Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 2940 Who dares not to obey

Chapter 2940 Who dares not to obey
Xuanzhongmen, disciples and elders all showed signs of astonishment.

But at this moment, there are more powerful people coming continuously, and these people, without exception, all face the direction of Xuanzhong Gate and knelt down on the ground.

His expression was respectful and solemn, as if he was worshiping.

"The Elder Elder Zong Hao of Wanhai Demon Mountain, on behalf of Wanhai Demon Mountain, sent a congratulatory gift to Young Master Changkong. Congratulations to Young Master Changkong, who has now reached the peak!"

At this moment, an old man among the crowd spoke loudly.

The sound was loud and spread far and wide.

He had a serious look on his face.

Looking at Li Changkong, his eyes were full of fear.

"In the past, I, Wanhai Demon Mountain, made a big mistake, please forgive me, Master Changkong!"

"To express my apologies, I, Wanhai Demon Mountain, have already killed those who offended Young Master Changkong in the past, and the heads of these offenders are also sent in this ring!"

"From now on, I, the Demon Mountain of Ten Thousand Seas, will only be guided by the young master of the sky!"

"And, every year in the future, I will give a big gift to Mr. Changkong!"

Zong Hao, the Supreme Elder of Wanhai Demon Mountain, saw that Li Changkong hadn't spoken, so he hurriedly continued to speak loudly.

After the words fell, many disciples and elders in the Xuanzhong Sect were finally relieved at this moment.

There was some playfulness in his eyes.

It seems that the Holy Son is now famous and invincible in the world.

Those offenders in the past are all panicked now.

For fear of stepping into the footsteps of the three major clans!

Therefore, before Li Changkong made a move, he came to bow down first, in order to save his life.

"Leave something, go away."

Li Changkong nodded slightly and said coldly.


Zong Hao looked overjoyed, kowtowed to thank him again and again, then got up, and rushed towards the distance in a panic.

Seeing this scene, many strong men were all pleasantly surprised in their hearts.

Obviously, Li Changkong will no longer attack Wanhai Moshan.

"My Thousand Saints..."

"From now on, the Qiansheng Sect will definitely be the leader of the young master of the sky!"

The Supreme Elder of Qianshengzong also knelt on the ground at this moment.

"get out!"

Li Changkong also said calmly.

Afterwards, from all the sects, strong men came forward one after another and offered big gifts.

Li Changkong wasn't in any trouble either.

In fact, it is not difficult for him to kill the six sects.

But after all, those who offended him in the past have all been executed.

And all the sects expressed their surrender.


Then, another person came forward.

But it is the envoy sent by the Nine Prison Demon Race.

Instead of kneeling on the ground, he bowed to Li Changkong, and then said loudly, "Zhao Qianming, the envoy of the Nine Hell Demon Clan, also came to congratulate you, congratulations to Young Master Changkong, on reaching the summit!"

"I, the Demon Clan of the Nine Prisons, had many misunderstandings with Young Master Changkong in the past, but everything has passed."

"I, the Demon Clan of the Nine Prisons, am willing to turn hostility into friendship with Young Master Changkong..."

But that's not all.

Li Changkong made a move, and with a single point of his finger, a terrifying vigor came out of nowhere.


The next moment, the envoy of the Nine Hell Demon Clan exploded directly.

It turned into a blood mist and fell down.

This scene caused many strong men to feel their hearts skip a beat.

His face became a little ugly.

Previously, Li Changkong didn't make trouble for all the major sects.

But now this scene made them understand that Li Changkong was still the big devil.

If there is a disagreement, they will kill!
"Nine Prison Demons?"

"It seems that life is too nourishing!"

Li Changkong snorted coldly, murderous intent overflowed in his eyes.

This frightened many strong men around, and their hair stood on end.

But some people sneered.

At this time, the Nine Prison Demons still dare to pose in front of Li Changkong.

Although they sent people to come, but they can't kneel and worship, and they say that they can turn hostility into friendship, isn't that funny?
Now Li Changkong, whose strength surpasses all other heroes and is invincible in the world, is the real overlord!
In the past, the Immortal Immortals were able to overwhelm the Nine Prison Demons from coming out of the mountain.

The current Li Changkong is even more domineering and powerful than the Immortal Immortal back then.

The four words to describe the Nine Prison Demon Clan are life and death.

It didn't take long.

In the sky, another figure appeared.

That figure, with a strong aura, is a supreme giant.

But his face was full of urgency, extremely anxious.

Hu Hualong is the pride of the royal family!
After seeing Li Changkong, Hu Hualong's face was full of surprise.

Even rushed.

And the surrounding crowd, seeing Hu Hualong, couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Among them, most people can recognize Hu Hualong. After all, the Fenghuang clan was powerful in the universe before, and Hu Hualong is the strongest arrogance in the Fenghuang clan.

"What is he doing here?"

"Is it representing the royal family and submitting to Li Changkong?"

"But the royal family, and Li Changkong's relationship is not bad. At the beginning, Li Changkong even said that he would protect the royal family!"

The crowd was talking.

"How did you come?"

Li Changkong asked directly.

"Patriarch, it's great to see you!"

Hu Hualong looked excited.


Hearing Hu Hualong's words, everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Li Changkong, when did he become the patriarch of the Fenghuang clan?

Is this matter true or false?
If true, it's worth noting.

Today's Fenghuang Clan, many forces present are stronger than Fenghuang Clan.

As for the royal family, which has abundant resources, many forces are secretly thinking of ways to defeat the royal family!
But if Li Changkong is really the patriarch of the Fenghuang clan, I'm afraid they won't have the guts to touch the Fenghuang clan.

Therefore, many eyes fell on Li Changkong.

I want to see how Li Changkong responds.

"What happened to the royal family?"

Li Changkong's heart moved slightly, and he asked.

"It's Master Xu!"

"This person broke into our clan land, wounded and killed countless people in the clan, even the old patriarch, was killed by this person!"

Hu Hualong, even sue.

Dare not hide anything.

Even the imperial seal was taken away, and it was reported truthfully.


Li Changkong frowned slightly.

He hadn't heard any news about Diyin.

Master Xu brazenly broke into the Fenghuang family and killed Hu Feihe, just for the emperor's seal?
"Patriarch, you don't know something."

"The emperor seal was cast by the first emperor himself. It is a jade seal passed down to the country. It represents the majesty of the emperor and is extremely precious!"

"But it only has symbolic meaning, not a magic weapon!"

"This thing has always been kept in the clan, and we don't know why Master Xu would plan on this thing."

Hu Hualong said again.

Li Changkong fell into deep thought.

Emperor seal, is it really just a symbol, not a magic weapon?

If this is the case, Master Xu would definitely not take such a big risk to break into the royal family and snatch the emperor's seal!
After all, he has already let out the rumor that he will be granted the title of royal family and be protected by him!

Now that he is already invincible, Xu Zhenren's move will undoubtedly bring disaster to himself!
I am afraid that there is some mystery contained in this Emperor Seal.

"I already know."

"Pass down the order and issue the killing order!"

"Anyone who reports the whereabouts of Master Xu will definitely be rewarded!"

Li Changkong shouted in a deep voice.

The powerhouses from all sides around could not help but nod their heads.

All looked respectful.

Although Li Changkong is alone now.

But his words are like the imperial decree of the past, who would dare to disobey it once he said it!

(End of this chapter)

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