Chapter 2939

Myriad Seas Magic Mountain.

A figure rushed forward, and soon landed on the Ten Thousand Seas Demon Mountain.

It was the Supreme Elder who rushed back from the Zhenfeng Clan.

"You're back?"

Wan Junjiang appeared in an instant, and his eyes swept towards the Supreme Elder, with anticipation in his expression.

The battle of the Zhenfeng clan can be said to have shocked countless forces in the world.

Almost all forces are paying close attention to this battle.

As the current helm of the Ten Thousand Seas Demon Mountain, he naturally pays close attention to it.

"How's the battle going?"

Wan Junjiang asked quickly.

The Supreme Elder had a sad expression on his face.

"The True Phoenix Clan has been destroyed."

As soon as these words came out, Wan Junjiang suddenly looked sad.

After all, it still failed.

Originally, he had high hopes for the True Phoenix Clan.

After all, the only ones who have any hope of defeating Li Changkong now are the Zhenfeng clan.

But even the True Phoenix Clan was wiped out...

This also means that they can no longer see any hope!
"What about Li Changkong?"

Deep down in his heart, he was always unwilling and had illusions.

"Li Changkong is unscathed, and the true immortal servant under his command has become even stronger. Now, he is already in the realm of the Dzogchen True Immortal!"

The Supreme Elder spoke truthfully.


Wan Junjiang was staggering at the moment, nearly falling to the ground.

His face was full of shock!

Not only failed to kill Li Changkong, but instead made the servants of the real immortals under his command more powerful.

Step into the Realm of Dzogchen Real Immortal!
This sentence seemed to cut off all his fantasies with a single sword.

It made him extremely depressed.

"In this battle, the True Phoenix Clan, please invite sixteen ancestors to descend, each of them is extremely powerful, and there are immortal formations to cheer, but in the end, it is still inevitable to end in a disastrous defeat."

The Supreme Elder spoke again.

Hearing this, Wan Junjiang seemed to have exhausted his strength and was exhausted physically and mentally.


He sighed deeply.

long silence.

Only then did he speak again, saying: "There is no need to resist anymore, just admit defeat."

"Everyone who ordered Li Changkong to be hunted down earlier will be killed and their heads will be sent to Li Changkong."

"I still have to offer a big gift to show my attitude. From now on, I, Wanhai Demon Mountain, will willingly submit to Li Changkong's lineage and bow my head to obey orders!"

As soon as the words fell, Wan Junjiang instantly aged a lot.

The Supreme Elder was taken aback for a moment.

Then he looked bitter.

He also understands that this is probably the only way to keep the Ten Thousand Seas Demon Mountain!


When word spreads.

The entire cosmic sea was completely shaken and uproarious.

Countless forces have caused a sensation because of this.

This battle was indeed too shocking.

It is enough to make countless strong people panic.

Within the Nine Prison Demon Race.

All the demon masters were relatively silent.

Everyone fell silent.

Originally, the hope was pinned on the arrival of the Dzogchen True Immortal.

But now, even the Immortal Formation couldn't strangle Li Changkong.

Even if the Dzogchen True Immortal descends, so what?

"Great Demon Lord, what should we do now?"

Demon Lord Pojun has no countermeasures at this moment, he can only look at the leader Demon Lord Xinghao.

As for Demon Lord Maha, he was also silent at the moment.

Li Changkong is too monstrous.

The development of the situation has completely exceeded their expectations, and the growth rate is too fast!
At this moment, Demon Lord Maha's intestines are full of remorse.

If he had known that Li Changkong would grow to this point, he shouldn't have used Li Changkong in the first place.

Or, he should have used all the power of the whole clan to kill this son at all costs!
Unfortunately, it was too late to regret.

There is no medicine for regret in the world.

"Let's surrender for now."

"Our Nine Prison Demon Race, at present, cannot compete with this son."

After a long time, Demon Lord Xinghao showed a bitter expression and spoke slowly.

The voice was extremely heavy, and I felt extremely depressed in my heart, which was unacceptable.

"We can only wait for the Ten Thousand Worlds Conference!"

"At that time, it will be the time when the barriers of the lower realm and the fairyland will be the weakest."

"Only at that time, will there be a more powerful existence than the Dzogchen True Immortal."

Demon Lord Xing Hao quickly raised his head, with a light of hope in his eyes.

Their Nine Prison Demon Race is also quite powerful in the Immortal Realm.

There is an existence higher than the Dzogchen True Immortal guarding it.

At that time, it will surely come to this world!
Will there be a more powerful existence than the Dzogchen True Immortal coming?

As soon as these words came out, all the demon masters present looked expectant.


Inside the Xuanzhong gate.

Li Changkong brought Lin Wanxue, Xiaobai and the others back to Shengzi Peak again.

The three major clans have been exterminated, and looking at the entire universe, I am afraid that no one can shake his position.

The Nine Hell Demon Clan and Master Xu, in his opinion, are all just chickens and dogs.

Of course, if the Nine Prison Demon Race wanted to invite Shangxian to deal with him, he would be very happy to see this situation.

And all the disciples and elders of Xuanzhong Sect also returned.

When they were hunted down by the Hermit Dazong, they were all terrified, so they all chose to enter Li Changkong's inner world.

But now, Wanjianmen and Leishan Temple have already been destroyed.

Even the three major clans have completely ceased to exist.

Although now the Xuanzhong Gate has become a ruin.

But as long as there are people, the sect cannot be truly destroyed.

Suzerain Hu Junshan scanned his surroundings with complex expressions in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a day that he could return to Xuanzhong Gate again, and he would return with an extremely proud attitude.

Now the holy son Li Changkong has grown into a behemoth, invincible in the world, and is the supreme overlord.

Let me ask, who else in this world would dare to attack Xuanzhongmen?

Back then, the Xuanzhong sect was just the number one sect in the secular world.

But now, as long as Xuanzhongmen is given a little time, he will surely become the supreme sect and dominate the universe!

His current cultivation is comparable to that of a giant!
Back then, he never thought that he would be able to make it this far.

At the moment, the inside of Xuanzhong Gate was in full swing, and everyone came out one after another to move the mountains and build the palace.

And Li Changkong set up three large formations inside Xuanzhong Gate!

As the sect's guardian formation, guard the mountain gate!

Just a few days later.

In the distance, there are one after another figures, rushing towards them rapidly.


Hu Junshan immediately raised his head, showing surprise.

Those figures are not weak at all.

Among them are some supreme giants and giant-level existences.

"These people, don't they want to attack our Xuanzhong Gate?"

A disciple of Xuanzhong Sect raised his head in astonishment.

Now that the Holy Son is sitting in town, is this little guy here to die?

As for Li Changkong, his eyes were also slightly focused, and he looked outside.

His expression was still indifferent, and he didn't care at all.

But immediately, all those who came fell to the ground!
All of them showed respect and awe.

(End of this chapter)

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