Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 3153 Realm of Immortal Emperor!

Chapter 3153 Realm of Immortal Emperor!

The seven true demon kings all showed astonishment when they saw that Li Changkong was the only one.

Afterwards, Qiqi burst out laughing.

And the army of [-] true demons also laughed.

The ignorant are really fearless, dare to charge against them alone?
Small, stupid human race!
However, the next moment, Li Changkong rushed over and rushed into the army of real demons.

Powerful murderous intent diffused, and the Taixuan Excalibur emerged!

The power of the sword suppresses the ages, and the world trembles when the sword is cut out.

With this sword, an army of tens of thousands of true demons could be wiped out!

The true spirits of the true demons are all annihilated, and they can't die anymore!
This scene caused the expressions of the seven true demon kings to change dramatically!


Unexpectedly, the previous underestimation of the enemy had to pay such a high price!

"you wanna die!"

"I'm going to crush you to ashes!"

A real demon king roared angrily. As a real demon king, he was stronger than ordinary fairy kings.

And the person in the Immortal Realm in front of him is just a half-step Immortal King.

He didn't put the opponent in his eyes at all!
Immediately, he punched out, revealing the billowing true devil aura, powerful force, crushing the void, forming a terrifying coercion!


Li Changkong was slightly taken aback, who else would dare to compete with him?

I can't ask for it!
He laughed, and then, punched out.

There is a mighty and indestructible force, a crushing force, sweeping the heavens!

The next moment, the body of the True Demon King exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood mist, which fell from the air.

Li Changkong looked calm, and was not surprised by this result at all.

The real devil?
What a shit!

Then, he shot out again.

Unleash the terrifying Immortal Fist!

With one punch, all the true spirits of the army of true demons were annihilated!

All killed!

Even, the remaining six true demon kings felt the blood in their bodies throbbing endlessly, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The power of a punch is so powerful!

There was a look of shock on their faces.

Is this an eternal monster?

With a half-step Immortal King Realm, one human force suppressed their seven True Demon Kings, and among them, even the True Demon King who was in the Dzogchen Realm felt hard to match!

Even the eternal evildoer is not so terrible!

But at this moment, behind Li Changkong, a blood dragon shadow appeared.

I saw that the blood was surging, and the blood dragon shadow opened its bloody mouth, sucking all the blood of the real demon in the sky.

A true demon king and an army of one hundred thousand real demons were all devoured and refined by Li Changkong!

Let his cultivation base skyrocket again!

Terrible air machine, shaking the void!
"Quick, stop him!"

"Don't let him break through!"

The six true demon kings were all terrified.

This guy is going to break through!

Half-step into the realm of the Immortal King is already so terrifying, if you let him really step into the realm of the Immortal King, then it's still worth it!
At that time, all six of them will die here!

At this moment, the six true demon kings are all doing their best!

Explode all!
The terrifying aura of true demons, like a demon devouring everything, forms a terrifying coercion of demonic ways!

The power of the real devil is mighty and mighty, suppressing towards Li Changkong!

At this moment, the heavens and the earth trembled, as if under this terrifying coercion, they would all be annihilated!

Li Changkong's eyes were indifferent, unmoved at all.

Straight out with a punch.

The Indestructible Fist Intent burst out.

bang bang bang bang...

The bodies of the six true demon kings all exploded.

It turned into a cloud of blood mist and sprinkled from the sky!
All die!

Being crushed by the terrifying punch of the Immortal Fist!
The blood dragon shadow behind Li Changkong opened its bloody mouth again, and sucked in suddenly.

Inhale all the blood mist into the dragon's mouth!

Above the body, there is a terrifying majesty.

Directly broke through the barrier of the realm!

Step into the Realm of Immortal King!
Moreover, directly achieve the high-level fairy king!

Because it was not within the Immortal Territory, this time, his breakthrough did not trigger the Immortal Tribulation!

This made Li Changkong feel quite sorry.

After all, if the Immortal Tribulation comes, he will be able to devour the power of the Immortal Tribulation again, and maybe even rush directly to the realm of the Dzogchen Immortal King!


Li Changkong thought to himself.

And then, in front of him, a pitch-black pill appeared!

Although it is extremely dark, it has infinite vitality!

This is the chaotic holy spirit pill refined at the cost of hundreds of millions of living beings and the infinite vitality of a galaxy!

Li Changkong looked at this pill without hesitation.

Directly use Tuntian Bloodline to refine it!

Boom boom boom...

An incomparably terrifying vitality filled his body.

And at this moment, Taos of immortal light also appeared on his body surface.

The indestructible lights set him off, making him look like an ancient demon god, and immortal like an immortal emperor!
His cultivation has skyrocketed again!
From a high-level fairy king, step into the peak fairy king, and then enter the realm of the Dzogchen fairy king!

After that, enter the realm of the Immortal Emperor!
Elementary Immortal Emperor...

Intermediate Immortal Emperor...

High-level Immortal Emperor!

In the end, it stopped at the high-level Immortal Sovereign Realm!
At this moment, he felt that there was an incomparably abundant power in his body, and the condensed indestructible light amounted to a million!
"Outside the battlefield, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Compared to retreating and cultivating in the fairyland, the speed of improving the cultivation base is too fast!"

Li Changkong's eyes were full of surprise.

Then, his eyes turned to the distance.

Hundreds of millions of miles away, there are fortresses!

That is the fortress of the real devil world!
In Li Changkong's eyes, there was a dao of brilliance, and he immediately got up and went to kill the fortress of the real devil world!
(End of this chapter)

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