Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 12 The young master is not trash!

Chapter 12 The young master is not trash! (Please recommend! Please collect!)

After killing Lin Long, Li Changkong immediately sat down cross-legged. Behind him, a blood-colored dragon shadow appeared, and he opened his mouth wide, and began to devour the hydrangeas here.

Ordinary warriors, after obtaining Ziyangcao, would not dare to take it directly. They must refine it into Ziyang Pill and wash some of the too violent energy in it before they can take it.

But for Li Changkong, there was no need for this at all. He devoured the purple sun grass directly, and saw streams of pure earth and fire energy pouring out from the purple sun grass, swallowed by the dragon shadow behind him, and entered his mouth. in the body.


In his dantian, there were streams of hot currents suddenly, like rivers rushing, surging with true energy and stirring endlessly.

These earth and fire elemental forces were extremely violent, continuously scouring through his body, tempering his body, expelling impurities, causing white air to evaporate around him, and clouds and mist to entangle him.

Several hours passed.

The hydrangeas around were all withered at this moment, completely losing their vitality, and all the energy of the earth fire was swallowed up by Li Changkong.


Li Changkong exhaled a long breath, and his whole body was refreshed. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes was as bright as stars.

The Ziyang Grass here is extremely numerous, enough to refine dozens of Ziyang Pills, which can greatly improve one's cultivation, and even improve several realms in succession.

But after devouring all the energy of the earth and fire, Li Changkong's cultivation did not improve at all, and he still stayed at the sixth level of body training.

But at this moment, Li Changkong didn't look depressed at all, instead he was ecstatic.

"Dragon God Immortal Physique, there are thirteen stages in total, and now I have finally completed the first stage, Flood Dragon Treasure Physique!"

His heart was full of excitement, swallowing the Dragon Emperor Art, which contained the supreme body training method, the Dragon God Immortal Body!
And after devouring all the purple sun grass here, he finally made a small achievement in body refining, and cultivated the first level of the dragon god's indestructible body, the flood dragon body.

Although his cultivation base has not improved, but with his current physical body, he can even fight dragons and tear tigers and leopards. The power of the pure physical body has surpassed the signs that ordinary warriors can imagine.

This was a bigger surprise than improving his cultivation level, because he had a cultivation base in the realm of the gods before, and he never felt that his physical body was so powerful.

This is a qualitative leap, and the strength has skyrocketed dozens of times!
This kind of growth is too shocking!

"This feeling of having power is really cool!"

Li Changkong let out a long cry, a long cry, like a tiger roaring in a mountain forest, the sound shook the whole world.

He rushed out in a few steps, only using three points of strength, and bombarded the stone wall with a fist, and there was a loud bang, and the whole cave shook violently, shaking the ground and mountains.

He looked intently, and saw a deep hole appeared on the wall of the cave, and countless broken stones were scattered all over the ground.

"What an amazing power!"

Even Li Changkong himself couldn't help being speechless. Such power is indeed extremely astonishing. To be able to possess such astonishing divine power in the sixth level of body training is simply unheard of.

This is also the reason why he only used a third of his strength. If he used all his strength and punched out, he would blast a big hole out of a small mountain.

"The Emperor Swallowing Dragon Art is really extraordinary. From the very beginning, I outperformed ordinary warriors countless times. Now, if I use all my strength, I'm afraid I already have a huge strength of [-] catties, which is the power of a dragon!"

"Such astonishing power, such a powerful body, is enough to make me invincible among the body-training warriors, sweeping away a large number of talented warriors!"

Li Changkong raised his head, his eyes were bright.

"It's time to go back. I don't know if I was discovered after killing Li Shan and Li Ji? Anyone who dares to provoke me will be killed!"


The Li family, on the martial arts arena.

It was now afternoon, and almost none of the disciples of the Li family would come to the martial arts arena again.

Lian'er appeared on the martial arts arena. The current Lian'er looked a little more heroic and agile. She walked to the side of a big bluestone. This big bluestone weighed two hundred catties. to measure strength.

Lian'er squatted down, her breath sank to her dantian, she suddenly exhaled and pressed her hands on the big bluestone, with a little force, suddenly, the big bluestone weighing two hundred catties was easily lifted by her , raised his hands high above his head.

