Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 25 What Are You?

Chapter 25 What Are You? (Please recommend! Please collect!)
With one punch, just one punch, Li Rufeng was sent flying, and even one of his arms was crippled.

Vulnerable, Li Rufeng is completely vulnerable in front of Li Changkong!
Li Rufeng backed away again and again, looking at Li Changkong in front of him, his eyes showed horror, as if seeing a ghost.

Li Changkong stepped forward step by step, the evil spirit on his body was extremely strong.

"Li Changkong, what do you want to do?"

Li Rufeng was terrified and flustered. He saw fierce killing intent in Li Changkong's eyes.

This made his body tremble violently, and he felt a breath of death.

"Li Changkong, do you dare to kill me? I am a disciple of the family. If you kill me, you will violate the family rules and will be severely punished by the family!"

He even shouted loudly, but in fact, he didn't have the slightest confidence in what he said.

"Murderers, people will always kill them!"

Li Changkong's face was icy cold, and he said coldly: "After I go back, I will report to the family that you want to kill me, but I'm just defending myself. Presumably, the family will not make it too difficult for me!"

On Li Rufeng's forehead, cold sweat kept dripping. He backed away again and again, and said in a panic: "No, no, Li Changkong, you can't kill me..."

However, Li Changkong ignored it at all and strode forward.

Just when he was about to make a bold move, a stern voice came from a distance:

"Li Changkong, what do you want to do?"

Hearing this voice, Li Rufeng showed ecstasy as if he had been pardoned, and he ran towards the direction of the voice, shouting again and again: "Master Chong, save me, Li Changfeng is crazy, he wants to kill me!"

The person who spoke just now was Li Shaochong, and there were several people standing beside him, Li Long, Li Anming, and Li Meng!
Li Long, Li Anming, and Li Meng are all geniuses of the Li family. They are several years older than Li Shaochong, and their cultivation is not weak at all.

Li Shaochong frowned, revealing a look of anger, Li Rufeng's life and death, he naturally didn't take it to heart, and didn't bother to care about it.

But beating a dog still depends on the owner's face. In his opinion, Li Rufeng is a dog he raised. Now that Li Changkong wants to deal with Li Rufeng, it means not giving him face.

"Trash, you can't even beat a trash, and you still have the face to run in front of me?"

Li Shaochong kicked Li Rufeng away, cursing incessantly.

And Li Long, Li Anming, and Li Meng looked at Li Changkong with a bit of chill.

They are very close to Li Shaochong, and they all belong to the lineage of the Great Elder, so they are naturally on the same side as Li Shaochong.

Li Shaochong kicked Li Rufeng away. He strode forward and was about to attack Li Changkong when suddenly there were several footsteps.

It was Lin Qing'er, Hong Yun and others.

Lin Qing'er's eyes swept over Li Changkong, and the look of disgust between her brows became more and more intense.

On the other hand, Hong Yun looked like he was watching the show, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Just now at the Pill Treasure Conference, Lin Wanxue stood up for Li Changkong, a good-for-nothing. Now that Lin Wanxue is not here, she really wants to see how Li Changkong is doing. Is good.

"Li Changkong, you've gone too far. Who do you think you are? If it wasn't for my sake, you would have been beaten to death by brother Shaochong!"

"Even if you were at the Pill Treasure Conference just now, if Lin Wanxue hadn't stopped you, you would have been dead on the ground long ago."

Lin Qing'er looked stern, looked at Li Changkong, and cursed immediately.

Hong Yun stepped forward, with a persuasive look, and said, "Qing'er, why do you bother with him? What does it have to do with you if he is beaten to death? He used to be a genius, but now, It has been completely reduced to waste.”

"Yeah, Qing'er, you are you, he is him, such a scoundrel, a little boy who can only rely on a woman for support, if you ignore him, you will only lose your identity."

The petite woman who looked quite charming was Zhou Xiu'er from the Zhou family, and she was speaking harshly at this moment, and she didn't show any affection to Li Changkong.

"Hmph, I don't bother to pay attention to him, but he is thick-skinned and insists on getting involved with me." Lin Qing'er snorted coldly.

Seeing Li Changkong being humiliated, Li Shaochong couldn't help but feel very happy in his heart. He simply stopped, stared at Li Changkong and said, "Today, I will give Sister Qing'er a face and let you go, but in the trial of the four clans ten days later , I will never let you go!"

Looking at Lin Qing'er with a righteous face and Li Shaochong with a generous face, Li Changkong suddenly smiled.

"Lin Qing'er, Lin Qing'er, what do you think you are? Do you really think I'll take a fancy to you?"

Li Changlong laughed, showing contempt on his face, and said: "I used to be able to become the number one genius of Zhenwumen. From now on, I will only surpass my previous achievements and reach a height that you can't even imagine!"

"As for you, you are just a frog at the bottom of a well. No matter how loud you cry, you can't fly up to a branch and become a phoenix. There is a saying, you are right, you and I are indeed people from two worlds. But, we It is the real dragon, and you are the reptile on the ground."

After the words fell, Li Changkong looked at Li Shaochong again, and said coldly:
"Are you going to challenge me on the Trial of the Four Races? Very good, I accept this challenge. After ten days, let's compete."

After all, Li Changkong walked away, leaving Lin Qing'er and Li Shaochong looking at each other.

"When death is imminent, you still have to speak hard?"

Hong Yun showed a mocking smile, and grinned: "Qing'er, why bother with this kind of people? In the trial of the four clans ten days later, Master Chong will let him know what it means to say that misfortune comes from the mouth." .”

"of course."

Li Shaochong looked at Lin Qing'er with a look of arrogance, and said, "I will let him kneel on the ground and apologize to Sister Qing'er, and then I will abolish his cultivation again and make him a real Useless people."

In his words, there was infinite confidence. At the ancestor worship ceremony, he awakened the blood of the Huang-level peerless, and his strength has improved by an unknown amount compared to before.

Now he, in the younger generation of the Li family, has no opponent at all.


Lin Qing'er nodded slightly, as if under the comfort of Hong Yun and Li Shaochong, her mood finally improved a lot, she smiled and said: "Brother Shaochong, you must defeat him and frustrate his spirit, this villain, once upon a time Standing too high, being too defiant, is infuriating."

"Don't worry." Seeing Lin Qing'er looking at him like this, Li Shaochong felt proud, "He hasn't even awakened his blood, within ten moves, I will defeat him."

"Well, brother Shaochong, I believe in you." Lin Qing'er smiled brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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