Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 38 Heroic and Mighty

Chapter 38 The Hell and Might (Part [-])
Lin Jun, the first genius of the Lin family, the peak powerhouse of the ninth level of body training, just fell to the ground, his body was icy cold, this scene was extremely shocking.

Li Changkong's strength is so terrifying?
Lin Qing'er's eyes flickered, looking at Li Changkong with extremely complicated eyes.

The muscles in the corners of Hong Yun's eyes twitched wildly, as if some kind of extremely ominous premonition emerged.

But at this moment, they are already on the verge of breaking out, and they have to do it!

"Come on, let's fight together. There are so many of us, are we still afraid that he won't succeed?"

Hong Yun was the first to drink loudly.

"Yes, join hands together!"

Someone responded loudly.

And Hong Tong and Zhou Chu looked at each other, and they both saw horror in each other's eyes.

Immediately, without any hesitation, the two of them directly uttered a loud shout, and rushed towards Li Changkong at the same time.

At this time, there is still a glimmer of life for joining forces, fighting alone, that is courting death!
Although Hong Tong and Zhou Chu were young, their hearts were more stable, and they chose to join forces without hesitation.

The two of them, each of whom are not inferior to Lin Jun, joined forces to attack at this moment, and suddenly, a fierce aura swept towards Li Changkong.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, and the overwhelming killing aura directly blocked the three-meter space around Li Changkong.

"Tiger King Grabber!"

Hong Tong grabbed it with one hand, and suddenly, a big hand with real energy roared like a tiger king, and suddenly grabbed Li Changkong's head.

This time, if he was caught, even rock and iron would burst open.

"Tiantian Palm Technique!"

Zhou Chu slapped his palm, and saw a sky-shattering palm image blasting down from the sky. The huge palm image enveloped the sky above Li Changkong's head, like a big seal, and suddenly fell down.

The top geniuses of the two Canglang cities joined forces and wanted to kill Li Changkong on the spot.

Li Tie was shocked when he saw this scene. Without even thinking about it, he mobilized the power of blood in his body, his arms swelled, his muscles bulged, and he strode forward.

But the next moment, a look of horror appeared on his face. He actually discovered that the space around Li Changkong was extremely frozen and tightly locked by the aura. No matter how he urged the power of his blood, he still couldn't move forward.


At this moment, Li Tie was cursing in his heart and was burning with anxiety, but even so, he could only stare blankly.

Facing such a powerful blow from two top geniuses, Li Changkong remained calm, with indifference in his eyes.

"Is that all? It's too weak!"

Li Changkong shouted loudly, like a dragon chant.

As soon as he stepped out, the ground cracked, the ground trembled, and the whole person flew into the air.

He activated the True Martial God Fist, and he punched out, the fist glowed brightly, and a huge force gushed out directly.

This punch is pure physical strength, but it is extremely fierce, and it contains a huge force of ten thousand catties!
Although he was only one person, he charged forward like a thousand troops.

blah blah!

Hong Tong and Zhou Chu's eyes showed horror. Before their attack could reach Li Changkong, they felt a strong wind that almost tore their bodies apart.

Immediately afterwards, Hong Tong was punched and flew out, his chest was pierced by a punch, and a huge blood hole appeared, blood splashed, it was even more miserable than Lin Jundu, and he died out of breath.

Zhou Chu was slightly better than Hong Tong, but only slightly better.

He was kicked out by Li Changkong, his chest was deeply sunken, blood was continuously gurgling out, his face was pale, his eyes were dull, it was obvious that he had not lived long.

In one blow, Hong Tong died, and Zhou Chu was severely injured. Compared with before, he was even stronger!
At this moment, Li Changkong was like an ancient ferocious beast, exuding a mighty majesty that made people dare not approach him.

At this moment, Lin Qing'er's face was pale, she stepped back again and again, panicked in her heart, and felt for the first time that death was so close to her.

Even, her heart was full of remorse. If she had known that Li Changkong was so terrifying, she would never have dared to provoke this peerless murderer.

"Run, only by running away can you save your life. I have repeatedly made things difficult for Li Changkong, and he will definitely not let me go!"

"When I go out to the outside world and report to the major families, Li Changkong killed Li Shaochong, Lin Jun, Hong Tong, and Zhou Chu. No matter which family it is, they will not let him go!"

"No matter how powerful he is, he will die in the face of the four major families!"

Lin Qing'er had no other thoughts at all, she quietly retreated behind the crowd, waiting for an opportunity.

Killing Hong Tong and defeating Zhou Chu with one blow, Li Changkong's power almost climbed to the peak. His eyes were like lightning, extremely fierce, and he swept towards the people in front of him.

"I heard that you guys are going to join forces to deal with me just now?"

After the words fell, there were 30 people, all of them stepped back, showing fear.

"Hong Yun, it seems that you were the first to say that you want to besiege me, right? If that's the case, let's use you first!"

After Li Changkong finished speaking, he immediately moved his feet and rushed towards Hong Yun.

He was like a wild bull, coming on a rampage, unscrupulous, several figures were knocked out by him, and fell to the ground, how many bones in his body were broken.

Hong Yun showed a look of panic, and stepped back again and again, hiding in the crowd, but she realized that Li Changkong was too fast, and she couldn't dodge at all.


A look of despair flashed across Hong Yun. At this point, she has no choice but to fight for the frog!

At that moment, Hong Yun's palms were pushed out, using the Hong family's unique palm technique, the wind from the palms roared, and the true energy surged.

With this palm, Hong Yun has already given all his strength, fighting to the death!
But at the next moment, Hong Yun was blown away with a punch, and her body was like a kite with a broken string. She fell several meters away and landed on the ground hard, without any breath left.

Such a delicate woman, but Li Changkong didn't hold back at all, and went down to kill her!
Then, his eyes fell on Zhou Xiu'er again.

This time, the reason why these people gathered together was because of the three women, Lin Qing'er, Hong Yun, and Zhou Xiu'er, so he didn't intend to let them go.

Before, he had given them a lot of opportunities, but they still didn't know how to be afraid, and repeatedly humiliated him, which made him completely murderous.

Zhou Xiu'er's face was extremely pale, her eyes showed a look of horror, and she was almost knocked out of her wits by Li Changkong's gaze.

"Li Changkong, what do you want to do? My father is the elder of the Zhou family, if you dare to touch half of my hair, my father will definitely not let you go..."

"Oh, really?"

Li Changkong raised his brows, and before Zhou Xiuer could finish speaking, he strode forward and struck down with his palm. Immediately, Zhou Xiuer's head burst like a watermelon, and blood spattered five steps away.

The people around were completely overwhelmed by Li Changkong's mighty majesty, who dared to make a move, they immediately dispersed and fled in all directions.

"Huh? Where's Lin Qing'er?"

Li Changkong frowned. He looked around, but he didn't find Lin Qing'er.

PS: Ask for votes, vote for Mantou, today there will be four shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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