Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 39 Battle Corpse King

Chapter 39 Battle Corpse King

"He ran away?"

Li Changkong shook his head slightly, even if he didn't take it to heart.

For him, it is obviously still the fruitless fruit on the top of the mountain, which is more important.

He turned around and saw that Li Tie still had a shocked expression on his face, as if he still hadn't woken up from the shock just now.

"Li Changkong, are you not deposed at all?"

Li Tie looked at Li Changkong, and found it difficult to connect this indifferent person with the fierce and mighty Li Changkong just now.

"No, my cultivation has indeed been abolished, but it is not so easy to defeat me."

Li Changkong shook his head and said, "Okay, Li Tie, you should go back too. Remember, after you go out, you don't have to stand up for me."

Li Tie nodded, turned and left.

Li Changkong, on the other hand, walked towards the top of the mountain step by step, looking forward to it in his heart.

He is now at the seventh level of body refining, and he needs a lot of resources to improve his level.

As for the fruitless fruit, it is obvious that it can temporarily satisfy his demand for resources, and it may allow him to break through the realm again and reach the realm of the eighth level of body refining.

Therefore, he is determined to obtain fruitless fruit!
On the mountain peak, he walked like flying with a high speed, and the peak of the mountain peak appeared before his eyes.


Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and his brows frowned slightly.

In front of him, many corpses appeared. These corpses were extremely miserable, with broken limbs scattered all over the place.

The person who shot was extremely cruel, but his strength was absolutely powerful!
"It seems that Lin Jun, Hong Tong, Zhou Chu and the others didn't discover the fruitless fruit, but they couldn't obtain the fruitless fruit at all!"

"The reason why they gathered here was not all for me. They also had the intention of working together to reach the top of the mountain and win fruitless fruits. Unfortunately, they were beaten to death by me!"

Li Changkong's heart moved slightly, he raised his head and looked forward.

He has already seen the fruitless tree. On the fruitless tree, three bright red fruitless fruits are extremely conspicuous.

"It's unexpected that there are three dead fruits!"

Li Changkong was overjoyed, this trip was not in vain.

But at this moment, a roar that shook the sky and the ground came from under the fruitless tree, and I saw a corpse soldier with a height of eight or nine meters guarding under the fruitless tree, his eyes were blood red, revealing endless tyrannical meaning.

"It's this corpse soldier who blocked the footsteps of Jun Lin, Zhou Chu, Hong Tong and others. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you very much. If you weren't here to guard me, I'm afraid it would not be my turn to have this fruitless fruit." .”

There was not much fluctuation in Li Changkong's eyes, he looked very flat, and walked towards the huge, bloody and brutal corpse soldier step by step.

This corpse soldier is obviously the most powerful corpse soldier in the secret realm, the king among many corpse soldiers, the corpse king!

Being able to stop Lin Jun, Zhou Chu, Hong Tong and others, the strength of this corpse king is definitely not trivial, and it is even very possible that it has reached the level of Gang Yuan.

Seeing Li Changkong approaching step by step, the corpse king was enraged and became extremely berserk. He strode out and grabbed Li Changkong with both hands.

Li Changkong stepped on his feet, dodged sideways, and appeared behind the corpse king.

Although the body of this corpse king is huge, its flexibility is far inferior to that of Li Changkong.

Li Changkong didn't hesitate at all, he jumped up directly, his whole body jumped into the air, and punched him down.

His punch, which was released in anger, had a huge force of ten thousand catties, and it slammed on the corpse king's back.

The corpse king suddenly lost his balance, and his huge body fell down directly.

But at the same time, Li Changkong also felt a powerful counter-shock force, which made his wrists slightly numb, and he even backed up repeatedly, more than ten steps back.

"What a powerful defense!"

Li Changkong looked at the corpse king who stood up again, and couldn't help sighing slightly. The defense power of this corpse king was simply terrifying. His skin and flesh were like turtle shells, and it was difficult for ordinary knives and guns to break through his defense.

His punch just now, even the extremely solid bluestone, was enough to shatter with one punch, but the corpse king was unscathed, but was enraged by Li Changkong's punch.


This corpse king, with blood-red eyes, had blood-colored lines appearing on his body, his muscles bulged, and he punched Li Changkong with a powerful punch. Flying sand and rocks all around.

The strength of this corpse king is not weak at all, with a single punch, it has the strength of tens of thousands of catties.

Not to mention body-refining fighters, but even ordinary first-level Gangyuan fighters, I am afraid that they may not be able to withstand this punch, and they will be broken by this punch and suffer heavy injuries.

"Haha, I didn't expect this corpse king to have some strength, which allows me to move my muscles and bones!"

Seeing such a sharp punch, Li Changkong not only didn't have the slightest fear, but laughed out loud, heartily.


In his body, there were crisp sounds, and there was another sound like a dragon's chant, and the muscles all over his body exploded.

"In that case, let's see who is more powerful!"

Li Changkong shouted loudly, and he punched again, and suddenly, tens of thousands of catties of strength erupted from his body.

The two fists collided fiercely, and the surrounding air suddenly spread to the surroundings, forming shocking waves of air that almost caused a storm.

Ding Ding Deng!
Li Changkong's punch directly knocked the corpse king's huge body backwards, and he fell to the ground, creating a huge deep hole.

This corpse king, deflated again and again, was extremely angry, his eyes were shining with a strange light, suddenly, he jumped up, and a shield of astral energy appeared on his body.

"Gangyuan shield, this corpse king has indeed reached the Gangyuan realm!"

A cold light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes. He had already guessed that this corpse king was not so easy to deal with.

But even so, he still didn't have the slightest intention of backing down, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"After I cultivated the Flood Dragon Treasure Body, I have never shown the power of the Flood Dragon Treasure Body in front of others. Now, I will use you as a sacrificial knife and try to see how strong my Flood Dragon Treasure Body is!"

Li Changkong gave a cold shout, and there was a sound like the howling of a dragon in his body, and there was a faint dragon's power in the sound.

On his physical body, beams of precious light rose up, and a powerful majesty was revealed in his eyes.

At this moment, he is like an ancient beast, with explosive power hidden in his body, tearing tigers and leopards apart, and fighting dragons with all his might.

(End of this chapter)

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