Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 1851 Finally caught up!

Chapter 1851 Finally caught up!

"Little Junior Brother?"

The young man in battle armor, holding a divine sword, and with extremely sharp eyes looked at Li Changkong and couldn't help but speak.

"it's me!"

Li Changkong flipped his wrist, and a token appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the Wuxin Sword Palace disciple token given to him by the Wuxin God King.

"But I finally found you."

The young man showed a bright smile, and immediately took out the token. The token was exactly the same as Li Changkong's token, except that there was an extra word "Ying" on it!

Wuxin Sword Palace disciple, Ying Long!

"Brother, you came at a really good time."

After confirming the other party's identity, Li Changkong breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing the token, the other party's identity has been confirmed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, now is not the time for you to reminisce about the past, Demon Ape, take them down!"

The heart was still making a sound, but the sound was sharp and extremely piercing.

roar roar...

The Primordial Demonic Ape roared again and again, and threw out both fists, it actually killed Li Changkong and Ying Long at the same time.

The combat power of this devil ape is absolutely terrifying, even more tyrannical than ordinary high-level god kings. The rolling magic will form devil prisons, making people feel like falling into the abyss.

Li Changkong used his mysterious movements to dodge again and again, but his strength was not enough to compete with this primordial magic ape.

After all, in terms of realm, there is a huge gap between him and the Primordial Demon Ape. Up to now, he is only half a step into the realm of a god king.


However, Ying Long snorted coldly, swung out with his sword, and slashed down with his sword. The bright sword light carried the meaning of endless fierceness.

Boom boom boom...

The sword light and the demon ape's fist collided fiercely, and at that moment, the brilliance overflowed, and the terrifying sword intent, and the ancient demon ape's demonic thoughts were also fiercely confronting each other.

Countless demon prisons collide with the sword light, and the power that erupts at that moment is astonishing!

Li Changkong's eyes froze slightly, the strength of the elder brother is so powerful!

However, this is not surprising, after all, the elder brother had already broken through the realm of the god king a long time ago, and now, he has stepped into the realm of the high-level god king. His combat power is strong, but he is much stronger than Feng Ning. many.

It is not surprising that the elder brother can fight against the Primordial Demon Ape.


At the same time, the Blood Demon Sword appeared in Li Changkong's hand, and the Blood Demon Sword suddenly slashed down, enveloping the space with the intent of destruction.

clang clang...

The bright blood-colored sword rainbow slashed on the body of the Primordial Demon Ape, and left a blood-colored sword mark on the body of the Primordial Demon Ape.

Although the Primordial Demon Ape was extremely powerful, after all, the battle with Ying Long made this Primordial Demon Ape flawlessly distracted, and he couldn't care about Li Changkong at all.

It was precisely because of this that Li Changkong had an opportunity to break through the defense of the Primordial Demon Ape with a single sword, and finally injured the Primordial Demon Ape.

roar roar...

The Primordial Demon Ape roared angrily, as if losing its mind, the roaring sound was like thunder from nine heavens, exploding in the sky, it was extremely astonishing.

That roaring sound is definitely shocking enough!

"Mingtu, you have just awakened and been born, and you have no strength at all. You just rely on the demon ape, but you don't know that the birth of the emperor's heart has long attracted countless strong people to covet it. If you continue to entangle, it will be of no use to you What good!"

Ying Long snorted coldly, his voice was icy cold, and there was a hint of threat.

"Hmph, I'll let you off today, and before long, the entire God Realm will be turned into Netherland!"

The heart snorted coldly, and immediately, the demon ape held the heart, fled into the ground, and disappeared completely.

woohoo hoo...

After the Primordial Demon Ape left, Li Changkong was still breathing faster, with a look of lingering fear, his forehead was actually covered with cold sweat.

This primordial demon ape is too powerful, and it is completely beyond his current ability to deal with it.

Fortunately, big brother Ying Long arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Eldest brother, luckily you arrived in time, otherwise, my junior brother might be buried here!"

Li Changkong looked at senior brother Ying Long with a grateful expression on his face.

Indeed, if the big brother Ying Long hadn't appeared, his situation would not be very good, and he might fall here.

"You are so courageous. You dare to break into the emperor's tomb even if you are half a step into the realm of a god-king. You really have no fear!"

Ying Long glared at Li Changkong angrily.

Li Changkong smiled without arguing.

In fact, the eldest brother seems to be serious, but in fact, he is not like that in his heart.

He can see it!

"Oh, by the way, senior brother, how do you know I'm here?"

Li Changkong asked suspiciously, Master's order was probably only for Ying Long to find him, even Master, he probably didn't know his exact whereabouts.

"Isn't that easy?"

Ying Long squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "The birth of the emperor's tomb is such an important event. With your disposition, junior brother, would you still miss such an important event?"

"What's more, the birth of the emperor's tomb means a supreme opportunity. For a genius like you, how could you miss such an opportunity?"

"Therefore, after learning the news of the birth of the emperor's tomb, I rushed over immediately, and finally caught up at the critical moment!"

"That's true." Li Changkong smiled wryly. Is this a compliment or a derogation?
"You are really foolish enough. Do you know that what is buried here is a Supreme Demon Emperor, the Demon Emperor of Netherland, who was once an existence of an era!"

"If it weren't for this Netherland Demon Emperor, there is only one heart left alive, and you and I will die here!"

Ying Long said, he has wandered in this forbidden land for a long time, and he knows many legends of the forbidden land like the back of his hand!

The Devil Emperor of the Underworld, of course, he would not be unfamiliar with it. He knew a little about the legend of the Devil Emperor of the Underworld.

"It's true that the younger brother was reckless, but I never thought that the news of the birth of the emperor's tomb would attract so many strong people!"

The smile on Li Changkong's face became more and more bitter.

"Okay, since you're here, let's have a good time!"

Ying Long raised his head, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Now that the Devil Emperor of the Underworld is born, the best things are naturally brought with him, but the rest of the things, the current situation of the Devil Emperor of the Underworld, cannot be taken away.

That is to say, there are still many treasures in the emperor's tomb!
"Haha, it's been a dream of mine to join hands with the big brother!"

Li Changkong laughed loudly. Although, before this, he had never met the elder brother, but the elder brother's reputation was like thunder, and he had heard it countless times.

"Li Changkong, finally let me catch up with you!"

At this moment, an incomparably sharp voice suddenly came from a distance, and there was hatred in that voice!

It was Feng Ning, after he slayed the dragon, he chased after him all the way, and finally caught up with Li Changkong!
"Li Changkong, get out and die!"

There was another sound of angry shouting, and Long Jiuding came to kill him, and directly sacrificed a divine cauldron in front of him, and the prestige was rolling.

(End of this chapter)

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