
Chapter 981 Excavation

Chapter 981 Excavation

Chapter 520 Excavation

When the fire flashed, everyone was taken aback.A master next to him had quick eyes and quick hands, and he just pushed.

He thought he would be able to push his companion away, but his hand directly pushed against an invisible barrier, unexpectedly not touching his companion's body.

This scene is so common and normal that no one knows how many times they have seen it.Obviously, it was the companion who triggered a formation and got hit.

Even though we all know that our companions are in the legendary realm, maybe ordinary small formations won't have any effect on a master of this level.However, the failure to push it just now has already shown that this formation is quite powerful.After all, the companion who pushed this is also a master of the legendary realm. If he can't push the barrier at once, the companions inside will definitely be injured.

At the critical moment, the figure beside them flashed, and Wang Sheng appeared on the side of the two in time.Stretching out his foot, he landed heavily on the master who was surrounded by flames.

The master was kicked vigorously by this kick, and flew out involuntarily.Wang Sheng's kick was so powerful that he kicked him directly out of the hall.Along with the master's body flew out of the hall at the same time, there was Wang Sheng's voice: "Bury him in ice and snow to put out the fire!"

Suddenly a fire man flew out from inside, and the people outside noticed it almost instantly. Hearing Wang Sheng's voice, no one dared to neglect. A large pile of crushed ice and snow immediately covered the body of the master after landing.In just a few breaths, the flames on his body were extinguished.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat. They even forgot that a master in the legendary realm couldn't touch his companions and was blocked by a barrier. Why was Wang Sheng able to kick from outside the formation into the formation? All he knew was that Wang Sheng At the critical moment, he saved a companion within the attack range of the formation.

Some people didn't take Wang Sheng's reminder seriously just now, but now no one dares to take it lightly.Why is there no source of spiritual energy, what is the attack just now?
Everyone became vigilant. Since there was a source of spiritual energy, there might be monsters or other protective formations here.

The master who had just been rescued, his mind was fixed, he hurried back to the hall and thanked Wang Sheng.Wang Sheng smiled, accepted his thanks, but told everyone: "Be careful with the formation!"

In fact, when everyone became vigilant, the danger had been reduced by [-]%.What made everyone happy was that what was just opened was indeed a hole leading to the ground.

Among so many masters, there are naturally formation masters, and one person from each of the two families stepped forward to study.After a while, both of them shook their heads, stood up, and indicated that there was no proper way to break the formation. Unless they were willing to waste time, they could only break the formation violently.

More than a dozen legendary masters joined forces, and under the command of a formation master, violently attacked a point next to the entrance of the cave at the same time.

Amidst the bang, the entire hall trembled, and the movement almost shook the entire hall.Countless snow and ice outside were shattered and slid down to the ground.

No matter how powerful the formation is, it cannot withstand the simultaneous attack of a master of this level.The formation at the entrance of the cave immediately failed.The dark hole was completely revealed.

But this time, no one dared to make a move easily. Everyone had experience and retreated tacitly.Two formation masters stepped forward, holding the ventilation formation stones and began to blow wind into it.

This channel has not been opened for 500 years, who knows if there is still fresh air and poisonous gas inside?As for whether there is something in it that is afraid that the air will turn to ashes when it sees the wind, everyone has already ignored it.My own life is more important, and that kind of thing may not necessarily be called a treasure.

Originally it was underground, although the huge pit was very big, with a radius of almost forty feet, but the air circulation was definitely not as smooth as that accelerated by a formation.

Everyone waited patiently for a full hour, and the formation master finally felt that there was nothing wrong, so he greeted everyone, and then walked down one after another with the defensive formation stones.

There must be a protective formation in the passage, and they are better than others if they walk in the front, at least they can find out early and deal with it in time.

Sure enough, not long after walking, the two formation masters discovered the formation in the passage.After marking, the two began to study again.

The passage is not very wide, so it is impossible to launch several people to attack at the same time, and breaking the formation violently has become a luxury.The two could only study carefully, cracking it bit by bit from the outside.

Waiting for another seven or eight hours.Fortunately, the people who followed this time were all masters, and they all had enough patience to wait, and no one showed any impatience.

"The ancestors of your two families didn't leave any clues to get in?" Wang Sheng asked the two great elders who were quietly waiting not far away from him, somewhat puzzled.

"At that time, there was no time to transport them out. These formations were at most just for protection, preventing outsiders from easily opening them." The Grand Elder of the Historian explained patiently: "Time is short, and the ancestors will not leave too many formations behind."

Fortunately, the underground passage was airtight at that time, and it was protected by formations, otherwise it would have been filled with ice and snow, and then it would be as frozen as the main hall.

After unlocking a formation, everyone went down the passage again.After walking hundreds of steps in a row, I felt that I had reached at least twenty or thirty feet below the ground, and only then did I encounter another formation.

No wonder the two families couldn't dig it no matter how hard they tried. If they didn't dig such a thin passage, they wouldn't be able to dig it for another ten years. The depth was simply wrong.

The two formation masters continued to study the formation, and several masters next to them took turns lighting them with torches. Finally, after waiting for more than ten hours, the formation was also untied.

Going forward, the space suddenly opened up, and a huge underground cave with a radius of hundreds of feet appeared in everyone's eyes.

The light of the torch can't reach the farthest distance at all, but even so, under the cover of the light of the torch, a golden light has already flashed in the middle.

All kinds of gold objects, gold coins, statues, and utensils were piled up in such a mess, almost forming a hill.There seems to be a formation to avoid dust here. After so many years, there is no dust on these gold objects, and they are still shining with golden light.

"Wow!" The masters who came in one after another, the first thing they saw was the shining golden light, they were almost blinding, and everyone made such voices in unison.

As soon as Wang Sheng came in, he didn't exclaim like everyone else, but looked directly at the two places in the center.

The things there are what the villain with fighting consciousness craves crazily, and it is the real treasure for Wang Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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