Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2914 1 punch 1 child

Chapter 2914 One Punch, One Child
Tianlong's huge body swooped down directly towards Li Changkong.

The dragon claw protruded fiercely. On the golden dragon claw, there was an astonishing sense of sharpness.

It seems to be able to tear the void!
And the power of Tianlong directly suppressed Li Changkong.

At that moment, an extremely terrifying field was formed.

This blow was unparalleled!

But Li Changkong smiled coldly.

Then, above his body, an incomparably bright fairy light bloomed.

The surrounding space was distorted.

As if, compatible with chaos!
Chaos Void!

It is a unique field comprehended after cultivating the Chaos Immortal Physique.

In this chaotic void, any enemy will be oppressed by the will of the chaotic world.

It is even possible to be directly imprisoned by the chaotic world and deprived of power!
Tianlong slammed in, but entered the chaotic void. Immediately, the astonishing power of Tianlong disappeared without a trace.

Then, the terrible will of the chaotic world came under oppression.


In the time between just a few breaths, the huge body of the Heavenly Dragon exploded directly.

It is simply impossible to withstand the oppression of the will of the chaotic world.

There was a loud bang!




And when the sky dragon burst open, Yuan Bahai, Yuan Kuhai, Yuan Zhenhai, the three powerhouses, at this moment, all of a sudden, spit out big mouthfuls of blood.

A pale face.

The battle formation was broken, and even with them, they all suffered backlash.

In their eyes, they couldn't help showing the color of horror.

The three joined hands to form a battle formation, which is the Heavenly Dragon God Formation. The three brothers rarely know how to use this lore skill.

But once it is used, it will almost sweep away the enemy and be invincible!
But now when it was displayed in front of Li Changkong, it was directly broken by the opponent with extremely tyrannical means in a short period of time.

Deep in their hearts, they all felt deep fear and fear.

And all around, all the true immortals were also stunned.

The three brothers of the Yuan family, whom they placed high hopes on, were defeated so quickly?
This scene made them unable to believe it or accept it.

True Immortal Cangming originally wanted to make a move, but at this moment, he stopped immediately.

Even the three brothers of the Yuan family joined forces, they were so vulnerable.

Even if he makes a move, so what?
Totally useless!

When many real immortals were shocked and slightly stunned.

Li Changkong, however, did not stop there.

Chaos Void is still being cast.

His body moved sideways directly, and came to the front of Cang Ming Zhenxian.

Seeing Li Changkong's sudden attack, True Immortal Cangming's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Forgive me..."

He didn't even speak, his eyes were full of pleading.

He is a mid-level true immortal, and he has a very good life in Xianyu.

He didn't want to die in the lower realm for nothing.

But the words are not yet finished.

Li Changkong's fist came with a bombardment.


The body of True Immortal Cang Ming exploded directly.

It turned into a cloud of blood mist and fell from the sky.

A dignified mid-level true immortal was killed just like that.




Li Changkong shot one after another.

With three punches in a row, three real immortals were killed again!

The deep red blood of the true immortal dyed the sky red.

This scene is so shocking.

It's just frightening.

He Yunao, Yuan Gangfeng, and Zhou Xianxian below were almost stunned.

Is that still an incomparably powerful and lofty true immortal?
In front of Li Changkong, he looked so weak, completely vulnerable.

One punch one!
It's too awful.

"too difficult!"

He Yunao was almost crying.

This was a battle where the fate of the entire Golden Crow clan was on the line, but what kind of monsters were they facing.

To overcome such an existence?

too difficult!
There was simply no hope in sight.

At this moment, Lin Wanxue was very excited.

After all, what my husband is facing at this moment is not an ordinary opponent, but a true immortal who descended from the fairyland.

But she was punched one by one by her husband, constantly blowing her up!

"The boss is mighty!"

Xiaobai's blood boiled too.

"How do you feel, the boss is bullying the weak?"

"It's like a child with one punch!"

"Too domineering!"

"However, I like it."

Xiaobai smiled and said honestly.

Zhou Hongguang, Zhou Jedi, and Zhou Bashan all looked shocked.

I even feel terrified inside.

The top ten true immortals teamed up.

But in the blink of an eye, four great immortals fell.

Now there are only six true immortals left, namely the three brothers of the Yuan family and the three of them.

But one by one, they were all injured.

How can this battle go on?

It gives them the feeling that this is not a battle of the same level at all.

It's a crush!
Who would have imagined that Li Changkong, who was previously considered a useless person by everyone, would be so terrifying!
"There are six left."

Li Changkong, at this moment, also squinted his eyes with a smile, and spoke softly.

Under the chaotic void, his combat power has been greatly improved.

But these true immortals in front of them were suppressed by the will of the chaotic world.

It can be said that the combat power has dropped significantly.

You know, they were originally in this lower realm, and they were suppressed by the will of heaven and earth. Their strength is not at the peak, but in fact, they can only exert one-tenth of their combat strength when they were in the fairyland.

Now being suppressed again, the combat power is even more unbearable.

Facing such a mighty Li Changkong, they really panicked.

As for Yuan Bahai, he even regretted it.

If he had known this earlier, he should have agreed to Li Changkong and served as Li Changkong's servant.

Even becoming a slave is better than losing your life here.

Now he finally understood why Li Changkong had a high-ranking true immortal who was willing to be his slave.

I'm afraid he was also suppressed by Li Changkong back then.

Li Changkong made another move.

Incredibly fast.

It is impossible to capture his trajectory at all.

Another punch.

I saw that Yuan Kuhai exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood mist, and falling from the air.

Yuan Zhenhai was completely panicked.

There was a look of despair in his eyes.

However, the next moment, another punch came out.


Another splash of blood.

Yuan Zhenhai was also killed.

Yuan Bahai's legs trembled.

And at this moment, in the battlefield below.

Suddenly, another incomparably terrifying momentum erupted suddenly.

That terrifying aura was extremely astonishing.

Impressively the Immortal Demon King.

He had entered retreat before, and now, he finally broke through again.

From the realm of high-level true immortals to the realm of peak true immortals!
The Immortal Demon King came out of the customs, with an incomparably tyrannical aura, and suddenly suppressed all around.

Immediately, countless members of the Golden Crow clan were directly overwhelmed by the aura.

For a while, I don't know how many people died.

The so-called fierce offensive was completely disintegrated in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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