Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 1538 Get lost!

Chapter 1538 Get lost! (first update)
Li Changkong strode forward, leading the Triangle God Bull and Elder Xuanyue, and strode into the auction venue.

Behind him, Deacon Xu's face was flushed red, he was inexplicably ashamed and angry, and his heart was full of hatred. He stared at Li Changkong's back, wanting to kill someone!
It was because of this young man that he became the laughing stock of countless people, and he lost all face.

The gazes from all around made him even more ashamed.

"You actually took out 100 million mid-grade divine stones?"

The third eldest disciple of the Flying Star Sect, Ning Tianjiang, had a look of astonishment in his eyes at this moment, as if he was quite surprised by this.

"It's just a dead duck trying to hold on. It is estimated that he has already given up all the 100 million middle-grade god stones."

Beside Ning Tianjiang, a person chuckled with contempt in his eyes.

This person is inferior to Ning Tianjiang in terms of status and strength. Standing beside Ning Tianjiang, the smile on his face is quite flattering.

His name is Du Yulin, and he is a disciple of the aristocratic family. The Du family he belongs to is one of the peripheral forces of the Flying Star Sect. With the support of the Flying Star Sect, he can run amok.

"That's right, 100 million middle-grade divine stones are just that, if you spend all you have, it's really possible to get them out."

"However, the auction this time is extremely high-end. Everyone who enters the auction venue is of noble birth. It is a shame that such a lowly person can enter it."

Ning Tianjiang sneered, this kind of turkey could enter the room and be in the same room with him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Master Ning doesn't like this kid? It's simple, I'll take care of this kid!"

Du Yulin even showed his courtesy, with an attitude of wrapping himself up.

In the auction hall.

Under the guidance of the maid, powerful gods walked into the venue and sat down.

The venue is very large and magnificent, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. Above the hall, there are small attics, which are VIP halls for VIPs. Only truly honorable people can enter them.

Led by the maid Xiao Zhu, Li Changkong walked in, followed by the Triangle God Bull and Elder Xuanyue.

"Tsk tsk, this is such a good place!"

The Triangle God Bull's eyes kept scanning, and he sighed in admiration. The spiritual power here is extremely abundant, and the space is filled with the fresh sandalwood fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.

On the dome, there are carved dragons and phoenixes, which are of extraordinary style.

"Xiao Zhu, arrange a VIP room for us."

Li Changkong looked at the attic above and spoke directly.


The maid Xiaozhu showed a look of embarrassment, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "To enter the VIP room, only the deacon has this authority."

"Only you are eligible to enter the VIP room?"

At this moment, there was a sneering voice, and then several figures came and appeared in front of Li Changkong and the others.

Those figures were none other than the Flying Star Sect disciples, Ning Tianjiang and others that they met outside the gate, and the person who made the sound was Du Yulin beside Ning Tianjiang.

That Du Yulin strode forward, looked at Li Changkong with disdain in his eyes, and sneered, "Boy, what do you think this is? It's really your home!"

"Hehe, this is the Tianxin Auction. The most famous Tianxin Auction among dozens of nearby counties and cities can only enter this place. It is a gift for you to enter the auction, but now you want to enter it VIP Room?"

Another Flying Star Sect disciple sneered, with an air of arrogance in his tone.

What he meant couldn't be more clear, the VIP hall is worthy of entering the VIP room, and Li Changkong, a low-brow, is not worthy at all!
"Do you want to fight?"

The Triangle God Bull was furious, and his seven orifices were filled with smoke. The disciples of these aristocratic families were all very arrogant, with their nostrils turned to the sky, and no one in their eyes, they were extremely hateful.

Although he used to be humble, but now he follows Li Changkong and has Li Changkong's backing, so he has a big temper!
"never mind."

However, Li Changkong made a noise and stopped the Triangle Bull. At this moment, he didn't want to cause more trouble.

What's more, he also understood that arranging the VIP room was beyond Xiaozhu's authority, and he didn't want to make things difficult for Xiaozhu.

"Thank you, sir, for your understanding."

The maid Xiaozhu cast a grateful look and saluted Li Changkong.

If Li Changkong persisted and insisted on the VIP room, it would definitely alarm the deacon, and by then, she would be indispensable and would be punished.

"You kid still has some self-knowledge!"

A Flying Star Sect disciple looked up at Li Changkong condescendingly with his head raised.

Li Changkong was sullen, but he suppressed it and said to Xiaozhu, "Xiaozhu, take me to the ordinary seat."


"Sir, please come with me."

The maid, Xiao Zhu, turned around and wanted to lead the way.

"Want to go?"

But at the next moment, Du Yulin stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiaozhu, the maid, with a slight force on his wrist, like iron tongs, clamping Xiaozhu's hand, Xiaozhu suddenly exclaimed, her hand was already red, and the scene It hurts so much.

"This chick is pretty, come, come with us to the VIP room, serve us well, and your tip will be indispensable in a while!"

Du Yulin stared at the maid Xiaozhu and grinned grimly.

He did this because he had taken a fancy to the maid Xiaozhu, but on the other hand, he wanted to make things difficult for Li Changkong and others, so that Li Changkong and others could not step down completely.

After all, the maid, Xiao Zhu, served Li Changkong and others, but now, in front of countless people, he wanted to forcibly take away the maid, Xiao Zhu.

Maid Xiaozhu, her face was full of panic, her eyes were red, tears were rolling in her eyes, she shook her head again and again, and said anxiously: "No, I still have to take the young master and the others there..."

"Why do you care about that local turtle? Follow the uncle, and you will definitely get a generous reward!"

Du Yulin grinned grimly, completely ignored Li Changkong, and dragged his maid, Xiaozhu, away.

All around, one after another glanced at them, and some gods could not help showing anger when they saw this. Such behavior was shameless, and even a small maid would not be spared.

But when their eyes fell on Ning Tianjiang, they soon shook their heads with wry smiles.

Ning Tianjiang is a well-known Tianjiao in the nearby area, and coupled with his status as the third eldest disciple of Flying Star Sect, they are unwilling to offend Ning Tianjiang for a little maid.

"Let her go and get out!"

Li Changkong couldn't bear it any longer, and started drinking loudly.

Although he doesn't want to cause trouble, he is not afraid of trouble!

"Master, let the old cow beat him to death!"

The Triangle God Bull shouted and cursed even more.

"What did you say?"

Du Yulin turned around and looked at Li Changkong with disbelief on his face.

This soil turtle, how dare to let him go?

Li Changkong spat out the word "roll", and suddenly, the momentum rolled, and a wave of godly power suddenly spread.

(End of this chapter)

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