Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 13 Fight Chapter Go!

Chapter 13 Fight back!
The person who stopped Xiaoman was naturally Li Changkong.

His eyes were cold, and he squeezed Xiaoman's hand with one hand, and with a little force, Xiaoman suddenly burst into cold sweat, and cried out in pain: "It hurts...it hurts...let go..."


With a wave of Li Changkong's hand, Xiaoman was thrown flying, flying two or three meters away.

He didn't use much force, otherwise, this little man would not just fall and fly out.

"It turned out that the famous trash came."

"Does he really think he's still the same Li Changkong from before? Isn't he afraid of offending Shao Chong if he dares to attack Xiaoman?"

"This is a good show, Xiaoman is not easy to bully."


The maidservants behind them didn't panic at all when they saw Li Changkong, instead they started pointing.

"You trash, dare to do something to me?"

After all, Xiaoman is a trainer, he was thrown two or three meters away, and there was no serious problem. He immediately got up, showing a vicious look.

Although Li Changkong in front of her is the young master, she has the support of young master Chong behind her, so she has no fear at all.

Li Changkong had an indifferent expression on his face, he didn't even look at Xiaoman, he turned around, looked at Lian'er, and asked with concern: "Lian'er, are you okay?"

Lian Er shook her head, and said softly: "Young master, I'm fine, young master, let's go."

"Go? Want to leave after hitting me?"

"Hmph, there is no such cheap thing in the world, Li Changkong, you ask your maid to kneel down, give me thirty slaps, and I can let her go back!"

Xiaoman behind her was not forgiving, as the servant girl of Chong Shao, even some collateral disciples in the family, she dared not be too disrespectful to her.

But a mere good-for-nothing young master, a guy who has been forgotten by others, dares to hit her?
If it's because of this face, she doesn't want to go back, and she won't have to hang around in the Li family in the future!


Li Changkong turned around, shouted loudly, his eyes flashed with murderous aura!
For no reason, Xiaoman's body froze, her face turned pale with fright, she felt a murderous aura that was as real as it was, enveloping it, making her almost fall into the Nine Nether Demon Realm.

She was almost dumbfounded.

But soon, she realized that the Li Changkong in front of her was no longer the former Li Changkong. The current Li Changkong was just a waste, so why be afraid?

"Li Changkong, I will never finish with you about today's matter!"

Xiaoman went berserk like a shrew. Although she didn't dare to attack Li Changkong, she gave Li Changkong a hard look, with resentment flashing in her eyes.

Li Changkong didn't care, he didn't pay attention to a mere maid, he glanced at Xiaoman, and said coldly: "If I take action against you, people will say that I bully the small, since that's the case , Lian'er, it's up to you to deal with her."

"Just return what she did to you just now, don't be soft-hearted, with the young master backing you up, no one here dares to do anything to you!"


Lian'er showed a look of surprise, with a dazed expression on her face, she shook her head again and again, and said, "Young master, let's forget about this matter, I, I can't do it."

"This girl, after all, is too kind and too weak."

Li Changkong sighed in his heart, the reason why he didn't directly attack Xiaoman was not because he was afraid of anything, nor was he afraid of attracting people's attention. He just wanted to make Lian'er stand up in front of these maids. bullying.

"Lian'er, now you have stepped into the martial arts. The young master has passed on your skills. Only by being brave and diligent can you go further in the martial arts. Don't you want to follow the young master?"

He spoke again, his tone was much firmer, unquestionable, and said: "Use your palms to slap her hard, even if the sky falls, the young master will support you!"

"Master, can I really?"

Lian'er still had a look of hesitation on her face.

"The young master said you can do it, so you can do it!"

Li Changkong nodded heavily.

"it is good!"

Lian'er seemed to be encouraged, and during this period of time, she had indeed been bullied by Xiaoman, and it was impossible for her not to have any anger in her heart.

Since the young master has said so, then she is willing to go all out!
She strode up.

"Hmph, Xiao Lian, with your little three-legged kung fu, how dare you attack me?"

Xiaoman's eyes glared angrily. In front of these servant girls, if she loses her power, how will she gain a foothold in the future?

"It's just my attitude towards you. From now on, I will never let you go!"

Xiaoman's eyes shone like a poisonous snake.

"Xiaoman, I won't be afraid of you anymore, the young master said, I want to take it back, then I have to slap back this slap!"

In Lian'er's eyes, there was an unprecedented firmness in her eyes.

"court death!"

Seeing that Xiaolian, who was bullied by her in the past, dared to speak to herself like this, Xiaoman couldn't hold back any longer. She stepped forward and cast a punch in the basic boxing technique. knocked on the door.

