The two great elders also said that the peerless treasures were collected by the two ancestors and could not be transported away, so they hid them somewhere and drew pictures for future generations.At that time, this treasure was definitely obtained from the Lin family that was jointly wiped out by the major families, and the storage location must be a suitable land of the Lin family.

Just find the tiles!
"Dig carefully!" The two elders ordered everyone: "It should be almost to the ground, so don't collapse the house below."

Everyone understands that if the peerless Tibetan treasures are placed in the house below, the house might collapse and destroy the treasures, which would be bad.Therefore, everyone's movements were much lighter next.

Everyone is still going on, but Wang Sheng has already seen it clearly.The tile was not frozen flat in the ice, but slanted upwards.There is no force in the ground to make the tiles form such an angle. It can only be filled with ice blocks below and slowly lifted up.I'm afraid that the entire building on the ground has been solidified by ice, and it is absolutely impossible to collapse.

There is no need for Wang Sheng to say this, just wait and see the result.Anyway, these solid ices are not a problem for dozens of legendary masters at all. Even if they use their fingers, they can still pick out all the ice cubes.What Wang Sheng has to do is to instruct the Taoist priests to build the igloo so that the bottom will not be frozen again.

While waiting, Wang Sheng was also practicing frequently.With the old Taoist by his side, Wang Sheng doesn't have to worry about being addicted to it for the time being, anyway, the old Taoist has a way to wake him up.

Pieces of spiritual energy ice were formed above the big pool, and then fell into the big pool, watching the ice surface of the big pool in the Yuanhun space improve bit by bit.

Practicing in the inner circle is like flying!While Wang Sheng sighed, he did not forget to pay attention to the progress of the excavation.

The igloo above has been built, and without the cold wind, the igloo is much warmer after being closed.The huge pit dug out will not be filled with ice and snow soon enough to allow the people below to dig with peace of mind.

For three whole days, the ice surface on Wang Sheng's side rose by three inches, and the building below was finally dug out.

The building is a complete hall, but the inside of the hall has been filled with ice, and it is frozen solid.The two masters used various methods to take out the ice cubes inside without hurting anything inside.

In order to keep the main hall as complete as possible, when they dug, they dug out a section of the surrounding open space, which also showed the outlines of several side halls.But since the Tibetan treasure is here, the surroundings have not moved, so let's take a look first.

In fact, from the moment he dug to the ground, Wang Sheng knew that the things that attracted the villains with fighting consciousness were still underground, not in the hall.However, Wang Sheng didn't jump out to say anything, and let the two families dig down.Anyway, left and right are just a waste of time, and the destination will always be dug.

The main hall is very ordinary. The building hundreds of years ago is completely frozen and well preserved.However, the hall seemed a bit empty, even with many torches lit, it looked very dim under the tens of feet of ice.

Wang Sheng put the snow rats on the ground again and let them continue to search.After smelling the picture of the peerless treasure, this time, the two snowrats had no differences, and they squeaked in a place in the center of the hall at the same time, looking very excited.

This is actually the state of the villain with fighting consciousness. At this moment, Wang Sheng is standing on the ground of the hall, but the villain with combat consciousness has already started flying in the soul space. 64 villains are running around, not caring about deduction or anything like that.

The thing that attracts the little people with fighting consciousness is already very close.

"It's still below!" Wang Sheng gave the answer, and at the same time he did not forget to remind the two families: "Whether you are digging or looking for some mechanism, be careful about the formation."

This is just a reminder, and everyone knows it is a good intention.However, everyone didn't really take it to heart. How could the formation formed hundreds of years ago work in this ice field without the support of spiritual energy?

While disapproving, everyone completely forgot that there are so many formations in the core area of ​​Qianjedi, which one has not existed in the glacier for hundreds of years, and still has a powerful effect until now?
Of course, everyone can also understand that there are super monsters sealed in those icebergs, which are the source of the aura of the formation.But here, it will soon be close to a peerless treasure, so what can go wrong?
"Search carefully to see if there is any tunnel entrance." The two elders urged everyone to start working: "Start looking from the outside!"

More than a dozen people started digging the ground from the outside, and in the main hall, several people began to check the floor tiles one by one, and the wall pillars were not spared.If it can't be destroyed, it's better not to be destroyed.

"Found it!" A master inspecting the corner of the wall suddenly cried out in surprise, and suddenly pried up a square floor tile.

At this moment, boom, a flash of flame completely enveloped that expert.

(End of this chapter)

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