Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 24 The Ignorant Man

Chapter 24 The Ignorant Man
At the Pill Treasure Conference, Li Shaochong seemed quite proud. He shot many times and took pictures of many treasures, and even gave Lin Qing'er a first-level elixir directly.

Lin Qing'er had a look of joy on her face, enjoying the constant envious eyes from all around her.

Li Changkong shook his head, with a bored expression on his face, he said directly to Lin Wanxue beside him, "There's nothing interesting here, I'll go back first."

Lin Wanxue also knew that, as Li Changkong was a former genius of the True Martial Arts School, it would be difficult for the treasures in this alchemy meeting to enter Li Changkong's eyes. She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you."

The two walked out of the Danbao meeting one in front and one behind.

Watching Li Changkong leave from the Danbao Conference, Li Shaochong's eyes flashed with a hint of evil:
"Li Changkong, if you offend me, you will never end well. I will not let you turn around again!"

Soon, Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue arrived outside Danbao Pavilion.

"Li Changkong, it seems that your status in the Li family is not very good."

Lin Wanxue raised her head and looked at Li Changkong with a smile on her face.

She is a smart person, and the previous scene at the Danbao Conference cannot escape her eyes.

"It's just some clowns, I don't bother to pay attention to them, otherwise, I would have killed them a long time ago!"

Li Changkong snorted coldly, if he hadn't thought about being a disciple of the same family, his blood would be splashed on the Danbao Pavilion tonight.

"These self-righteous family disciples will naturally not be taken seriously by you, but what about those family elders? If they also make a move, what should you do?" Lin Wanxue stared into Li Changkong's eyes, put away the smile on her face, The seriousness of the face.

She has no doubt that Li Changkong has the strength to deal with these family disciples, but those family elders who have practiced martial arts for decades are not so easy to deal with.

Even if Li Changkong is amazingly talented, his current level is still too low after all.

You must know that even in the Li family, there are quite a few elders who have already cultivated to the Gangyuan realm. Even if Li Changkong can leapfrog the battle, he will suffer too much when facing Gangyuan warriors.

"I advise you to leave the Li family as soon as possible and come to our Danbao Pavilion, our Danbao Pavilion, we can train you with all our strength!"

Taking advantage of Li Changkong's silence, Lin Wanxue spoke again.

"Hmph, how can you guess my means?"

Li Changkong snorted coldly, and he turned and left immediately.


Lin Wanxue showed a look of astonishment, she never thought that Li Changkong would react like this.

In her opinion, Li Changkong should have no choice but to completely invest in Danbao Pavilion.

However, Li Changkong's attitude was far beyond her expectations.

Could it be that, what cards does he have?
Looking at Li Changkong's leaving back, Lin Wanxue only felt that what she thought she had seen through Li Changkong's thoughts seemed a bit naive.

Li Changkong was walking on the way home, the night was getting darker, and the night covered the whole land.

There was a gloomy look on his face, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks without turning his head, but said directly: "Come out, this place is deserted, this is your best chance to do something!"

Behind Li Changkong, a figure stepped out, and it was Li Rufeng.

At this moment, Li Rufeng had a sullen look on his face, and his eyes were fixed on Li Changkong, revealing deep-seated hatred.

At the ancestor worship ceremony, he was severely humiliated by Li Changkong in public, and his face was completely lost. How could he bear this tone?

Originally, he didn't intend to attack Li Changkong, but he never thought that when he accompanied Shao Chong to attend the Danbao Conference and waited outside, he actually saw Li Changkong's figure.

With such a god-given opportunity, he couldn't hold back at all, so he quietly followed behind Li Changkong, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

"Li Changkong, you are looking for death yourself, no wonder I!"

A stern look appeared on Li Rufeng's face.

"Haha, Li Rufeng, are you really so sure?"

Li Changkong laughed out loud, showing disdain, and said with a smile: "Li Rufeng, you are only at the sixth level of body training, and I am also at the sixth level of body training, why do you think that you can definitely kill me?" ?”

"Rely on it!"

Li Rufeng looked ferocious, and a white pill appeared in his hand, and there were quite strong fluctuations from the white pill.


Without the slightest hesitation, he directly swallowed the white pill.

"Ning Zhen Dan?"

Li Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly.

"For you to know the goods, yes, this is Ningzhen Pill!"

Li Rufeng had an expression that you were determined to die, and he grinned: "Ningzhen Pill, although the side effects are quite serious, but as long as I take it, I can raise my cultivation level to the seventh level of body refining in a short time."

"There seems to be only one level difference between the seventh level of body refining and the sixth level of body refining, but in fact, there is a huge gap in strength. Seventh level of body refining, the release of true energy, is enough to deal with you!"

"Is this your trump card?"

After Li Rufeng showed his trump card, Li Changkong couldn't help but laugh, and the look of disdain on his face became more and more intense.

He hadn't cultivated into the Flood Dragon Treasure Physique, and when he hadn't cultivated the dharma form, he used the sixth level of body training to kill Lin Long, a young genius of the Lin family who was in the seventh level of body training!

A mere seventh-level body refiner, or a guy who can temporarily display the strength of the seventh-level body refinement with the help of Ningzhen Pill, dares to threaten to kill him?
I have to say, the ignorant are fearless.

"Li Changkong, what are you laughing at?"

Li Rufeng's expression turned cold.

"Laugh at your imminent death, but you don't know it yet."

Li Changkong shook his head again and again.

Li Rufeng was furious, he took the Ningzhen Pill, and the violent medicinal power had already been exerted, raising his realm to the seventh level of body refining.

"Li Changkong, die!"

Li Rufeng rushed out directly, and the zhenqi in his body circulated rapidly, and all of them rushed to the palms, and the muscles on the arms exploded.

He slapped out with a palm, and the wind howled in his palm, and the cyan true energy swept like a gust of wind.


Li Changkong smiled coldly, and he punched casually, and a surge of power suddenly burst out.

His punch was almost like a mad dragon rushing out, the power trembled in the void, like a dragon rushing out.

In the air, there was a thunderous sound.

Li Rufeng fell and flew out like a kite with a broken string. One of his arms was hanging down feebly. He didn't know how many bones were broken, and an expression of incomparable pain appeared on his face.

"How? How can you be so powerful?"

At this moment, Li Rufeng's face revealed a terrified expression, and his eyes were full of despair.

He never imagined that Li Changkong would be so powerful that any random punch would be so powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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