If this punch really hit, it would definitely send Lian Er flying several meters away.

Lian Er used the Zhenwu Changquan in the Zhenwu body training formula, and punched out with one punch. Although it is also a basic boxing technique, the Zhenwu Changquan is much better than the ordinary basic boxing techniques.

The two fists collided in the air, Lian'er didn't move at all, but Xiao Man, who was in the third level of body training, was shocked and took more than ten steps back, which was to stabilize her figure.


A look of surprise flashed in Lian'er's eyes, she never thought that with a single punch, Xiao Man could be knocked back more than ten steps.

After all, she is just a servant girl with limited knowledge, so how can she know the magic of the True Martial Body Training Art.

That is the unique boxing method of Zhenwumen, one of the top ten sects!
"How could this be?"

Xiaoman was ashamed and angry, she became ruthless, rushed out again, and fought with Lian'er.

After all, Xiaoman is in the third level of body training, and has rich experience in actual combat, while Lian Er is fighting with people for the first time, and the shortcomings of inexperience are quickly exposed. Under Xiaoman's continuous attacks, Lian Er retreated again and again, Dimensions are messed up.

"Lian'er, Zhenwu Changquan is a boxing technique for body training, which focuses on tempering the body, but this boxing technique is majestic and mighty, with the artistic conception of lifting weights as light as possible!"

Li Changkong stood aside, quietly watching the battle between Lian'er and Xiaoman, and he reminded him softly.

Although Zhenwu Changquan is only a basic boxing technique, it can stand out from thousands of boxing techniques and become the entry-level boxing technique for countless disciples of the Zhenwu Sect. How can it be so simple!

Boxing, the most important thing is mind and strength. Lian'er's strength, because she has practiced the real martial arts body training formula, is definitely not inferior to Xiaoman, but Lian'er has not comprehended the artistic conception.

However, Lian'er is also a smart person. After hearing Li Changkong's words, she soon came to her senses. The fist suddenly changed and became majestic. It was purely a general trend to crush Xiaoman.

Gradually, Lian'er began to turn the tide of the battle. She firmly gained the upper hand and completely suppressed Xiaoman, forcing Xiaoman to retreat again and again, his face flushed red, angry and furious, but there was nowhere to attack .

In the end, Xiaoman was punched by Lian'er, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he fell to the ground, completely defeated.

The maidservants who had been watching all this time were overwhelmed by Lian'er's aura. They didn't think much of Lian'er before, but now, the way they look at Lian'er has changed, showing awe.

"Xiaoman has been practicing martial arts for several years, but Xiaolian had no cultivation at all before, but now he has defeated Xiaoman in just over ten days. This is turning decay into magic!"

There are even some maidservants with nimble minds, looking at Li Changkong, who can turn decay into magic. Is this really the trash that everyone talks about?

As for Xiaoman on the ground, no one took another look at her. This world is just like this reality.

"Lian'er, this is power. As long as you control power, no one will dare to bully you!"

Li Changkong spoke lightly.

Lian'er looked thoughtful.

"Now, go forward and take back all the humiliation you have suffered in the past!"

Li Changkong spoke again.

Lian'er nodded obediently, and then she stepped forward firmly, and walked up to Xiaoman.

Xiaoman's hair was disheveled, she looked ferocious, and roared: "Xiao Lian, you dare to hit me? I will definitely repay you a thousand times..."

Before she finished speaking, Lian'er slapped Xiaoman's face with a slap, she mercilessly slapped Xiaoman's body in the air several times, rolled to the ground, and knocked out his teeth A few of them spit out big mouthfuls of blood.

"You dare to treat me like this, Young Master Chong will not let you go..."

"you dare……"

Another slap.

Xiaoman's face was swollen high, and the bright red palm prints were extremely conspicuous. The pain on her face was nothing compared to the panic in her heart. She covered her face and dared not say a word, for fear that Lian'er would continue to Slap and slap.

"Kneel down and beg Lian'er for mercy, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Li Changkong finally looked at Xiaoman. There was a fierce look in his gaze, which made Xiaoman's body tremble, and his heart was terrified. Looking at Li Changkong's gaze was like looking at a demon.

"Still kneeling down?"

Li Changkong's voice became even harsher.

Xiaoman couldn't take it anymore, she knelt down with a plop, and hit her head hard on the hard ground, causing her blood to bleed.

The faces of all the servant girls changed, looking at the master and servant, their eyes were full of awe.

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(End of this chapter)

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