Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 307 Fighting Fang Li Again

Chapter 307 Fighting Fang Li Again (Part [-])

Fang Li, who was ranked seventh among the thirteen sons of the Blood God, walked out slowly under the eyes of many disciples of the Blood God Palace.

Seeing Fang Li's figure, the disciples of the Blood God Palace, who were downcast and bewildered before, were all excited at the moment, and their eyes widened with anticipation.

In the eyes of these Blood God Palace disciples, when Senior Brother Fang Li appeared, the disciples and servants of the Danwu Palace would undoubtedly die, and they would have to pay the blood price for the previous provocation.

"Fang Li, Fang Li actually appeared. It seems that this Fang Li is nearby, so he was able to appear in such a short time!"

Some disciples of other magic sects also showed surprise, as if they didn't expect Fang Li to appear so quickly.

"Fang Li appeared, there is nothing to see, the disciples of the Danwu Palace, and his servants, will die in Fang Li's hands!"

The other demon disciples present were also full of confidence in Fang Li.

The thirteen sons of the blood god are so famous, each one is a powerful genius, and Fang Li is ranked seventh among the thirteen sons of the blood god!
Although the disciples of the Danwu Palace and their servants were powerful, no matter what, they could never be Fang Li's opponents.

"Fang Li!"

Farther away, several figures appeared, they were Mo Haoran, Zhong Lingxiu, Han Chuyun, and Fan Xue who parted ways with Li Changkong earlier.

They arrived here just now, and seeing so many demon disciples appearing around them, they sneaked over without alarming other demon disciples, nor did they see the previous battle.

"It turned out to be Fang Li, it really didn't take much effort!"

Mo Haoran's eyes flashed a smug look, this time, they came here to hunt and kill Fang Li.

Fang Li is not only powerful, but also ruthless in methods. Many disciples of Dandian and Danwudian who encountered this person were all directly killed by this person with extremely ruthless methods.

It was precisely because of this that Dan Wudian and Dandian released the task at the same time, as long as they hunted and killed Fang Li, they could get [-] points.

"Don't be too happy, this Fang Li is very powerful, even if the four of us work together, we may not be this person's opponent!"

Zhong Lingxiu frowned, and said coldly: "What's more, there are so many demon disciples here, if we are discovered, I'm afraid we don't have much hope of escaping."

Hearing Zhong Lingxiu's words, the smug look on Mo Haoran's face disappeared immediately, and his face turned into a bitter one, frowning.

As for Han Chuyun and Fan Xue, their gazes were serious at the moment. They both knew that Zhong Lingxiu was right. If Fang Li was alone, the four of them could handle it together.

But with the addition of so many Demon Sect disciples, they are bound to lose without the slightest chance of winning.


All of a sudden, Mo Haoran let out a light snort, and looked into the distance, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"That's Li Changgong, a disciple of the Danwu Palace that I met just now?"

Mo Haoran's voice trembled slightly, the situation seemed to be a little bad, because he saw that Li Changgong had been surrounded by many demon disciples.

"Is he stupid? Alone, with his servants and war pets, he rushed into the disciples of the Demon Sect like this?"

Han Chuyun also had a look of astonishment, but immediately, she snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, what does it have to do with us? We have warned them before that if they don't listen to us, they will die if they die." died, no wonder we!"

"Their lives and deaths have nothing to do with us, but now that they have been exposed, maybe these demon disciples will search for them!"

But Mo Haoran cursed: "This stupid pig is nothing more than stupid, but he still thinks he is right and doesn't listen to others. Now it's a good thing, and he has hurt me!"

Mo Haoran's face was full of contempt. He looked at Li Changgong with complete disdain and mockery, even with resentment, as if he was blaming Li Changkong for causing them trouble.

Among the few people, only Zhong Lingxiu frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable. No matter how you say it, Dan Dian and Dan Wu Dian belonged to Dan Treasure Pavilion, and they were both from Dan Treasure Pavilion.

Now, they are hiding here, and they seem to be desperate for help.

However, Zhong Lingxiu didn't say anything after all, she stared away, showing concern.

I saw Fang Li stepping out in big strides, his murderous aura was revealed, and he walked up to Li Changkong and Gu Feiyang with great momentum.

"A disciple of Danwu Hall actually came here to show off his power? You really don't know how to write the word dead!"

Fang Li looked down, with a look of contempt, as if he had never placed Gu Feiyang and Li Changkong in his eyes at all.

"You are Fang Li?"

"I heard that you are one of the thirteen sons of the blood god, and you are ranked seventh among the thirteen sons of the blood god. You should not be weak, right?"

Li Changkong didn't care at all, he raised his head, raised his brows, his face still indifferent.

"Since you know my name, why are you here to die?"

Fang Li sneered and said, "However, since you have come to die, I, Fang Li, will naturally fulfill you!"

"The tone is very loud. If this is the case, then fight with my servant and see how much strength you have."

Li Changkong was unmoved, as if the old god was there.

"Fight your servant?"

Fang Li was furious all of a sudden, his veins popped out of anger!

He is the thirteenth son of the blood god, and he is famous all over the world. When he came out, this disciple of the Danwu Hall actually let his servants come to fight?

Are there such ignorant people in this world?
"Bold, how can Brother Fang Li's strength be compared to that of a mere servant?"

All around, those disciples of the Blood God Palace also shouted angrily.

"My servant, it's not easy!"

Li Changkong was still there, his eyes swept towards Gu Feiyang.

Gu Feiyang understood Li Changkong's meaning, he rushed out directly, and there were many ghosts behind him, and he used the Ten Thousand Demons Heavenly Kung Fu to charge towards Fang Li.


Fang Li felt a powerful magic, his eyes flickered, and there was a solemn look in his eyes.

How could this person's servant be so powerful?
"Okay, okay, I see!"

Fang Li shouted loudly: "It turns out that your strength is not strong, but you have a powerful servant. Probably, this servant is your reliance, right?"

"In this case, then I will kill your servant first, so that you can feel what despair is!"

Fang Li's eyes became more and more stern, and there were many blood shadows behind him, and they rushed out directly.

All the people present have piercing eyes, and they are quite concerned about this battle!

(End of this chapter)

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