Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3148 One Tribulation

Chapter 3148
Tianwu Xianzun laughed loudly, stared at Li Changkong firmly, and sneered, "Li Changkong, aren't you very arrogant?"

"What about now? Be more arrogant, more jumpy!"

"Sovereign Master Taixuan Divine Sword is in hand, killing you is like slaughtering dogs and chickens!"

Immortal Venerable Tianwu is so unscrupulous that even a fool can see it. Now the suzerain, Immortal Taixu, almost has the upper hand.

On the other hand, Li Changkong, although his strength is very good, has not even reached the realm of immortal venerable.

You know, Taixuan Immortal Venerable is already a peak Immortal Venerable.

Li Changkong's eyes turned cold.

His eyes swept towards Tianwu Xianzun, with a murderous intent! ! !
How ignorant!
He is just using the power of Taixu Immortal Venerable's divine sword to temper himself, and at the same time, oppress himself.

Allow yourself to break through the realm in one fell swoop! ! !
"Don't worry, I will kill Immortal Venerable Taixu later, and then I will kill you!"

Li Changkong looked indifferent, showing a very confident smile.

"Hmph, at this moment, you still dare to utter wild words, you really don't know how to live or die!!"

Tianwu Immortal snorted coldly, with a look of disdain.

Li Changkong was just a dead duck holding on.

It was impossible for Li Changkong to resist the Taixuan Excalibur, the treasure of the Supreme Immortal Venerable.

As for Taixu Immortal Venerable, he came again, and the powerful celestial power crushed the void, forming vast and terrifying visions.

The Taixuan Divine Sword slashed out, and the power of the sword shook for millions of miles. For a moment, the space collapsed and the ground trembled.

Countless mountain peaks were reduced to ashes under this level of sword power.

It's too powerful!

But Li Changkong rushed out directly to meet him.

The surface of the body is shining with extraordinary luster.

In the breath, there is a chaotic breath, just like the chaotic gods and demons in the ancient times.

Every move is carried with great divine power, pointed out with every point.

It turned into a chaotic dragon, roaring angrily, charging out with the energy of chaos.

At this moment, the power of the billowing chaos collided with the power of the Taixuan Divine Sword.

Bang bang bang.
The sky and the earth vibrated accordingly.

The laws of immortality are throbbing for it.

Such a confrontation is indeed terrifying, even in the fairy world, it is rare.

And Li Changkong shot again.

When he raised his hand, he slapped out with a palm in the air.

With one palm, suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, like a dark demon god, walking out of the chaos, and what he brought would be endless darkness! ! !
The rolling power shook the world.

Immortal Venerable Taixu's eyes narrowed slightly.

His expression became more serious.

The Taixuan Divine Sword cut out again.

In an instant, the terrifying power of the sword erupted, and the overwhelming sword light shone for nine days.

Break through the darkness and let this world return to light! ! !

Seeing this scene, Immortal Tianwu was immediately encouraged and excited! ! !

As for Yao Wang, he couldn't help showing a worried expression.

The current situation of the master is a bit unbearable.

His fate can be tied with his master.

If Li Changkong is defeated, he will die, and Yaowanggu will be finished.

Thinking of this, Yao Wang showed eagerness.

I can't wait to rush forward and join the battle group.

It's a pity that he knows very well that with his own strength, he can't play any role in fighting at this level.

His strength is still too weak.

Of course, this is compared to such terrifying existences as Taixu Immortal Venerable and Li Changkong.

In fact, even if he throws away his alchemy ability, his cultivation strength alone is still enough to become a giant.

boom boom boom boom...

The Taixuan Divine Sword slashed out one by one, and its power became more and more powerful.

As for Li Changkong, it became more and more difficult to deal with it.

Even, on the surface of the body, some blood oozes out.

The immortal light has become somewhat dimmed.

"He can't last long!"

Immortal Venerable Taixu's expression suddenly moved, and he was overjoyed.

With his cultivation base, Gun Gun poured all his strength into the Taixuan Divine Sword, and his strikes became more and more fierce.

This is to put Li Changkong to death! ! !
But suddenly, there was a terrible bang in Li Changkong's body!

Afterwards, the terrifying catastrophe of immortality emerged between heaven and earth.

The infinite kalpa light seemed to turn this land of thousands of miles into a sea of ​​violent thunder.

Moreover, that is the Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder, which is by no means comparable to ordinary Heavenly Thunder.

This kind of robbery, even if it is a real immortal, if caught in it, I am afraid that it will not be able to last for too long.

Just for a while, it will be obliterated by the terrible robbery!


"what happened?"

At this moment, Immortal Venerable Tianwu and Immortal Taixu all looked extremely shocked, as if they had seen something horrifying.

Li Changkong wants to break through?

Obviously under the attack of Taixu Immortal Venerable, he was extremely embarrassed, and even suffered serious injuries.

It is very difficult to recover from that kind of injury, because this is the characteristic of Taixuan Divine Sword, which has a great tearing power, which belongs to the law of immortality!

Even if it is Wushuang in battle, I am afraid it will be difficult to withstand the power of Taixuan Divine Sword!
But Li Changkong has endured more than just a blow of a sword!
Now instead of dying, he broke through in the battle? ? ?
What the hell is this!

Tianwu Xianzun couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Li Changkong looked overjoyed.

Finally a breakthrough came.

This is a natural breakthrough, without any delay, it is perfect.

Moreover, such a terrible disaster has been attracted!

Just in time, let Immortal Venerable Taixu and Immortal Tianwu share the power of the Immortal Calamity for yourself.

Mind about this.

Li Changkong immediately charged towards Immortal Venerable Taixu and punched him out.

unleash majestic might
That billowing power shook the heavens, as if a world had fallen from it.

Power is too scary!
Immortal Venerable Taixu is about to leave this land affected by the celestial calamity.

But Li Changkong killed him in an instant.

This made him anxious and angry!

If the delay continues, Jieguang will become more and more terrifying, and Xianlei, regardless of who he is, will still strike down!

Under the Immortal Tribulation, there is no such thing as the innocent.

Immortal Tribulation, that is to destroy everything, there is never innocent and innocent.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Continue to practice with me! Don't leave"

Li Changkong laughed loudly.

While speaking, he also made a series of terrifying immortal seals.

Stop Tianwu Xianzun who wants to leave in the distance.

boom boom boom boom
Endless Tribulation Comes
Dao Da Xian Lei continuously bombarded down.

In the sea of ​​thunder, the light of the robbery disappeared, and the power of the immortal robbery evaporated extremely, as if it wanted to destroy the world.

Immortal Venerable Tianwu and Immortal Taixu were all kept by Li Changkong.

Only Yao Wang can escape from the scope of Immortal Tribulation.

Seeing this incomparably terrifying celestial calamity, even the medicine king couldn't help feeling panicked.

"Master, he won't hang in this fairy robbery, will he?"

If this is the case, then he will not be spared.

Therefore, even though he escaped, he still paid close attention to what happened in the Immortal Tribulation.

It's a pity that his spiritual consciousness can't penetrate the immortal calamity at all, and the light of the robbery seems to obliterate everything!
(End of this chapter)

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