Chapter 1590
Blood Cloud State, Guangyou County City.

After the tragic battle, this county town became much deserted and heavily guarded. The roads were full of strong men from the Heavenly Blood Alliance, constantly patrolling.

Today, in this county, the word Li Changkong has become a taboo, and many strong people are talking about it!

on the street.

There were few pedestrians, only a few scattered passers-by hurried past.

A young man, walking on the street, his cultivation base is quite tyrannical, he is impressively a god.

This young man looked very young, but his eyes looked a little old, which formed a great contrast.

He is Patriarch Zizai!

At the beginning, when he was in the Lower Realm, he lived a long time, with an old appearance and full hair, but after ascending to the God Realm, his lifespan increased greatly, his blood was vigorous, and he turned back to his youth, and became what he is now.

After entering the God Realm, he pursued it all the way from a distant place, and came to this Guangyou County City.

Along the way, he went through hardships, broke out fierce battles, and delayed for a long time until he finally arrived.

"Master broke and ascended from the God of War Realm. According to inference, he should have appeared near here. Unfortunately, I have searched all the way, but there is no trace of Master."

Ancestor Zizai kept looking around, trying to search for the figure of Master, but the crowd was so vast, it was too inefficient for him to search like this.

"Master is a peerless arrogance. If he really appeared here, he must be very famous. I will find someone to inquire about it, and I will definitely get news about Master!"

With a thought in his mind, he immediately walked up to a passerby and asked directly, "Excuse me, have you heard of the name Li Changkong?"

"Li Changkong?"

That passer-by, whose cultivation base is not weak, is an earth god, but when he heard the word "Li Changkong", it was as if he had heard some taboo. Run away.


Patriarch Zizai couldn't help being stunned. Does Master's name have such a great deterrent effect?

He was confused, and Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

"Ask someone else!"

He didn't give up, but stopped a passerby again, and asked again: "Have you heard of the name Li Changkong?"

The face of the passer-by suddenly changed, and with a swipe, he immediately fled into the air and disappeared.

"I'll go, there are weird ones, there are definitely weird ones!"

The ancestor Zizai muttered to himself, his face full of doubts.

Could it be that in such a short period of time, the master has already made such a big name?
"Are you looking for Li Changkong?"

At this moment, someone came towards him, and his gaze fell on Patriarch Zizai.


Patriarch Zizai immediately showed joy, he nodded repeatedly, and said, "Do you recognize my master?"

"Li Changkong is your master?"

The man's face suddenly changed slightly, and he tried hard to hide it, but there was still a strange look on his face.

"Well, is there a problem?"

Patriarch Zizai has already noticed that something is wrong, but he is not afraid because he is strong.

"Tsk tsk, unexpectedly, after a long time, now, someone has thrown himself into the trap, and he is still the disciple of that guy!"

The man sneered suddenly, his eyes were cold, and his momentum suddenly spread.

He is a Dzogchen god!

Swish!Shua! Shua!
All around, the sound of piercing the sky continued to spread, and one after another silhouettes emerged. These sudden appearances were all extremely tyrannical, and the weakest ones were all Dzogchen gods, and even among them were strong men at the level of gods.

After that battle, the Heavenly Blood Alliance sent many strong men to sit in Guangyou County City. They were afraid that Li Changkong would appear in Guangyou County City again, so they did not dare to take it lightly.

But now, Li Changkong didn't show up. Instead, a guy who claimed to be Li Changkong's disciple came to his door and threw himself into the trap!
"It's not good, the master really came here, but it seems that he has offended many people..."

Patriarch Zizai smiled wryly, his face extremely bitter.

"Haha, what a ridiculous guy, doesn't he know that his master has caused a catastrophe, and he has already hidden himself and dare not show himself?"

"Tsk tsk, what a poor little guy!"

The strong man floating around swept his eyes, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

In Guangyou County, everyone's expression changed when they talked about Li Changkong's name. This guy was lucky enough to ask about Li Changkong's whereabouts in the street. Such behavior was too ridiculous.

"What the hell, I don't know!"

Ancestor Zizai's face was full of aggrieved, if he had known this, he would not have shown up so openly.

"Haha, boy, come here and die!"

"You can't blame us, if you want to blame, blame your master, he acted too arrogantly!"

One after another sneering voices sounded, and then, these strong men shot one by one, and killed Patriarch Zizai.

Boom boom boom...

A series of magical powers bombarded down, and the terrifying magical powers displayed terrifying power and trembled the void.

"Dark Buddha!"

Ancestor Zi Zai coldly drank, and a terrifying magic erupted. Behind him, a huge millstone appeared, blooming with black brilliance, just like the reappearance of a pagoda.

Boom boom boom...

The huge millstone collided with one after another of supernatural powers, smashing one after another of supernatural powers into pieces. Even, the huge millstone absorbed the power of supernatural powers and became even bigger.

When the huge millstone blasted down, all the Dzogchen gods were blown out, and half of the bodies of more than a dozen Dzogchen gods exploded, blood splattered, and flesh and blood flew horizontally.

"What a horrible guy!"

"That guy is terrifying, even his disciple is so extraordinary!"

Many strong men were all shocked. Who would have thought that the young man in front of him would possess such terrifying strength.

Li Changkong's vicious reputation spread far and wide, so they were naturally afraid, but they didn't take Li Changkong's disciples seriously. They didn't expect that even that guy's disciples were so powerful and terrifying.

But they don't know that the ancestor Zizai received the inheritance of the Dark Demon Venerable back then, practiced extremely powerful exercises, and cultivated in the lower realm for a long time, with an extremely solid foundation, and now he has ascended to the God Realm. The strength is even more terrifying!
Back in the lower realms, Patriarch Zizai had strength comparable to that of a god, but now that he has been promoted to a god, it is even more terrifying.

The huge millstone flew out again, killing many strong men.

"Everyone shoot!"

A god yelled angrily, and then, the powerful god lord made a move, and saw a big hand slapped down from the air, containing immense power, and slammed on the huge millstone.

Bang bang bang!
The huge fluctuations came out, and even the powerful god was shocked to back up again and again, with a bit of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

Although he is only a junior god, his strength is definitely not comparable to that of a god, but now, he was shocked by the huge millstone and made his steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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