Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 1581 Killing the God Sovereign

Chapter 1581 Killing the God Sovereign
There are nearly a thousand sword weapons and magic weapons, all of which are surging with sword light and blazing sword power.

"Chop, chop, chop!"

Li Changkong drank continuously, and saw countless sword lights rushing out, all of which merged and gathered together, turning into a thick sword rainbow.

Above that sword rainbow, there was a powerful destructive aura, as if the sky and the earth could be destroyed with one blow of the sword.

The huge sword rainbow shocked people's hearts, and it slammed down, bursting out with terrifying sword power.

Under the watchful eyes of the gods, the huge sword rainbow cut down, traversed the sky, and crashed into the seal of King Fudoming.

bang bang bang...

Terrible fluctuations came out, and the aftermath of this battle was too terrifying, forming a super hurricane and sweeping around.

There are also countless sword waves, constantly escaping, sweeping towards the surroundings, and the sword waves vibrate the void, powerful and mighty.


An arm fell from the sky, accompanied by a lot of blood.

All the gods are trembling when they see it, and they just feel incredible!

Astonishingly, it was Lu Changfeng, a powerful god, who had his arm chopped off, and his face was extremely pale.

His Fudo Ming King Seal was broken, if he hadn't dodged in time, the sword just now would have been enough to cut him in half!
"How is it possible? How could I lose?"

At this moment, Lu Changfeng looked extremely lonely. He muttered to himself, looking lost, and didn't even pay attention to the sharp pain coming from the severed arm.

The pain in his heart far outweighs his physical pain. A broken arm can be reborn, but the blow to him from this failure can never be erased.

Because, the one who defeated him was only a god that he dismissed!

What is a god?

Being favored by the heavens and the Dao, as the monarch of the great way, with a single gesture of his hand, he can erupt a battle force that can destroy the world.

Although there is only a difference in realm between the gods and the gods, the gap between them is as big as the difference between heaven and earth.

But now, he was defeated by a god, and an arm was cut off.

This is an extremely heavy blow, enough to make him depressed.

"Sure enough, if the Little Thousand Sword Formation is integrated, the power will be even more terrifying, because the power is gathered in one place!"

Seeing that it worked, Li Changkong's eyes were filled with joy, and his heart was filled with joy.

He had previously thought about merging and condensing the power of the Little Thousand Sword Formation to explode even greater power.

But before his sword soul hadn't been promoted, it was his fault. Although he had this idea, he couldn't implement it.

After he devoured the demon-seeded sword soul, the power of the sword soul was greatly improved, especially when the sword soul was destroyed, it could burst out with a powerful sword force.

Under the pressure of Fudo Ming Wang Yin, he exploded with unprecedented potential!
"He actually cut off an arm?"

"It's scary, it's so scary, even the gods are invincible, such a monster, there is no one in a million!"


All around, unconcealable exclamations sounded, and many gods who were watching couldn't believe it.

They looked at Li Changkong with a look of awe. In their eyes, Li Changkong was definitely more terrifying than the real god.

Defeating a god in the realm of a god is enough to prove that this son's strength is terrifying, and his potential is even more terrifying.

Monster is not enough to describe!

Even Shura Sword Demon's eyes shone with surprise. He never thought that Li Changkong could win this battle.

"Lu Changfeng, what else do you have to say?"

Li Changkong stared at Lu Changfeng, his eyes were full of murderous intent, his breath was icy cold, like the coming of winter.

"No, I can't possibly lose!"

Lu Changfeng's eyes were full of unwillingness, he was showing madness, and the blood in his body was burning.

He stared at Li Changkong, his eyes were full of hatred.

He is the pride of the Heavenly Blood Alliance. He was once unparalleled in glory, but now he feels extremely humiliated, which makes his Dao Heart collapse.

"I am going to kill you!"

Lu Changfeng shouted sharply, he rushed out crazily, and killed Li Changkong again.

Even if an arm is severed, as a god, he still has a powerful combat power at this moment.

"Hmph, since you want to die with all your heart, then I will fulfill you!"

Li Changkong snorted coldly, his eyes were cold and murderous.


The Xiaoqian sword array rose again, countless sword lights emerged, flickering endlessly, and the sword lights trembled in the void.


He sipped lightly, with awe-inspiring murderous intent, and immediately, sword lights merged into an extremely thick sword rainbow, which slashed out.

sigh sigh...

The sword light cuts down, the power is extremely terrifying!
The thick sword rainbow easily broke through Lu Changfeng's shield of divine power, and cut it flat.

Under the sharp sword light, Lu Changfeng's body was like a piece of paper, with blood splashing and splashing from the air.

A powerful god was killed just like that.

woohoo hoo...

Li Changkong was gasping for breath. Although he was victorious in the fierce battle with Shenjun, he was exhausted and burdened a lot in the battle just now.

It wasn't until now that he had time to take a good breath and restore the almost dry power in his body.


Behind him, the blood dragon shadow appeared again, and I saw that blood dragon shadow, extremely fierce, opened its bloody mouth, showing an extremely ferocious and terrifying state.

Afterwards, the blood dragon shadow opened its dragon mouth, sucked in suddenly, and sucked all the blood from the sky into its mouth.

As the blood continued to pour in, the divine power in his body was recovering at an astonishing speed.


All the gods who followed Lu Changfeng saw the scene of Lu Changfeng's tragic death, their hearts trembled and their bodies became cold.

Seeing Li Changkong devouring blood, they didn't hesitate any more at this moment, they immediately turned around and fled.

This is the best opportunity, if you can't escape, then there is only a dead end.

Of course they had to escape!
If you escape, there is still a glimmer of life, if you don't escape, you will definitely die!
"Want to go?"

Li Changkong sneered, and he shot again, only to hear the sound of sword lights piercing through the air, and sword lights continued to cut out, hunting and killing the gods of the Heavenly Blood Alliance.

He is not polite in his shots, let alone hold back in the slightest.

sigh sigh...

The sound of Jian Guang breaking through the body continued to come out, one by one the powerful gods were killed by Jian Guang.

Those powerful gods, in front of Li Changkong, were as insignificant as ants.

As for those gods who were watching, they couldn't help but gasp, this guy really has no fear, he wants to kill the members of the Heavenly Blood Alliance here.

This is a bit too disrespectful to the Heavenly Blood Alliance.

"Even the gods are beheaded, what else in the world can't be done by the master?"

Xuan Yue stared at Li Changkong with shock in her eyes.

She deeply knows how powerful a god is!
wow wow...

After Li Changkong chased and killed him, he stopped attacking, but devoted himself to refining the blood of the gods and absorbing the power of the blood!
The blood of the gods is absolutely extraordinary, not only the power of the blood, but also the aura of the great way in the blood.

(End of this chapter)

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