Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 306 Fang Li Appears

Chapter 306 Fang Li Appears (Second Change)

"Who is that person?"

"Lei Jiuzhen from the Blood God Palace is very famous, but now, he is afraid of death by the palm of that boy's servant. How dare this person go forward to fight?"


In the distance, a lot of people have gathered. These people are not disciples of the Blood God Palace, but some other disciples of the Demon Sect.

They all practiced nearby. After hearing the movement, they rushed over immediately and witnessed Lei Jiuzhen being slapped to death by the boy's servant just now.

"Don't you know?"

One of them showed a hint of complacency, and said with a smile: "This person is Zichen from the Blood God Palace. He is not young now, he is 35 or [-] years old, but this person is indeed stronger than Lei Jiuzhen." Quite a few, possessing the strength of the first level of Linghai!"

"First level of Linghai realm?"

Everyone gasped when they heard the words. No matter what, for these Demon Sect disciples, the first level of Linghai is a strong man, strong enough to make them feel in awe!
"It's Senior Brother Zichen!"

"With Senior Brother Zichen taking action, this battle will be worry-free!"

"Haha, Senior Brother Zichen, you're at the first level of Linghai, and it's no problem dealing with a mere servant!"

At this moment, many disciples of the Blood God Palace breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Zichen.

In their opinion, senior brother Zichen's attack is enough to deal with the servant of the disciple of Danwu Hall.

Hearing the welcoming voices all around, Zichen raised his head slightly, his eyes full of pride and complacency.

As a spirit sea warrior, although his aptitude is not as good as that of the blood sea thirteen sons, he definitely has the capital to be proud of.

There is already a huge gap between the spiritual sea and the realm of the Shenfu, and the people present are almost all the warriors of the Shenfu.

"Boy, do you think that a powerful servant can act wildly in front of my Blood God Palace disciples?"

Zichen strode out and came before Li Changkong and Gu Feiyang. Bloody light radiated from his whole body, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

"Come up and fight."

Gu Feiyang glanced at this person, but only spoke lightly.

As for Li Changkong, the look of disdain in his eyes never diminished in the slightest because of Zichen's appearance.

This made Zichen furious, this kid was so hateful that he wished he could knock out all the teeth of this person and goug out all the eyeballs of this person.

"Fight, fight, for a while, I want you all to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy!"

Zichen yelled, and then, behind him, blood shadows appeared one after another, and in each blood shadow, a gloomy face appeared.

After the blood shadow emerged, the aura on his body suddenly surged, and a majestic spiritual power like an ocean suddenly radiated out.


In his hand, a big knife appeared, and the blood light poured into the big knife, and the big knife trembled slightly, and the aura flickered.

"Blood Shadow Slash!"

Zichen rushed directly, with the big knife in his hand, suddenly slashed out, setting off a bloody shadow, talking endlessly, with a strong sword intent.

Facing this powerful knife, Gu Feiyang only frowned, and then he slapped his palms out again. Suddenly, more majestic devilish energy rushed out, and there were many ghostly figures behind him.

bang bang bang...

The palm shadow and the blood shadow slashed hard, Gu Feiyang didn't move, but it was Zichen who felt a surge of magic energy, and his arms were slightly numb from the shock.

"What a powerful magic!"

His heart trembled even more.

"You are a member of the Demon Sect, why do you want to be a slave to a disciple of the Danwu Hall?"

Zichen's eyes flickered, staring at Gu Feiyang, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

He could feel that the weight of magic in Gu Feiyang's body was far beyond his imagination.

If such a powerful genius joins the Blood God Palace, he will definitely be valued by the Blood God Palace, and his status may not necessarily be lower than that of the Thirteen Sons of the Blood God.

Why bother to be a slave to a small Danwu Hall?

He was very puzzled.

But at this moment, Gu Feiyang was furious. He became Li Changkong's servant because he had no choice but to do so.

He didn't want to mention this matter, but this guy in front of him dared to mention it in front of so many people!
This is exposing his scars!

"you wanna die!"

Gu Feiyang yelled, and charged again. He slapped his palms out, and suddenly one after another phantoms rushed out like cannonballs, coming through the air, and there was a sharp sound in the space.

This time, Gu Feiyang made a move, obviously showing his true strength, without much reservation, the power is much stronger than before, and the power has suddenly increased by ten times!
Seeing this scene, many Blood God Palace disciples present all changed their colors, and their hearts trembled fiercely. This servant of the disciples of the Danwu Palace was so powerful!
Even Zichen's expression changed wildly, his heart almost set off a turbulent sea. Facing this blow, he had to go all out and burst out with [-]% of his combat power.

He held the knife in both hands with a dignified expression, and then he jumped up, and with the help of the leap, he suddenly slashed down with a knife!

This knife splits the air waves with astonishing power, cutting out a blazing blade glow, and within the blade glow, there seems to be a ferocious blood shadow emerging.

Blood God Slash!

This type of saber technique is an upgraded version of the Blood Shadow Slash, a powerful saber technique from the Blood God Palace, and only disciples in the spiritual sea realm can practice it!

Apparently, Zichen's saber technique has not yet been cultivated to a high level, and has not yet reached the level of Dacheng, but its power is much stronger than the previous Blood Shadow Slash.

bang bang bang...

A series of phantoms, like a devil's prison, resurfaced one after another, rushing towards them, shaking the blood shadows hard, and colliding with the blade light sharply.

But immediately, the blood shadow was annihilated, the blade glow disappeared, and a ghostly shadow rushed into Zichen's body.

I saw Zichen's body suddenly exploded, turning into a mass of flesh and blood, scattered from the air.

Suddenly, there was silence all around.

The previous Han Yan was even more shocked, and a frightened look flashed in his eyes.

Previously, when he met Li Changkong, he only saw Li Changkong's war pet, the golden wolf, make a move. As for this servant, he had been watching from a distance.

He has always believed that this disciple of the Danwu Hall is just a powerful pet, his own combat power is not high, and the slave's combat power is even weaker.

But now it seems that he was completely wrong. This disciple of the Danwu Palace not only has a powerful battle pet, but even a servant is so powerful that it makes people feel palpitating.

In front of this person, he couldn't bring up the slightest fighting spirit.

"What a powerful guy, this guy is really just a servant of the disciple of the Danwu Hall?"

Some demon disciples in the distance were also trembling.

"Brother Fang Li, you are finally here!"

"Brother Fang Li is here, they are dead!"

All of a sudden, the morale of the disciples of the Blood God Palace was greatly boosted. Just now, the morale of the disciples had plummeted because Zi Chen was killed, but now, with the appearance of one person, the morale has risen again.

The thirteen sons of the blood god, Fang Li, ranked seventh, finally appeared!

Seeing this person, Li Changkong's eyes lit up!
(End of this chapter)

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