Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3152 The killing intent of one person can reach an army of ten thousand!

Chapter 3152 The killing intent of one person can reach an army of [-]!

extraterritorial battlefield.

Here, a terrifying battle broke out, a war between the real demon world and the fairyland!

In the Immortal Domain, almost all the Immortal Kings gathered here to participate in this battle!

Li Changkong appeared in the battlefield outside the territory. Looking around, he could see fortresses standing in the void. Each fortress was separated by hundreds of millions of miles. Each of them had set up a powerful formation, and all of them were surrounded by immortal kings. Sit inside the fortress!

The next moment, an old friend appeared in front of him!
It was Qing Emperor!

"You came."

Emperor Qing, looking at Li Changkong, was somewhat surprised and shocked.

How long has it been since we last saw each other!

Li Changkong has already become a half-step Immortal King, and his combat power is unparalleled. In his opinion, his real combat power is much stronger than many Immortal Kings!
"Yes, here I am!"

Li Changkong's blood was boiling with excitement.

He hasn't had such emotional fluctuations for a long time. There are not many things in this world that can make him so excited and passionate.

The current extraterritorial battlefield can be regarded as one!
Here, battles and killings are everywhere.

It also happened to be the most suitable place for him to grow up!

His Heaven Swallowing Bloodline needs to be devoured constantly to strengthen himself!
Until, cultivate the Dragon God Immortal Body to the state of Dzogchen!
At that time, he will have a terrifying and powerful power that is invincible in the world!
"very good!"

"I can already feel your fighting spirit!"

Qingdi laughed.

The current him is the Immortal King of Dzogchen, and he is only half a step away from breaking through.

Going one step further is the Immortal Emperor, even more powerful!
In this extraterritorial battlefield, he sits in a fortress and is the commander of one side!
Right now, it is time for employing people, and the arrival of Li Changkong will undoubtedly add a general to his command!
The next moment, another figure appeared in front of Emperor Qing.

And this figure was no stranger to Li Changkong.

Back then, the Immortal Immortal in the Lower Realm was extremely powerful and suppressed one side!
His talent is absolutely amazing, but he is envied by the heavens, and he is trapped in the lower realm, so it is difficult to become a fairy!
And once you become an immortal, your cultivation breakthrough is like eating and drinking water, and now you have achieved the realm of immortal venerable.

And it is the Dzogchen Immortal Venerable!

The Immortal Immortal, no, the Immortal Immortal Venerable, was also very surprised to see Li Changkong.

But right now, without thinking about the past, he even said to Emperor Qing: "General Qing, I have important information to report!"

"Say it, it doesn't matter!"

Emperor Qing said calmly.

"The Real Demon Realm has taken action and dispatched seven real demon kings. I suspect that their goal is the Wankun galaxy!"

"They are likely to refine the Wankun galaxy, the billions of creatures, and the endless vitality into pills!"

Immortal Immortal Venerable is the way to go.


"You mean, they actually want to use an entire galaxy, hundreds of millions of creatures, and the endless vitality of one galaxy to refine the chaotic holy spirit pill?"

At this moment, even Emperor Qing was shocked by it!

This move by the real demon world is simply outraged by both humans and gods!
Chaos Holy Spirit Pill, that can allow an immortal king to step into the realm of the immortal emperor, and even directly reach the realm of the quasi-emperor!
If the Real Demon Realm succeeds, wouldn't the opponent have an extra quasi-emperor?
Never let the True Demon Realm succeed!
However, the other party has dispatched seven true demon kings, and with his own strength, he may be difficult to deal with!
The true devil king corresponds to the realm of the fairy king, and because of the tyrannical body, the real devil king is born with unrivaled power, which is stronger than the average fairy king.

The seven true demon kings join forces, and it is very likely that there will be a true demon king at the Dzogchen level.

This way, it will be tricky!
"Communicate to other fortresses, let them send commanders to come to support!"

"Let's go to the Wankun galaxy first!"

Emperor Qing, make a decisive decision!
Afterwards, he looked at Li Changkong, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "It seems that this time, we will fight side by side!"

"It's my honor!" Li Changkong replied in a deep voice.

The fighting spirit in the body is surging!

He can't wait!

Afterwards, Emperor Qing personally led an army of one million to kill the Wankun galaxy!
The millions of troops are all strong in the fairyland, possessing great strength!

"Li Changkong, you will be the commander of this million-strong army for the time being. I will rush to the Wankun Galaxy to stop the actions of the Real Demon Realm!"

Qingdi said to Li Changkong while hurrying.

"Emperor Qing, you are the real commander in chief. Only when you personally sit in command, with an army of millions, can you display the strongest combat power!"

"It's better, let me rush to the Wankun galaxy first!"

Li Changkong knew in his heart that he was just a newcomer.

Even if Emperor Qing handed over the command of a million-strong army to him, no one would listen to him!

After the words fell, he rushed out directly, because Emperor Qing had given the location of the Wankun galaxy, so he knew how to get to the Wankun galaxy.


Li Changkong's speed was as fast as a glimpse, and he was already a million miles away in an instant.

I don't know how many times faster than the speed of the army!
Soon, he rushed to the Wankun galaxy.

However, it seems that it is too late!
The Wankun galaxy in front of me turned into a dark place, lifeless and shrouded in darkness.

Here, there is no life left!
It's too late!
Li Changkong's heart sank, and a galaxy, with hundreds of millions of living beings, turned into ashes!

Even the vitality of this galaxy has been deprived!

Although, he is not a soft-hearted person, he has always killed decisively, and the number of people he has killed cannot be counted.

But to annihilate a galaxy in this way is just to refine a chaotic holy spirit pill!

He was still deeply shocked!

Is this what the real devil world does?
At this moment, Li Changkong felt a wave of anger!


He directly followed the aura left by the army of the real demon world, and chased after it.

Soon, he caught up with the army of the real demon world!
There are hundreds of thousands of people!
In addition, the seven true demon kings headed by each one are outrageously strong!

At this moment, the army of real demons stopped, turned around one by one, and stared at Li Changkong with murderous intent.


Li Changkong directly said "kill", and his murderous aura soared to the sky!
The killing intent of one person can reach an army of [-]!

(End of this chapter)

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