"According to the real martial arts body training formula taught to me by the young master, now I have a strength of more than two hundred catties, and a second level of body training!"

Lian'er's face was ruddy, revealing a hint of excitement.

Although she is only a servant girl and has never been exposed to martial arts before, as a servant girl of the Li family, she has dealt with the disciples of the Li family for a long time, so she still has some understanding of martial arts.

Ordinary people have to practice at least three months before they can step from the first level of body training to the second level of body training, with a strength of two hundred catties!

However, it only took her ten or so days to complete this process.

"The True Martial Body Training Art taught to me by the young master is indeed extraordinary. The exercises practiced by the young masters in the family are far inferior to the True Martial Body Training Art!"

Lian'er couldn't help but be very touched, she was just a maid, but the young master taught her such a supreme skill.

"Xiao Lian, so you are really here!"

At this moment, a voice of scolding came from outside the martial arts arena, which made Lian'er's body tremble slightly in fright.

She raised her head and saw the figure standing outside the martial arts arena, with deep fear in her eyes.

Xiaoman is also a servant girl, but Xiaoman's status is extraordinary. She is Li Shaochong's servant girl. Among the many servant girls, she has the most honorable status and has always been used to bullying other servant girls.

Especially Lian Er, Lian Er in the past, because of Li Changkong's relationship, Lian Er's status in the past was quite noble, even above Xiaoman, but now that Li Changkong has become a useless person, Lian Er's status has naturally dropped thousands of feet.

Perhaps it was because he was jealous of Lian'er's past glory, so Xiaoman has never been less against Lian'er in this period of time.

"Little Lian, you are so courageous, even if you don't work, you dare to break into the master's martial arts arena. Hmph, if I sue the steward, I will make you suffer!"

Xiao Man sneered, and walked quickly. She obviously also practiced martial arts, so she walked up to Lian Er and slapped her out.

Lian'er retreated again and again, taking more than ten steps before she stabilized her figure. Although she was already at the second level of body training, she had never fought anyone before, and she forgot to resist at this moment.

"Xiao Man, what are you doing?"

Lian'er was also slightly angry, and shouted: "My young master told me not to go to work anymore. I am the young master's maid, so naturally I have to listen to the young master."

"Hmph, just that good-for-nothing young master of yours?"

Xiaoman snorted coldly, with disdain on his face, he raised his head: "If I hit you, I will hit you, don't you dare to resist?"

Lian'er shrank her head when she thought of Xiaoman's domineering style. After all, she was just a 16-year-old girl.

"Kneel down and crawl back to work for me. I can let you go for this matter. Otherwise, you will peel off your skin if you don't die!"

Xiaoman had his hips akimbo, with a ferocious expression on his face, relying on his master Li Shaochong to support him, Lian'er in front of her eyes, she had never paid attention to.

"My young master, you are not trash!"

Although Lian Er was afraid, her young master was insulted, but it touched her bottom line.


Xiaoman put his hips on his hips and laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes. He laughed and said: "Your young master, the name of trash has already been famous in the whole city. Are you still afraid of people talking about it?"

Behind Xiaoman, came a few more servant girls, all showing fear.

"Xiao Lian, just lower your head and admit your mistake to Xiaoman. Speaking of which, you are indeed at fault for this matter."

"Besides, Xiaoman is right. Your young master is indeed a waste. It is almost known to everyone. Why do you ask for trouble for that waste young master?"

These maidservants spoke out to persuade them one after another.

"My young master is not a waste, he is a real genius!"

Lian'er is surprisingly stubborn!

Xiao Man was furious. Among these servant girls, she always called the wind and called the rain, and no one dared to disobey her orders. How dare this Xiao Lian in front of her embarrass her in public?


She immediately slapped her, and slapped Lian'er's face fiercely. Although she is a maid, she also has the third level of body training, and the wind of her palm is quite fierce.

If this slap was really on Lian'er's face, it might be enough to blow Lian'er away, and she wouldn't be able to get out of bed for ten days or half a month, or even disfigured.

But the next moment, a big hand stretched out, easily blocking Xiaoman's slap.


Lian'er's eyes showed excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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