Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 1543 Amazing Price

Chapter 1543 Surprising price (second update)

"The holy fruit of no thought can be used to refine the divine pill of no thought, and the divine pill of no thought is a strange pill known as the holy pill of cultivation..."

In the middle of the auction venue, the old man introduced it freely.

All around, many gods showed eagerness. Most of them already knew what the old man introduced.

They are eager to know what is the starting price for the holy fruit of no thought.

Finally, after a long introduction, the old man began to announce: "The starting price for the holy fruit of Wunian is 500 million middle-grade divine stones, and every time the price increases, it must not be less than [-] middle-grade divine stones!"

"Now, the auction starts!"

As soon as the words fell, someone bid immediately: "I offer 550 million middle-grade divine stones!"

"I will offer 580 million mid-grade divine stones!"

"One million mid-grade divine stones!"

"One million mid-grade divine stones!"


In just a short moment, the price of the holy fruit of no thought has climbed to 600 million middle-grade divine stones.

This kind of magical medicine has a price but no market, and it definitely has an irreplaceable role for the gods.

"I will offer 700 million mid-grade divine stones!"

At this moment, a proud voice sounded from the crowd.


The crowd exploded, and this guy, unexpectedly, raised the price of the Sacred Fruit of No Mind by 100 million middle-grade divine stones.

Although, for most of the gods present, 100 million middle-grade god stones is not a big amount, but this is just one of the auction items.

The auction has just started, and there will be more treasures coming up later. Even the gods with extremely strong financial resources will reserve some spare power at the beginning so that they can continue to participate in the auction later.

Raising the price too much at once like this will easily arouse public outrage and be despised by others.

A series of gazes fell on the person who made the sound, and suddenly, all the angry gods were speechless.

The person who made the sound was the third eldest disciple of Flying Star Sect, Ning Tianjiang!
This person's cultivation is a god of the Dzogchen realm, and his combat power is much more terrifying than that of ordinary Dzogchen gods.

Although the gods had resentment in their hearts, they didn't dare to show it at the moment, for fear that Ning Tianjiang would hold their grudges in their hearts, and they would be unable to bear it and walk around.

"Seven million mid-grade divine stones, what a hero!"

Even Elder Xuanyue couldn't help sighing, 700 million mid-grade divine stones, she was an outer sect elder of the Heavenly Blood Alliance before, and with all her accumulation, she couldn't get 700 million mid-grade divine stones.

To her, 700 million middle-grade divine stones are already worth a fortune, but to Ning Tianjiang, 700 million middle-grade divine stones are just a drop in the bucket.

Ning Tianjiang looked proud. As soon as he made a bid, there was a commotion in the surroundings, and the voices of many previous bids fell silent.

Obviously, those gods are unwilling to compete with Ning Tianjiang for the holy fruit of no thought, and they are unwilling to offend the third eldest disciple of the Flying Star Sect for this.

In the middle of the auction venue, the old man couldn't help frowning. For him, the higher the auction price for the holy fruit of Wunian, the better.

But now, as soon as Ning Tianjiang made a bid, many gods fell silent, and no one bid.

"It seems that the sacred fruit of no thought is probably sold for 700 million middle-grade divine stones."

He felt a little annoyed.

"One million mid-grade divine stones!"

At this moment, a rather clear voice came from the attic.

Immediately, the sound was like a stone smashing into a calm lake, causing ripples one after another, and all around, all eyes followed the sound.

Soon, they saw that the bidder was from the VIP room, and it was the boy who had a dispute with the Flying Star Sect disciple before!

"This son is really not afraid of death. He has offended the disciples of the Flying Star Sect before, and now he is bidding with Ning Tianjiang. I'm afraid he doesn't know how to write the word death?"

"Haha, this is to fight Ning Tianjiang to the end!"

One after another voices sounded, and someone showed regret. The young man had already cultivated to the realm of a god at a young age. He had a bright future, but now that he offended Ning Tianjiang to death, he might not live long.

Some people have the idea of ​​watching a play, and are happy to see such a situation, for fear that the two parties will not be able to fight.

There are even some people who can't get used to Ning Tianjiang, and they are secretly happy when they see someone coming forward to oppose Ning Tianjiang.

"It's him, it's that kid again!"

Du Yulin glared fiercely, staring at Li Changkong who was sitting in the VIP room in the distance, with hatred in his eyes.

This kid has humiliated him severely, and now he is going against Ning Shao again, he is looking for his own death!

Ning Tianjiang snorted coldly, his eyes were cold, the VIP room originally belonged to him, but now it was occupied by the other party.

"Only relying on him, dare to fight with me?"

A cold and stern look flashed in his eyes, and then he said, "I will offer 800 million mid-grade divine stones!"

"800 million middle-grade sacred stones, the price has reached 800 million middle-grade sacred stones, does anyone still want to bid?"

The old man in charge showed joy in his eyes at this moment. Li Changkong, who looked extremely hateful in Ning Tianjiang's eyes, was extremely cute in his eyes.

"One million mid-grade divine stones!"

Li Changkong spoke calmly.

"810 million, 810 million, is there anyone else bidding?"

The old man's voice suddenly raised a bit, and he became more and more excited.

As the person in charge of this auction, he likes to see this kind of situation the most. The two confront each other and raise the price all the way. In the end, only one side of the auction will benefit.

"900 million!"

Ning Tianjiang was slightly angry. The price of 900 million mid-grade divine stones has already surpassed the value of the holy fruit of no thought, but at this moment, what he is fighting for is not the holy fruit of no thought, but one breath!

As the third eldest disciple of Flying Star Sect, he cannot lose in this auction!

"910 million!"

Without even thinking about it, Li Changkong made another bid.

Every time he bid, it was only [-] more middle-grade divine stones than Ning Tianjiang's price, which made Ning Tianjiang very angry.

"200 million mid-grade divine stones!"

Ning Tianjiang was furious, and immediately raised the price to 200 million middle-grade divine stones.

He stared at Li Changkong, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his eyes were a bit cold, he wanted to see if this fellow could offer a higher price?

He didn't believe that the other party could really come up with such a number of divine stones.

"500 million mid-grade divine stones!"

Li Changkong smiled, spoke again, and called out a shocking price.


Immediately, the audience was in an uproar, and many gods became a sensation. The price of 500 million middle-grade god stones is simply sky-high!

Although the effect of the Sacred Fruit of No Mind is astonishing, no matter how you say it, it is only a third-grade magic medicine, and it is definitely not worth 1000 million middle-grade god stones, but now, the price has climbed to an astonishing 500 million yuan.

Some gods who came from small aristocratic families gasped even more, feeling so terrifying, this is the real local tyrant!
Compared to this kind of local tyrant, the gods from small families like them are simply weak.

"500 million mid-grade divine stones!"

"Is he crazy?"

Du Yulin's face was full of disbelief.

"Senior brother Ning, it's impossible for this guy to get so many sacred stones. He's just bidding indiscriminately, and he's just deliberately exaggerating!"

"Yes, yes, let the auction venue check it out. If he can't get 500 million middle-grade divine stones, we don't need to sell them. Tianxin Auction will not let him go!"

Many Flying Star Sect disciples are clamoring, they simply don't believe that Li Changkong can get 500 million mid-grade divine stones!

Let alone 500 million mid-grade divine stones, with Li Changkong's previous performance, he might not even be able to get out 300 million mid-grade divine stones!

(End of this chapter)

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