Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 392 Profound Sky Divine Iron

Chapter 392 Profound Sky Divine Iron (Second Change)

This thought just passed by in a flash, and soon, Sister Hong shook her head. Gao Li is the pride of Qianshang Island, with amazing potential, powerful strength, and the owner of the young island. Even if that kid has any trump cards , but in front of Gao Li, it was useless at all.

The auction continued, and Sister Hong no longer paid attention to Li Changkong.

Afterwards, Li Changkong didn't even look at anything and was too lazy to make a move.

On the other hand, Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er took shots one after another and took a lot of elixir. They were full of joy. After returning home, they could take the elixir to improve their strength.

Since the master went crazy, their cultivation has become extremely difficult, because no one has taught them, and they dare not practice the ten thousand blood body training formula passed down by the master.

After all, even the master has become obsessed because of practicing the Ten Thousand Blood Body Refining Art. With the lessons learned from the master, they can only choose to change their exercises.

But without guidance and lack of resources, their cultivation is progressing very slowly.

Now, with these panaceas, he can finally make his stagnant cultivation a step further!

And with the lesson from the previous time, although Gao Li gritted his teeth with hatred, in the end, he did not bid to hinder Li Changkong and others.

"The next thing that will appear on the stage is the finale of this auction. I can guarantee that this item is extremely precious and priceless!"

"When you come this time, you will definitely not be disappointed!"

Sister Hong glanced down, and a very mysterious smile appeared on her face, which whetted her appetite.

Below, everyone stretched their necks and waited eagerly. Even Sister Hong said so, this time the finale auction must be extremely extraordinary!

They couldn't wait to know what the last auction item was.

Even Gao Li, the young island owner, couldn't help showing anticipation. As the young island owner, if he didn't know that the finale auction this time was extremely extraordinary, he wouldn't have appeared here.

Seeing that the appetite was whetted and the expected results were achieved, Sister Hong showed a satisfied smile and said with a smile: "It seems that everyone really wants to know what is the final auction item. , then I won’t hide it anymore.”

"The final auction item is the Tianxuan Divine Iron!"

"Sky Profound Iron!"

"It turned out to be Tianxuan Shentie!"

Trembling voices sounded one after another, and everyone present was shocked.

Even Gao Li had an excited look on his face at the moment, obviously, he was completely attracted by Tianxuan Shentie.

"Sky Profound Iron, what exactly is it?"

However, there were also some people who didn't know what Tianxuan Shentie was at all, and they looked blank.

"You don't even know Tianxuan Shentie? Your knowledge is too humble, right?"

A martial artist of the ninth level of the Shenfu couldn't help laughing.

"Sky Profound Iron, that is the magical material for casting weapons and magic weapons. Any weapon, as long as a trace of Sky Profound Iron is added, it will immediately undergo a qualitative transformation. It will evolve from an ordinary soldier to a magical weapon, invincible!"

"Tianxuan Divine Iron can be used to forge the treasure of the Taoist platform. Think about it for yourself, how precious this thing is!"

"A small piece of Tianxuan Divine Iron is worth ten thousand gold!"


Everyone answered in one go, making the eyes of the bewildered person brighten up, and the eyes were full of greed.

A warrior's strength, part of it, comes from weapons and magic weapons. Possessing a powerful weapon and magic weapon can definitely double the strength of a warrior!

In the same realm, with the same strength, one is unarmed, and the other has a magic weapon, and the person who has a magic weapon can instantly kill the unarmed person in seconds!
Moreover, the higher the level of the weapon magic weapon, the greater the improvement in the strength of the warrior.

The role of the Profound Sky Iron can be manifested here.

Seeing below, everyone looked enthusiastic, and Sister Hong raised the corners of her mouth, and her smile became more intense.

The more this is the case, the higher the enthusiasm of everyone competing for the Tianxuan Shentie, the higher the auction price of the Tianxuan Shentie will be!
"I think everyone understands the function and value of the Profound Sky Iron, right? Now, let me show you this piece of Profound Sky Iron."

Sister Hong looked proud, and ordered someone to bring up the Tianxuan Shentie.

Soon, the Profound Sky Iron appeared in front of everyone. The piece of Profound Sky Iron was as thick as the mouth of a bowl and weighed more than ten thousand jun. It was lifted up.

"Such a large piece of Profound Sky Iron?"

"Is it enough to refine a complete weapon?"

When they saw the Profound Sky Iron actually appearing in front of their eyes, everyone present gasped. The value of such a large piece of Profound Sky Iron was unimaginable!
But one thing is certain, even though all the people present are of extraordinary background, [-]% of them are unable to participate in the auction at all, because the price is too expensive and beyond their ability to bear.

"However, it is impossible for such a large piece of Profound Sky Iron to be used to forge a weapon. After all, the Profound Sky Iron is too heavy. Such a large piece of Profound Sky Iron is heavier than a towering mountain. Much heavier!"

"If all of it is used to forge a complete weapon, even if it is forged, who can wield it?"

Someone said shaking his head.

"Of course it can't be used to forge a weapon. Who would be so extravagant to use such precious divine iron to forge a weapon? It will be punished by heaven!"

Someone else spoke.

At this moment, everyone understood that if they wanted to eat this piece of Tianxuan Divine Iron, only those with extremely rich wealth could do it.

"It turned out to be Tianxuan Shentie!"

Li Changkong's eyes were blazing, and there was a sparkle in his eyes!
His Dragon Slaying Sword is just a blank, it has not been casted yet, but the material on this blank is so extraordinary that even he can't guess it at all.

He has always wanted to recast the Dragon Killing Sword, and finished casting the Dragon Killing Sword, but he suffered from not having enough good materials.

And now, Tianxuan Shentie appeared!

This is definitely the most suitable material for casting Dragon Killing Sword, bar none!


He let out a long breath, he knew very well in his heart that this piece of Tianxuan Divine Iron would definitely attract looting, and without enough solid financial resources, it would be impossible to take it down.

And the wealth on his body seems to be a lot, but it is still a little daunting to take this piece of Tianxuan Divine Iron.

"No matter what, I will definitely get this piece of Profound Sky Iron!"

Li Changkong's eyes were extremely firm. Once he missed this kind of divine iron, he would regret it too late.

"The starting price for this piece of Tianxuan Divine Iron is 500 million catties of spiritual liquid. Every time the price increases, it must not be less than 50 thousand catties of spiritual liquid!"

The next moment, Sister Hong's voice came again, causing an astonishing commotion!
(End of this chapter)

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