Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3147 Taixuan Excalibur

Chapter 3147 Taixuan Excalibur
In the Valley of the Medicine King, a monstrous momentum surged into the sky!

That aura rushed straight to the clouds of the nine heavens, causing visions of the heavens and the earth, and even attracted many powerful divine thoughts to spy on.

All of a sudden, Medicine King Valley became the focus of attention of many great powers!
Then, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was Li Changkong!
Tianwu Xianzun couldn't help but stop, looking away.

Seeing this, he was immediately astonished.

"The Realm of Immortal Venerable?"

"No, he hasn't broken through yet!"

Tianwu Immortal Venerable was even more shocked. Although Li Changkong hadn't broken through and reached the realm of Immortal Venerable, he felt at this moment that he was no less than the Great Perfection Immortal Venerable.

This is too scary!

After experiencing the horror of Li Changkong in the previous battle, he still remembers it in his heart. Even at this moment, his cultivation and strength have been greatly improved, but deep down in his heart, there is actually a little fear.

"Are you finally willing to show up?"

Immortal Venerable Taixu's eyes froze.

In fact, he was also intimidated by Li Changkong's astonishing aura, but when he found that Li Changkong still hadn't broken through to the realm of immortal lord, he couldn't help calming down a little.

As long as he has not broken through, then he has a chance of winning!

Li Changkong glanced over.

On the bodies of Taixu Immortal Venerable and Tianwu Immortal Venerable, they swept over them one by one.

After a while, he sneered.

During this retreat, he devoured many elixir, almost all the elixir accumulated by the medicine king was swallowed up by him.

Such a huge energy, in fact, is completely enough for him to break through the realm, reach the realm of immortals, and even the realm of high-level immortals can be expected!

However, he didn't use it to break through the realm, because he hoped to use the oppression of the battle to let himself break through the realm.

All the energy he got from refining the elixir was used to enhance the Dragon God Immortal Body. Now there are as many as 720 chaotic dragon souls in his body, condensing 720 immortal lights.

Compared with before, it has doubled.

The increase in combat power is even more astonishing than breaking through the realm of Immortal Venerable.

That's why such an astonishing vision was revealed when he left the customs.

Now, he just needs a battle, and needs a powerful opponent to put pressure on him, so that he can break through the realm smoothly.

As for the appearance of Taixu Xianzun and Tianwu Xianzun, the timing was so perfect, it was as if they were dozing off and someone came to give them a pillow.

With this in mind, the eyes that looked at Immortal Venerable Taixu became soft, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Seeing Li Changkong showing such an expression, Immortal Venerable Taixu felt a little bored for no reason, and his expression became much colder.

He is the suzerain of Xuanyuan Xianzong, the giant of Qingyun Prefecture, what a noble status!
As for Li Changkong, he was just a disciple of Xuanyuan Xianzong. Although he was very talented, there was a huge gap between him and a giant like him.

Now he is despised by Li Changkong, how can he bear it!
Immediately, on the body of the Immortal Venerable Taixu, Taoist sword gangs and fierce sword intent surged across the world.

There is also a peerless sword rainbow, which slashed down and slashed towards Li Changkong.

The power of the sword vibrates in the void, forming waves of monstrous sword power.

And under this sword force, Yao Wang couldn't help being shocked back, and even felt that the blood in his body was also drawn by the sword's energy, and he almost suffered a serious injury.

Only then did he know that from the very beginning, the suzerain of Xuanyuan Xianzong had already kept his hand and hadn't displayed much combat power at all.

Until now, fighting against the master is the real strength!

He couldn't help but feel sad. In terms of strength, the gap between him and such a top powerhouse is still very huge.


And Li Changkong snorted coldly.

With a pinch of both hands, the immortal formula suddenly appeared, condensing an astonishing immortal seal!
It is Xuanwu Immortal Seal!

That basalt immortal seal met the radiant sword rainbow, and the peerless sword power burst out.

Immediately, the Xuanwu Immortal Seal shattered.

And the monstrous sword might still come down from the suppression.

"Hmph, the mere Xuanwu Immortal Seal also wants to block my sword power?"

Immortal Venerable Taixu snorted coldly.

His strength is not comparable to that of Xuanwu.

As the suzerain, naturally has its superiority.

Li Changkong remained calm, but when the monstrous sword power was about to descend in front of him, he punched him.

I saw that this punch came out, and the mighty dragon's power burst out.

It seems that with this punch, there are also dragon breaths of chaotic ancestor dragons!
The scorching breath seems to burn the heavens!

More vast and infinite chaotic forces emerged.

Shocked with this monstrous sword power.

With a movement of Li Changkong's figure, he broke through the bright sword light, and went straight to kill Immortal Venerable Taixu.

His body is like a chaotic ancestral dragon, and his body is covered with dragon scales, shining golden light, very extraordinary.

Behind him, there is even a phantom of a chaotic world, which is an extraordinary vision formed by the power of chaos.

With the fusion of 720 dragon souls, his strength is even more extraordinary, and his strength is also getting stronger.

Physical strength alone is enough to suppress a peak immortal.

Of course, Taixu Immortal Venerable is not comparable to ordinary Peak Immortal Venerable.

Especially the Taixuan Excalibur in his hand, which is the treasure of a peerless Immortal Venerable, its power is very terrifying.

Immortal Venerable Taixu's expression moved slightly. Although he was shocked in his heart, he was still furious.

The Taixuan Excalibur in his hand burst out with monstrous light.

The rays of light are very extraordinary, containing the principles of the great way, and the sword intent is soaring!
All kinds of mysterious powers emerged, bless the divine sword, and cut it down with one sword, it seemed to be a sword that opened the sky.

The power of the sword burst out, shaking the sky and the earth, like a peerless sword, cutting off the immortal road.

bang bang bang...

Under this sword, Li Changkong's outrageous power was completely suppressed.

On that Taixuan Divine Sword, there is endless power, how mysterious it is!

At this moment, suppressing Li Changkong, even the phantoms of the chaotic world behind him were shattered one by one.

And Li Changkong was also sent flying by this sword.

On the body, there was actually a bloodstain, and the blood flowed continuously.

The dragon scales are all shattered!

Immortal Venerable Taixu alone cannot achieve such a level.

But with the Taixuan Divine Sword, it can break through Li Changkong's physical defense!

This sword is enough to show the strength of Taixu Immortal Venerable.

In the Valley of the Medicine King, people's hearts were shaken.

Among them, many people did not really surrender.

At this moment, seeing Immortal Venerable Taixu, overwhelming Li Changkong and gaining the upper hand, his heart was suddenly shaken.

Only Yao Wang showed a worried expression.

Could it be that even the master is no match for Immortal Venerable Taixu?

His life and death are now in the hands of Li Changkong, so he naturally hopes that Li Changkong can win.

"Hahahaha, you are indeed the suzerain!"

Tianwu Xianzun let out a triumphant laugh.

He can see clearly, but in terms of strength, the suzerain is not much stronger than him now.

The key point is that the suzerain now has the Taixuan Divine Sword in his hand. This magic weapon is too powerful!
Even if he has the blessing of dark power in his body at this moment, he can't match the Taixuan Divine Sword!

(End of this chapter)

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