Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2915 Immortal Demon King Seeking Battle

Chapter 2915 Immortal Demon King Seeking Battle


"Peak True Immortal Realm?"

He Yunao's legs were shaking violently.

The facial muscles also twitched violently.

The whole person is filled with endless regret and fear.

Just one Li Changkong is enough to make people despair.

The siege by the ten great immortals was useless at all. Li Changkong punched them one by one, and within a short period of time, six great immortals fell.

It can be said that their only hope is to capture Lin Wanxue and take Lin Wanxue as a hostage to have a chance of survival.

All of them, all fighting to the death!
No matter how much you pay for this, you will not hesitate.

But right now.

The Immortal Demon King actually broke through and was promoted to a peak true immortal.

This completely crushed their last illusion.

After all, what's the use of having more people in front of a peak true immortal?

It's just a death in vain!

Yuan Gangfeng even collapsed to the ground.

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."

Zhou Xianxian seemed to be insane, muttering to himself continuously.

They are all heroes of a lifetime, their cultivation bases are very powerful, and they are supreme giants.

But in the face of this heavy blow, at this moment they feel unbearable.


Xiaobai also laughed.

Originally, these people in front of them seemed to be crazy, launching an offensive desperately.

Again and again, as if it would never stop.

After all, the opponent has a large number of people and occupies a favorable location. In the territory of the Golden Crow clan, many large formations erupted, which made them quite troublesome.

But who knew that after the Immortal Demon King left the customs, these enemies would directly collapse.

Some looked stunned, and some even fell to the ground, crying loudly!
"Are they desperate now?"

"At first, there was no hope."

Lin Wanxue said coldly.

Indeed, with a fairy weapon like Feizhou in hand, how could the opponent get in!

It's just that the other party doesn't know it.

And the Immortal Demon King strode forward at this moment.

His momentum was like a rainbow, and immortal lights bloomed on his body.

Like the brightest star between heaven and earth.

Wherever they went, there was a bloodbath.

Every strong man was swept and crushed by him!

And Lin Wanxue and Xiao Bai also started to counterattack.

Sacrifice the flying boat and rush into the depths of the Jinwu Clan.

A series of terrifying ice arrows continued to attack and kill all around.

The Golden Crow clan, together with the powerhouses from all sides, were completely defeated.

"Run away..."

They completely lost their will to fight.

Now, I just want to escape from this place, and I only pray that I can save my life!
As for defeating the enemy, that is something that I dare not even think about.


"It seems that you are finished."

Li Changkong narrowed his eyes and looked forward.

Of the ten true immortals, only Yuan Bahai, Zhou Hongguang, Zhou Jedi, and Zhou Bashan remained.

And all of them were wounded, and the injuries were serious.

It is impossible to fight Li Changkong.

"Li Changkong, don't be too pretentious!"

"You are just trying to be king in this lower realm."

"When you arrive at Immortal Realm, you will know what hidden dragon and crouching tiger are!"

Yuan Bahai suddenly shouted sharply.

"And, soon, something big will happen, and by then, your status in the lower realm will be lost."

"Because, there will be more powerful immortals coming!"

"No matter how strong you are, what can you do?"

"Can it be compared to the Dzogchen True Immortal?"

"Even if it is possible, but above the true immortals, there are heavenly immortals, and above the heavenly immortals, there are mysterious immortals..."

"True immortals are in the fairyland, which is actually the lowest level."

"You are too arrogant and arrogant, someone will come to deal with you and suppress you in the end!"

"Immortal Territory Tianjiao, countless, want to kill you, it is no different from crushing an ant!"

Yuan Bahai said quickly like a string of arrows.

"You don't need to worry about that."

Li Changkong smiled lightly.

The expression was full of pride.

Immortal Realm is indeed a higher and wider world.

There will be greater challenges there.

But he was never afraid.

What kind of heavenly pride in the fairyland, in the future, he will also sweep them away one by one!

He has such confidence!
As soon as the words fell, his eyes showed awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Obviously not going to keep it.

"Master, wait a minute!"

At this moment, the Immortal Demon King came across the void.

Appeared in front of Li Changkong.

This made Li Changkong stop.

He looked at the Immortal Demon King and carefully sized it up.

Today's Immortal Demon King is pretty good, he has stepped into the peak of the Realm Realm.

And the foundation is quite solid, and the realm is stable.

To have achieved such an achievement just after breaking through is obviously inseparable from his previous cultivation in this body.

"Master, I want to fight them!"

"Come to verify your strength!"

"At the same time, you can continue to hone your mind!"

The Immortal Demon King looked at Li Changkong with a pleading expression.

He had just entered the peak true fairyland, and he was not very clear about his own strength.

It takes a fight to hone yourself.

And now that the overall situation has been settled, with the master in charge, there will be no troubles.

"You really have grown up."

Li Changkong nodded in satisfaction.

Taking the initiative to fight, the Immortal Demon King is stronger than before.

This kind of strength is not strength, but the growth of state of mind.

After that, he looked at Yuan Bahai and the others.

"You guys, just fight my servants."

"If you can win, I can let you go."

"Let you leave alive."

Li Changkong said calmly.

This is also to force them to do their best to fight against the Immortal Demon King.

After all, as long as you win, you can live.

For them, it is an irresistible temptation!

Hearing this, Yuan Bahai, Zhou Hongguang, Zhou Bashan, and Zhou Jedi, the Four True Immortals, looked at each other at this moment, and couldn't help showing surprise.

Originally thought that his death was imminent.

But unexpectedly, things could turn around.

And this turning point was proposed by the other party.

"Is this true?"

"Li Changkong, don't lie to us!"

Yuan Bahai even said.

"Do you still have a choice?"

Li Changkong raised his eyebrows.

"it is good!"

"We promised!"

Zhou Bashan quickly agreed.

It was hard to get a turning point, and the chance is still great.

The four of them teamed up, couldn't they still defeat the Immortal Demon King?

Anyway, the four of them are also a peak true immortal plus three high-level true immortals.

Although he was injured, his strength was affected to a certain extent.

But the Immortal Demon King is just entering the realm of the peak true fairy, and he has not yet been able to fully display the combat power of this realm.

"Then let's get started."

Li Changkong waved his hand.

Then he retracted his gaze and closed his eyes to rest.

It seems that he is not very interested in this battle.

If the Immortal Demon King couldn't deal with these four people, that would be too disappointing for him.

Anyway, there is also a title of Immortal Demon King, although this title is only in the lower realm.

(End of this chapter)

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