Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 393 Threats

Chapter 393 Threats (Third)

The starting price is 500 million catties of spiritual liquid, and each price increase must not be less than 50 thousand catties of spiritual liquid!

The starting price alone is enough to make [-]% of the people present daunting. Although they are extremely eager to get the Tianxuan Divine Iron, they simply cannot afford such a high price.

"Oh my god, this price is outrageous!"

Someone was heartbroken, looking at the Tianxuan Shentie in the center of the venue, and beat his chest repeatedly.

"Damn it, I have a lot of wealth, even my entire family, but I can't get 2000 million catties of spiritual liquid, how can I grab it!"

"Although Tianxuan Shentie is good, but now, I can only give up!"

The disciples of the aristocratic families shook their heads and sighed, their faces full of regret.

"I will give out 600 million catties of spiritual liquid!"

But when they were complaining, Gao Li was the first to speak out, aggressively, as if he was determined to win the Tianxuan Shentie!
In fact, even for him, the price is too outrageous.

After all, he was unprepared this time, and the spirit liquid and spirit stones he carried were just his daily accumulation.

If he had known that there was Tianxuan Divine Iron for sale, he would definitely have told his father, not to mention tens of millions of catties of spiritual liquid, even one or two hundred million catties of spiritual liquid would not be a problem.

He only has more than 3000 million catties of spiritual liquid on him, and he shot many things before, and even spent 400 million catties of spiritual liquid to take pictures of the useless ghost king cauldron. Now, he only has 3000 million catties of spiritual liquid on him .

Now, he still can only take the lead, hoping to use his aura to overwhelm others and make them dare not raise the price. In this way, he can also successfully win the Tianxuan Shentie.

"700 million catties of spiritual liquid!"

But obviously, this didn't have any effect. Just after Gao Li's voice fell, someone made another bid immediately.

The bidder was not from Qianshang Island, but a direct disciple of a big family from the other 32 islands, and his financial resources were also extremely strong.

"750 million catties of spiritual liquid!"

"800 million catties of spiritual liquid!"

"850 million catties of spiritual liquid!"


The sound of bids rang out one after another, and soon, the price of the Tianxuan Divine Iron reached an astonishing level of 2000 million catties of spiritual liquid.

At this moment, in the auction venue, many people were shocked in their hearts. They only felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling. This price was too terrifying, reaching an unbelievable level.

This amazing liquid is enough to buy several medium-sized islands!

And the smile on Sister Hong's face became stronger and stronger, and the higher the price, the better it would be for the Bafang Chamber of Commerce.

After all, although they discovered the Profound Sky Iron by accident, they obtained it only after spending countless painstaking efforts and sacrificing a lot of strong men.

Gao Li's face was slightly pale, and he looked a little ugly. This price was getting closer and closer to the upper limit of what he could bid.

"Little uncle, don't you really want to get this Tianxuan Shentie? Why don't you bid?"

Beside Li Changkong, Yue Linger couldn't help asking.

It was really hard for her to understand, now that the competition for the Profound Sky Iron is almost fierce, but it seems that the little uncle is still indifferent, it seems that he is unmoved.

"Don't worry, the more you get to this time, the more you have to hold your breath, otherwise, how can you have the last laugh?"

Li Changkong spoke softly, with a faint smile on his face.

"Twenty-nine million catties of spiritual liquid!"

The price of Tianxuan Divine Iron has reached the astonishing level of 300 million catties of spiritual liquid, which has attracted many exclamations.

On the side, Gao Li gritted his teeth and said directly, "Twenty-six million catties of spiritual liquid!"

All of a sudden, the price was increased by as much as 300 million catties of spiritual liquid!
When the voice fell, there was an uproar.

"As expected of the young island master, with strong financial resources, it is estimated that this time, the Tianxuan Shentie will fall into the hands of the young island master!"

"Yeah, here, who can beat the young island master!"


Voices sounded one after another. In the eyes of many people, the most likely person who can get the Tianxuan Shentie this time is the young island master Gao Li.

At this moment, Gao Li stood up, with a stern expression on his face, he glanced around, and said coldly: "I am Gao Li, the young master of Qianshang Island. Tie, I am determined to win it, I hope all my friends, you can sell me Gao Li and give me this Tianxuan Shentie."

"If you sell me this face, in the future, I will be rewarded handsomely!"

"However, if you fight against me, Gao Li, then I, Gao Li, will also be remembered in your heart. You have to weigh yourself, whether you have the qualifications to fight against me, Gao Li!"

The voice sounded, and suddenly, the entire auction venue was silent.

Tianxuan Divine Iron is very precious, once obtained, it can be refined into a weapon, which can greatly increase one's own strength!

But the premise is that you have to be alive and have the life to use this weapon.

With Gao Li's status and status, there were really not many people present who dared to truly offend this young island owner.

Even the disciple from the other 32 island clans couldn't help but frown at the moment. It's not worth offending the young island master for the sake of Tianxuan Shentie!

Although, the people present were all secretly slandering in their hearts, Gao Li's approach was too domineering, it was a naked threat!
But at this moment, there is still no one around.

Facing Gao Li's power, after all, they were afraid and did not dare to offend Gao Li.

In the middle of the venue, Sister Hong frowned, looking displeased. This kind of practice is absolutely forbidden, otherwise, if everyone follows suit, then their Bafang Chamber of Commerce may go bankrupt.

But at this moment, the other party is, after all, the young master of Qianshang Island!
Her sister Hong, as a member of the Eight Directions Chamber of Commerce, did not want to really offend the young island owner after all.

She shook her head and was about to speak, but at this moment, a lazy voice came again: "I give out 700 million catties of spiritual liquid!"

When the voice fell, there was an uproar!
Just now, the young island owner, Gao Li, said so sternly, now, there are still people who dare to bid?
This is clear, don't be afraid to offend the young island master Gao Li!
Who is this person?Even the young island master, Gao Li, is not afraid?

Swish swish!
All of a sudden, eyes followed the sound, and all eyes fell on Li Changkong.

The one who made the sound was naturally Li Changkong!

"It's him!"

"That kid who offended the Young Island Master earlier!"

"How could it be him? Isn't he afraid of death?"

"Is this deliberately making things difficult for the young island master? Can he produce 700 million catties of spiritual liquid?"

One after another voices continued to come, and the entire auction venue was in chaos.

But at this moment, Gao Li's face changed drastically. He had just threatened him, but now he dared to bid. This was to embarrass him in front of everyone!

This kid definitely did it on purpose!

"Boy, you are courting death!"

Gao Li shouted loudly, a powerful aura exuded from his body!
(End of this chapter)

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